Marshall Elementary Technology

What's happening this week in Elementary Technology!

Week #25

1) Internet: Bug Sorter,& Counting Fish
2) Typing Agent
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Review Care of Computers/Take Test
3) Type some Love Words
I can take care of my computer.
I can type Valentine words and decorate using Google Docs.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-5 min
2) Finish If I were a teacher
3) Start Cut and Paste — Activity and Checkpoint 
I can use my reading and writing skills in Google Docs.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Google Docs.

3rd  Grade
 1) Kahoot: Webendings/Take Test
2) Common Website Activity–Weather Channel–> Finish
3) Start Google Maps
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two points.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Google Sheets
3) Talk about Webendings and Relevant Websites
4) Watch State Farm Ad
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two points.
I can use relevant websites to do research.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Start Research Project—Researching Founding Person/Famous African American.
    I can work with a group to research a founding father.
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Week #24-Valentine’s Day Week

1) Internet: Fuzz Bugs and Valentine’s Games
2) Typing Agent
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Talk about Care of the Computers
3) Take Internet Safety Checkpoint
4) Make a Valentine
I can take care of my computer.
I can use my reading and writing skills in Google Doc.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Make a Valentine
3) Review Internet Safety Checkpoint
I can cut and paste using my mouse a Google Doc.

3rd  Grade
1) Talk about Webendings
2) Common Website Activity–Weather Channel
3) Internet Safety Checkpoint
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2)  Google Sheets
I can use G. Sheets to find the Sum, Make a graph, and understand the Use of it.
I can use relevant websites to do research.
I can use the Internet to do research.

 5th grade
1. Internet Safety Checkpoint
2. Start talking about Research Project
3. Typing Agent
4. Valentine Free Time/Coding Games
I can use the Internet Safely.
I can use Google Forms to show what I know.

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Week #23

1) Internet: Finish Blue Box
2) Typing Agent
3)   Finish Online Safety Video: Router’s Birthday Surprise
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Talk about Care of the Computers
3) Review Internet Safety and Take Internet Safety Checkpoint
I can take care of my computer.
I can use my reading and writing skills in Google Doc.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Work on If I were a teacher….coming soon Cutting and Pasting
3) Review Internet Safety Kahoot
I can cut and paste using my mouse a Google Doc.

3rd  Grade
1) Talk about Webendings
2) Common Website Activity– ESPN, Advisor-Chronicle, and Weather Channel
3) Kahoot on Internet Safety

I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Introduce Google Sheets
3) Review Internet Safety Kahoot–Take Test???
I can use Google Sheets to find the Sum, Make a graph, and understand the Use of it.
I can use relevant websites to do research.
I can use the Internet to do research.

 5th grade

  • Kahoot: Internet Safety/Copyright
  • Video: Tynker   and Copyright
  • Internet Safety Checkpoint next week
  • Start talking about Research Project
    I can use the Internet Safely.
    I can use Google Forms to show what I know.
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Week #21/22 Due to Snow Days

1) Do Games in the Green Box and then Show Shapes/Color Bingo 
2) Typing Agent
3) Internet Safety: Router’s Birthday Surprise (1/2)
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1)  Type and Decorate Sentences
2) Play Keyboard Climber 2 or Keyboard Zoo 2
2) Finish Internet Safety Harrington only: Router’s Birthday Surprise
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Internet Safety-Long Video
  • Type a story using the prompt: If I were the teacher….
    I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.

1)  Typing Agent
2) Faux Paux and the First Lady Video
3) Start talking about Common Websites…
I can use common websites to gain information.
I can use the Internet Safely.

4th  grade
1) Internet Safety- Recorded Videos
2) Introduce Google Sheets
I can find the Sum and Make a graph using Google Sheets.
I can be safe online.

5th grade
1)Internet Safety Videos: Survivor Diaries and Friend or fake  
2) Coding Games/Google Search



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Week #20

1) Do Games in the Green Box–Paint the letter and ABC BUBBLE
2) Typing Agent
3) Internet Safety: Pop-up Video
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1)   Decorate Sentences
2) Start Internet Safety: Router’s Birthday Surprise
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • Decorate Winter Break and do formatting.
  • Watch Faux Paux the Technocat
  • I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.

1)  Typing Agent
2) Internet Safety-Recorded Video
I can use common websites to gain information.
I can use the Internet Safely.

4th  grade
1) Finish Internet Search
2) Faux Paux and the Dangerous Download
I can be safe online.

