Marshall Elementary Technology

What's happening this week in Elementary Technology!

Week #10

on October 26, 2021

1) Keyboard Zoo
2) Halloween Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

1)Word—Type  Halloween WordsTeach Style and Size tools, teach B, I, U
2) Play Halloween Games
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Doc.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.

2nd Grade
1) Doc–Favorite Animal Paragraph and review how to Decorate (Style and Size)
2) Halloween Games
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.

3rd  /4th

  • Google Slides–DONE TODAY
  • Halloween Games
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.

5th Grade

  1.  Blogging
  2. Google Earth
    I understand what a blog is and can post onto my class blog.
    I can use Google Earth to Explore the world.

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