Marshall Elementary Technology

What's happening this week in Elementary Technology!

Week #19–No Monday

1) Do Games in the Green Box–Alphabet Match and Another Matching
2) RAZ Kids—Show how to get on
3) Work on Typing Agent

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Review File Menu (Funky Window)
2) Type and Decorate Sentences (assess this)
3) RAZ Kids
4) Work on Typing Agent–Review Cliff Hanger and Show Mine Type
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • RAZ kids for 10
  • Type a story using the prompt: If I were the teacher…. (25 minutes)
  • Free Time
    I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.

1)  Work on Outlines
3) RAZ Kids
4) Typing Agent
I can use common websites to gain information.

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2) Work on Outlines
3) Start Google Maps–Pretest first (probably not)
I can type an Outline and add a picture.
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps.

5th grade
1) Video: Terrible Text and Miketosis
2) Talk about Research Project
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can work collaboratively with a group to identify a problem in the world today and do research on that topic.

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