5th grade
1) Internet Safety: 2) Video: AI SafetyTerrible Text and Profile Penalty
2) Work on Google Search
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.


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Week #19 Welcome Back!

1) Try out Typing Agent
2) Green Box Games–ABC Order , ABC Match and Paint the Letter
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Winter Words and Sentences
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Winter Break Memory ????
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I can type using the correct typing position

1)  Typing Agent
2) Thank You Note

I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I can type using the correct typing position

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Search Review
3) Google Sheets
I can use Google Sheets to find the sum, average, and make a graph.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Search
3) Internet Safety Videos????

I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can use Google to find some answers.

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Week #18 Last Tech of 2024!

Happy Holidays and Have a Great Break!

1) Make a Christmas tree and make a Gingerbread House
2) Internet: Christmas Games
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade/ 2nd Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.

 3rd – 5th 

1) Finish Projects–4th Grade Outlines
2) Typing Agent
3) Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.
I can make an outline using Google Documents.

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Week #17–Hour of Code Week!

HoHour of Codeur of Code week!

1) ABC Practice Games: ABC Order and Alphabet Match
2) Internet: Kodable and  Gingerbread House
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1)Finish List
2) Typing Games Keyboard Climber
3) Holiday Card
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Doc.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Doc.

2nd Grade
1) Finish List
2) Typing Agent
3) Code the Grinch

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Outline
3) Coding Games
I am using the correct typing position.
I can use Google Docs.

1)  Typing Agent
2) Finish Outline
3)  Coding Games

I can type using the correct typing position.
I can understand how to code.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Sheets Checkpoint
3) Coding Games
I can use the correct posture to type.
I can use Google Sheets. 

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Week #16

1) Play Games Keyboard Zoo , Alphabet Goop, Cup Stack Typing and Alphabet Slider Puzzles
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Cupstack Typing
2) Holiday Words
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Docs.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Docs.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent
Make a Christmas List 
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in a Google Document.
I can add a picture and make a list

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Outlines

  • I can type using the correct position.
    I can make search using Google and speak Google Language

1)  Typing Agent
2)   Outline–4th Grade

I can make an outline using Google Docs.

5th grade
1) Blogging
2) Google Sheets–Review again
I can use Google Sheets.

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Week #14/15

) Keyboard Zoo check out  Alphabet Goop   and add ABC Matching Game
2) End with a Turkey Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet

 1st Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Type Thanksgiving Words and decorate
  3. Play a Thanksgiving Games
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in a Google Doc.
    I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Doc.

 2nd Grade

1) Google Doc: Finish Favorite Animals
2) Add picture
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I can add a picture to my Google Document.


  • Season Outline
  • Typing Agent
    I can make an outline in a Google Document
    I can use google to search up a question.


  1. Work on 4th Grade Outline
    2) Typing Agent
    I can make an outline in a Google Document

5th grade

  • Let’s Blog!
  • Google Sheets–sort/work on own Sheet
    I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
    I can use Google Sheets.
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Week #13

1) Keyboard Zoo check out  Alphabet Goop   and add ABC Matching Game
2) End with a Turkey Game
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet

 1st Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Type Thanksgiving Words and decorate
  3. Play a Thanksgiving Game
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in a Google Doc.
    I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Doc.

 2nd Grade

1) Google Doc: Finish Favorite Animals
2) Add picture
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I can add a picture to my Google Document.


  • Season Outline
  • Typing Agent
  • Finish Google Search Sheet
    I can make an outline in a Google Document
    I can use google to search up a question.


  1. Work on 4th Grade Outline
    2) Typing Agent
    I can make an outline in a Google Document

5th grade

  • Let’s Blog!
  • Google Sheets–sort/work on own Sheet
    I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
    I can use Google Sheets.
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Week #12

1)Learn how to get on my website
2) Play Keyboard Zoo 

I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1)  Keyboard Zoo 2
2) Doc: Finish ABC’s with Capital’s/lowercase–turkey Words
3) Typing Agent: River Run
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in a Google Doc

2nd Grade

  •  My Favorite Animal
  • Typing Agent—For 10 minutes
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Google Slides-Work day DONE TODAY
  • Start Outlining
  • Third Grade– Finish Google Searching
    I can use Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

  • Let’s Blog–10 min
  • Start Google Sheets
    I can use a blog.
    I can use Google Sheets
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Week #11

1) Halloween Games–Costume Dress up, Carving a Pumpkin, Make a pumpkin, and Pumpkin Book
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Free time Halloween Games
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Doc.
I can change the font Style and Size in Google Doc

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Ghost Typing and Halloween Games
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the font (style, color, and size) in Google Doc.
I can use the tab key to make a correct paragraph. 

1)Typing Agent for 10 minutes
2) Google Slides—DUE TODAY
3) Halloween Free time if presentation is done
I can make a background in Google Slides.

1) Typing Agent
2) My Favorite Things Checklist/Finish Slides–DUE TODAY
3) Halloween Free Time
I can make put Slide Transitions and Animations into my Slides presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Blogging
  • Halloween Freetime
    I can type using the correct position.
    I can Blog.
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Week #10

1) How do we get to ABCya by ourselves
2) Halloween Games-Carving a Pumpkin
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Google Doc: Type Letters–> Capital and Lowercase and Spooky Words
2) Free time Halloween Games
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Doc.
I can change the font Style and Size in Google Doc

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent-Franken
2) Spooky Words
3) Ghost Typing
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the font (style, color, and size) in Google Doc.
I can use the tab key to make a correct paragraph. 

1)Checkpoint on Input/Output Devices
2) Google Slides
3) Fall Google Search???
I can make a background in Google Slides.

1) Typing Agent–Franken
2) My Favorite Things Checklist/Finish Slides
I can make put Slide Transitions and Animations into my Slides presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent–Franken
  • Blogging
  • Fall Google Search
    I can type using the correct position.
    I can Blog.
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Week #9

1) Make a pumpkin
2) Play all ABCya games
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Learn New Game on Typing Agent
2) Halloween words in a Google Doc.
I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in a Google Doc.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent–Franken
2) Work on Spooky Sentences
3) Ghost Typing Game
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

1.Typing Agent
2. Google Slides—work day should be done next week
3. Kahoot on Input/Output Devices
I can make a background in Google Slides.
I can type using the correct Typing Position


1) Google Slides-
2) Typing Agent
3) Kahoot on Input/Output Devices
I can make put Transitions and Animations into my Presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Make an Avatar
  • Blogging
  • Start making a Sign

I can use the proper techniques to Type.
I can blog.?

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Week #8

1) Review parts of the computers/ Checkpoint
2)Abcya —Make a Pizza, Make a Cake

I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Typing Agent–> Cliff Type/Jet Pack
  • Keyboard Zoo 2
  • Type some words
  • I recognize a lower and uppercase letter.
    I can type words using Google Docs.

2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent: Show Mine Type
  • Google Doc: Fall Words
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Input/Output Sorting
  • Slides–Review changing font, adding pictures teach Add Background–Due Today
    I can add slides, change my font and add pictures in my Slides presentation.


  1. Go Over Google Slides Checklist
  2. Google Slides–Show how to do Transitions/Animations
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) What’s a Blog?
3) Internet Search
I can use autoshapes and add a real picture into my Google Slides Time Timeline.
I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

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Week #7

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Introduce  ABCya- Cake, Face and Pizza
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Google Doc: Type Name
  • Typing Agent
  • Parts of the Computer Test
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.

2nd Grade

  • Play Cup Stack Typing
  • Typing Agent
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

3rd /4th

  • Work on Presentations–3rd–Backgrounds and 4th Animations
  • Teach input/output Devices
  • I understand the importance of taking care of my computer.
    I can use Google Slides to show an idea.

5th grade

  • Finish Timelines
  • Typing Agent
  • I can use Slides to make a timeline.
    I can add a real picture into presentation.
    I can use a Digital Camera to take a picture.
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Week #6

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Play ABCya–Make a Face , Make a Cupcake, and Make a Pizza
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Typing Rocket Game
  • Google Doc: Type Name
  • Free Time: 1st grade website or Typing Agent

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I type capital letters.
I know the parts of the computer.

2nd Grade

  •  Typing Agent
  • Review How to Shut Down
  • Free time: Typing Rocket???

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can name the parts of the Computer.


  • Kahoot on Saving Things
  • Finish Typing up Google Slides–Show Backgrounds??
    I can explain how to Save Something.
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.


  • Checkpoint on Saving Things/
  • Finish Typing up Google Slides
    I can explain how to Save Something.
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th Grade

1) Look at Pictures
2) Finish Summer Timelines
I can use auto shapes to make a timeline in Google Slides.
I can use a digital camera.

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Week #5

 1) Review parts of the computers
2)  Log in to Computers
3) ABCya– Make a Face  Make a Cupcake???
I can use the touchpad
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Computer Parts
  • Keyboard Zoo 2
  • Typing Agent Game–Cliff Type
    I can use the keyboard buttons.
    I can recognize letters on the keyboard.

 2nd Grade

  • Review Home Row/Proper Typing position
  • Checkpoint–Computer Parts
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Review Saving Things
  • Typing Agent or RAZ Kids
  • Type in Google Slides
    I can log into Google.


    • Review how to shut-down/Log-in and how to Save Things
    • Typing Agent
    • Favorite Things Google Slides
      I can log into Google and use Google Slides.
      I can use the Internet to safely research and answer.

5th Grade

  • Typing Agent/RAZ kids
  • Work on Summer Timelines (June 5, August 20)
  • Start Talking about how to take Photographs
    I can use Auto shapes in Google Slides to make a timeline.
    I can log into Typing Agent
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Week #4

 1) Review parts of the computers
2)  Log in to Computers
3) ABCya– Make a Face
I can use the touchpad
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Computer Parts
  • Typing Agent
  • Type Words into Google Doc.
    I can use the keyboard buttons.
    I can recognize letters on the keyboard.

 2nd Grade

  • Review Home Row/Proper Typing position
  • Kahoot Computer Parts
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Kahoot on Saving Things
  • Typing Agent or RAZ Kids
  • Start Google Slides
    I can log into Google.


    • Kahoot on How to Save things
    • Typing Agent
    • Favorite Things Google Slides
      I can log into Google and use Google Slides.
      I can use the Internet to safely research and answer.

5th Grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Summer Timelines (June 5 , August 20)
  • Start Talking about how to take Photographs
    I can use Auto shapes in Microsoft Slides to make a timeline.
    I can log into Typing Agent
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Week #2


  • Talk about Computer Parts
  • Play Make a Backpack
  • Bookmark ETECH, Classroom and anything else
    I can use a mouse.

1st Grade

* Review Computer Parts
* Review Typing Agent
I can name the Computer Parts.

2nd Grade

  • Quick review of the parts of the computer
  • Introduce Google Classroom/Bookmark websites
  • Reintroduce Typing Agent
    I can recognize and use the home row.
    I can use proper typing position.
    I can name the Computer Parts.

3rd– 5th

  • Quick Review Rules and How to use Cards
  • Review/Intro Google Classroom
  • Typing Agent/RAZ kids
  • 5th Grade Only: 3 things you did this summer
    I can use proper typing position
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Welcome Back 24-25: Week 1

  1. Let’s Take a picture 🙂
  2. Know who I am / Reminder of Logging into the computer using QR Codes
  3. Summer Fun  
  4. Talk about our Computers and How to be Safe
  5.  Go Noodle–Trolls, Freeze, Jellyfish Song or Roar
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Week 37/38

1) Typing Agent
2) Games? or RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Finish Sentences/Make a Word Cloud
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1)Typing Agent
2)  Google Slides–Finish Decorating
3) Raz kids maybe free time
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Research Project
3) Write a Paragraph- (If done  you will get freetime)
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

4th grade

1) Work on Brochure
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1)  Coding Games/ Robots
I can use Code to program a robot.  

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Week #37

1) Typing Agent/Finish Up Google Docs
2) Games? or RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Fun in the Sun
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1)Typing Agent
2)  Google Slides
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Research Project
3) Write a Paragraph- (If done  you will get freetime)
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

4th grade

1) Work on Brochure
2) Last Day for Penpals
3) Checkpoint email terms
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1)  Coding Games/ Robots
2) Last Checkpoint
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.
I can use Code to program a robot.  

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Week #36

1)Type Name and use Backspace and finish ABC’s
2) Typing Agent
3) Games? or RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Finish Animal Research Project or Choose your own adventure
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1)Typing Agent
2) Google Slides
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Research Project and/or
3) Write a Paragraph
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

4th grade

1) Penpals (make an attachment)
2) Kahoot–email terms
2) State Research Project
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Kahoot on Coding Terms
2) Change Passwords-Video
3) Coding Games/Robots
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.
I can use Code to program a robot.  

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Week #34/35

1) Continue on Google Doc–Review Enter/Space/Shift—> Type ABC’s
2) Typing Agent
3) Free time on RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Work on Animal Research Project
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) President Research Page
3) Raz Kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1)  Research Project/Start Paragraph
2) Typing Agent
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

4th grade

1) Work on State Research
2) Write Email to penpal-
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project/Slide Show (SHOULD BE  DONE)
3)  Robots!!!!!/ Scratch
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.
I can use Code to program a robot.  

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Week #33

1) Continue on Google Doc–Review Enter/Space/Shift—> Type A-G
2)  Typing Agent
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Animal Research Project
2) Typing Agent New Game
  RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) President Research Page
3) Raz Kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Work on Olympic Research Project
I can use the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Work on State Research
2) Talk about Email Terms/Write Email
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project/Slide Show
3) Robotics?
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.

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Week #32

1) Continue on Google Doc–Review Enter/Space Bar–Teach Backspace and Shift
2)  Typing Agent
3) Internet- Play Games and play RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
            1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Talk about Information Websites–Dictionary
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) Start President Project
3) Raz Kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Maps-FINISH
3) Talk about Research Project–Start
4) Checkpoint –Common Websites
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps
I can use the Internet to do Research.

4th grade

1) Start State Research
2) Talk about Email Penpals (Start next week)
4) Reteach Relevant Websites
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project
3) Coding Videos   Intro and Think like a Computer
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.

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Week 31

1) Google Doc–Introduce Google Docs
2) Start Typing Agent
3) Keyboard Zoo: Warm Up
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
  1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Talk about Information Websites-
3)   Type Sentences
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) Finish talking about Research Websites–Wikipedia Etc.
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Kahoot on Common Websites
2) Google Maps
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Google Maps
3) Talk about Email Penpals
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project–Should be close to done
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.

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Week # 29

1) Finish Yellow Box–Adventure Man
2) Typing Agent and RAZ KIDS
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2)  Work through Research Websites
3) RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—10 minutes- Remind how to Type
  • Introduce Google Searching
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet.
    I can move cut and paste objects and words.


  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Google Maps/Checkpoint
    I can type correctly using the home row.

4th  grade

  • What Makes a website credible? Video
  • Pick a State for Research
  • Typing Agent
  • Google Maps

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Research Founding Father Figure/Work on Presentation (Goal to do be done by Spring Break)
  • Typing Agent
    I can research a founding father and make a Google Slide presentation about them. 
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Week #27/28

1) Games in Yellow Box: Shape Sorter,  Birthday Cake Counting 
and Number Match
2) Introduce Typing Agent
3) Internet–Play Games in the Green Box, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online,
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent–Add Asteroids Game
2) Raz Kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Cutting and Pasting Practice/Checkpoint
  • RAZ Kids
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Google Maps
  • Typing Agent

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can find the difference between two places

4th  grade

  • Relevant Websites–Webster’s Gecko Goof and Ad for Walters/Gordon
  • Google Maps

I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between 2 points.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Work on Research Project
  • Typing Agent
    I can research a founding father or Famous African American
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Week #24/25

1) Internet: Bug Sorter, Counting Fish, Marble Math and Valentine’s Games
2) RAZ Kids/Typing Agent
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Review Care of Computers/Take Test
3) Type some Love Words
I can take care of my computer.
I can type Valentine words and decorate using Google Docs.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Cut and Paste — Activity and Checkpoint 
I can use my reading and writing skills in Google Docs.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Google Docs.

3rd  Grade
 1) Kahoot: Webendings/Take Test
2) Common Website Activity–Weather Channel–> Finish
3) Start Google Maps
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two points.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent/Finish Google Sheets
2) Talk about Webendings and Relevant Websites
3) Watch State Farm Ad
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two points.
I can use relevant websites to do research.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Start Research Project—Researching Founding Person/Famous African American.
    I can work with a group to research a founding father.
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Week #23

1) Internet: Finish Blue Box
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Talk about Care of the Computers
3) Take Internet Safety Checkpoint
4) RAZ kids
I can take care of my computer.
I can use my reading and writing skills in Google Doc.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Start talking about Cutting and Pasting
3) Review Internet Safety Kahoot and take Checkpoint
I can cut and paste using my mouse a Google Doc.

3rd  Grade
1) Talk about Webendings
2) Common Website Activity–Weather Channel
3) RAZ Kids
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Review Google Sheets
3) Pretest Relevant Websites
I can use Google Sheets to find the Sum, Make a graph, and understand the Use of it.
I can use relevant websites to do research.
I can use the Internet to do research.

 5th grade

  • Kahoot: Internet Safety
  • Internet Safety Checkpoint
  • Start talking about Research Project
    I can use the Internet Safely.
    I can use Google Forms to show what I know.
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Week #22

1) Internet Safety
2) Internet: Yellow Box: Bingo
3)   Typing Agent/RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Keyboard Climber 2
2) Part 2 Internet Safety
I can take care of my computer.
I can use the Internet Safely.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Finish if I were a Teacher
3) Internet Safety-Long Video
I can use my reading and writing skills in Google Docs.

3rd  Grade
1) Typing Agent- 10 minutes
2) Review Internet Safety
3) Start talking about Common Websites
4) Internet Safety Checkpoint?????
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Faux Paux and the First Lady Video
2) Work on Google Sheets —
3) Review and give Internet Safety Checkpoint
I can make an graph, find the sum, and use Google Sheets.
I can use the Internet safely.

 5th grade

1)Internet Safety Videos: Survivor Diaries and Friend or fake  
2) Coding Games/Google Search

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Week #20/21 Due to the Cold

1) Do Games in the Green Box–ABC BUBBLE
2) Typing Agent
3) Internet Safety: Pop-up Video
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1)  Type and Decorate Sentences
2) Start Internet Safety: Router’s Birthday Surprise
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • RAZ kids for 10
  • Faux Paux Video
  • Type a story using the prompt: If I were the teacher….
    I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.

1)  Typing Agent
2) Internet Safety-Recorded Video   also Faux Paux and the Dangerous Download
I can use common websites to gain information.
I can use the Internet Safely.

4th  grade
1) Internet Safety- Recorded Videos
2) Google Sheets
I can find the Sum and Make a graph using Google Sheets.
I can be safe online.

5th grade
1) Internet Safety: 2) Video: Terrible Text and Miketosis
Who you are talking to onlineProfile Penalty   (next week)
2) Work on Google Search
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.


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Week #19 Welcome Back!

1) Try out Typing Agent
2) Green Box Games–Hit the Letter and Paint the Letter
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Winter Words and Sentences
3) Review RAZ kids
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Review RAZ kids
3) Winter Break Memory ????
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I can type using the correct typing position

1)  Typing Agent
2) RAZ kids
3) Thank You Note

I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I can type using the correct typing position

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2) Google Sheets
I can use Google Sheets to find the sum, average, and make a graph.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Search
3) Internet Safety Videos????

I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can use Google to find some answers.

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Week #18: Last Tech of 2023

Happy Holidays and Have a Great Break!

1) Make a Christmas tree and make a Gingerbread House
2) Internet: Christmas Games
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade/ 2nd Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.

 3rd – 5th 

1) Finish Projects–4th Grade Outlines
2) Typing Agent
3) Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.
I can make an outline using Google Documents.

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Week #17


1) ABC Games
2) Internet: Kodable
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Decorate Words
2) Coding Games-Candy Quest
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Doc.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Doc.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent
2) coding Games-Grinch Game

1) Finish Outlines
2) Coding Games

  • I can type using the correct position.

1) Finish Outlines
2) Coding Games

I can type using the correct typing position.
I can understand how to code.

5th grade
1) Finish Sheets Checkpoint/Reteach Sorting
2) Coding Games
I can use the correct posture to type.
I can code using computer language.

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Week #16

1) ABC Practice Games: ABC Order and Alphabet Match
2) Internet: Gingerbread House
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1)Finish List
2) Typing Games Keyboard Climber
3) Holiday Card
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Doc.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Doc.

2nd Grade
1) Finish List
2) Typing Agent
3) Code the Grinch

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Outline
I am using the correct typing position.
I can use Google Docs.

1)  Typing Agent
2) Finish Outline
3)  Coding Games

I can type using the correct typing position.
I can understand how to code.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Sheets Checkpoint
I can use the correct posture to type.
I can use Google Sheets. 

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Week #15

1) Play Games Keyboard Zoo , Alphabet Goop, Cup Stack Typing and Alphabet Slider Puzzles
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Cupstack Typing
2) Holiday Words
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Docs.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Docs.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent
Make a Christmas List 
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in a Google Document.
I can add a picture and make a list

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Outlines

  • I can type using the correct position.
    I can make search using Google and speak Google Language

1)  Typing Agent
2)   Outline–4th Grade

I can make an outline using Google Docs.

5th grade
1) Blogging
2) Google Sheets–Review again
I can use Google Sheets.

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Week #13

1) Keyboard Zoo check out  Alphabet Goop  
2) Turkey Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet

 1st Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Type Thanksgiving Words and decorate
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in a Google Doc.
    I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Doc.

 2nd Grade

1) Google Doc: Thanksgiving Words and Sentences…or Finish Animals
2) Also talk about the File and Insert Menu
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I can add a picture to my Google Document.


  • Season Outline
  • Typing Agent
    I can make an outline in a Google Document
    I can use google to search up a question.


  1. Work on 4th Grade Outline
    2) Typing Agent
    I can make an outline in a Google Document

5th grade

  • Let’s Blog!
  • Google Sheets–sort
    I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
    I can use Google Sheets.
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Week #12

1)Learn how to get on my website
2) Play Keyboard Zoo 

I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1)  Keyboard Zoo 2
2) Doc: Finish ABC’s with Capital’s/lowercase–turkey Words
3) Typing Agent: River Run
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in a Google Doc

2nd Grade

  •  My Favorite Animal
  • Typing Agent—For 10 minutes
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Google Slides-Work day DONE TODAY
  • Start Outlining
    I can use Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

  • Let’s Blog–10 min
  • Start Google Sheets
    I can use a blog.
    I can use Google Sheets
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Week #11

1) Halloween Games–Costume Dress up, Carving a Pumpkin, Make a pumpkin, and Pumpkin Book
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Free time Halloween Games
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Doc.
I can change the font Style and Size in Google Doc

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Ghost Typing and Halloween Games
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the font (style, color, and size) in Google Doc.
I can use the tab key to make a correct paragraph. 

1)Typing Agent for 10 minutes
2) Google Slides—DUE TODAY
3) Halloween Free time
I can make a background in Google Slides.

1) Typing Agent
2) My Favorite Things Checklist/Finish Slides–DUE TODAY
3) Halloween Free Time
I can make put Slide Transitions and Animations into my Slides presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Blogging
  • Halloween Freetime
    I can type using the correct position.
    I can Blog.
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Week #10

1) How do we get to ABCya by ourselves
2) Halloween Games
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Google Doc: Type Letters–> Capital and Lowercase and Spooky Words
2) Free time Halloween Games
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Doc.
I can change the font Style and Size in Google Doc

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent-Franken
2) Spooky Words
3) Ghost Typing
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the font (style, color, and size) in Google Doc.
I can use the tab key to make a correct paragraph. 

1)Checkpoint on Input/Output Devices
2) Google Slides—Review how do you do backgrounds and Pictures FINISH UP!!!
3) Halloween Free time
I can make a background in Google Slides.

1) Typing Agent–Franken
2) My Favorite Things Checklist/Finish Slides
I can make put Slide Transitions and Animations into my Slides presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent–Franken
  • Blogging
    I can type using the correct position.
    I can Blog.
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Week #9

1) Log into the computer with Log-in cards
2) Make a pumpkin and Carve a Pumpkin.
3) Play all ABCya games
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Checkpoint on Parts of the Computers
2) Learn New Game on Typing Agent
3) Halloween words in a Google Doc.
I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in a Google Doc.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent–Invaders
2) Work on Spooky Sentences
3) Ghost Typing Game
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

1.Typing Agent
2. Google Slides—work day should be done next week
3. Kahoot on Input/Output Devices
I can make a background in Google Slides.
I can type using the correct Typing Position


1) Google Slides- How do I do animations?
2) Typing Agent
I can make put Transitions and Animations into my Presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Make an Avatar
  • Blogging

I can use the proper techniques to Type.
I can blog.????

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Week #8

1) Review parts of the computers/ Checkpoint
2)Abcya —Make a Pizza, Make a Cake

I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Typing Agent–> Cliff Type
  • Keyboard Zoo 2
  • I recognize a lower and uppercase letter.
    I can type words using Google Docs.

2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent: Show Mine Type
  • Google Doc:
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Input/Output Sorting
  • Slides–Review changing font, adding pictures teach Add Backgrounds
  • Go Over Checklist
    I can add slides, change my font and add pictures in my Slides presentation.


  1. Go Over Google Slides Checklist
  2. Google Slides–Show how to do Transitions/Animations
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) What’s a Blog?
3) Internet Search
I can use autoshapes and add a real picture into my Google Slides Time Timeline.
I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

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Week #7

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Introduce  ABCya- Cake, Face and Pizza
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Google Doc: Type Name
  • Free Time: RAZ Kids
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.

2nd Grade

  • Play Cup Stack Typing
  • Typing Agent
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

3rd /4th

  • Work on Presentations–3rd–Backgrounds and 4th Transitions
  • 3rd grade only–Teach input/output sort
  • I understand the importance of taking care of my computer.
    I can use Google Slides to show an idea.

5th grade

  • Look at pictures
  • Finish Timelines
  • Typing Agent
  • I can use Slides to make a timeline.
    I can add a real picture into presentation.
    I can use a Digital Camera to take a picture.
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Week #6

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Play ABCya–Make a Face and  PBS kids Elmo Game
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Teach how to shut down
  • ASSESS: Computer Parts
  • Google Doc: Type Name
  • Free Time: 1st grade website, Typing Agent, RAZ-Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I type capital letters.
I know the parts of the computer.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint: Parts of the Computer
  •  Typing Agent
  • Review How to Shut Down
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can name the parts of the Computer.


  • Checkpoint on Saving Things/
  • Finish Typing up Google Slides
    I can explain how to Save Something.
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th Grade

1) Talk about Taking Pictures
2) Take Pictures
3) Summer Timelines
I can use auto shapes to make a timeline in Google Slides.
I can use a digital camera.

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Week #5

 1) Review parts of the computers
2)  Log in to Computers
3) ABCya– Make a Face
I can use the touchpad
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Computer Parts
  • Typing Agent
  • RAZ Kids
  • Play Make a Face
    I can use the keyboard buttons.
    I can recognize letters on the keyboard.

 2nd Grade

  • Review Home Row/Proper Typing position
  • Kahoot Computer Parts
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Review Saving Things
  • Typing Agent or RAZ Kids
  • Type in Google Slides
    I can log into Google.


    • Review how to shut-down/Log-in and how to Save Things
    • Typing Agent
    • Favorite Things Google Slides
      I can log into Google and use Google Slides.
      I can use the Internet to safely research and answer.

5th Grade

  • Typing Agent/RAZ kids
  • Work on Summer Timelines (June 6, August 22)
  • Start Talking about how to take Photographs
    I can use Auto shapes in Google Slides to make a timeline.
    I can log into Typing Agent
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 1) Review parts of the computers
2)  Log in to Computers
3) ABCya– Make a Face
I can use the touchpad
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Computer Parts
  • Typing Agent
  • Type Words into Google Doc.
    I can use the keyboard buttons.
    I can recognize letters on the keyboard.

 2nd Grade

  • Review Home Row/Proper Typing position
  • Kahoot Computer Parts
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Kahoot on Saving Things
  • Typing Agent or RAZ Kids
  • Start Google Slides
    I can log into Google.


    • Kahoot on How to Save things
    • Typing Agent
    • Favorite Things Google Slides
      I can log into Google and use Google Slides.
      I can use the Internet to safely research and answer.

5th Grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Summer Timelines (June 5 , August 19)
  • Start Talking about how to take Photographs
    I can use Auto shapes in Microsoft Slides to make a timeline.
    I can log into Typing Agent
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Week #2


  • Talk about Computer Parts
  • Play Make a Backpack
  • Bookmark ETECH, Classroom and anything else
    I can use a mouse.

1st Grade

* Review Computer Parts
* Review Typing Agent/RAZ Kids
I can name the Computer Parts.

2nd Grade

  • Quick review of the parts of the computer
  • Introduce Google Classroom/Bookmark websites
  • Reintroduce Typing Agent/RAZ kids
    I can recognize and use the home row.
    I can use proper typing position.
    I can name the Computer Parts.

3rd– 5th

  • Quick Review Rules and How to use Cards
  • Review/Intro Google Classroom
  • Typing Agent/RAZ kids
  • I can use proper typing position
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Welcome Back 23/24 School Year!

Day 1

  1. Let’s Take a picture 🙂
  2. Know who I am / Reminder of Logging into the computer using QR Codes
  3. Summer Fun  
  4. Talk about our Computers and How to be Safe
  5.  Go Noodle–Trolls, Freeze, Jellyfish Song or Roar
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End of the Year

1) Typing Agent
2) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website–All the Favorites
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) RAZ Kids
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
3) Finish Up Google Slides
I can use Google Slides to show an idea by adding slides and changing the font
I can type using the correct hand position.

3rd Grade

1)  Typing Agent-For 10
2) Finish Michiganander
3) Free time
I can use my typing skills to type up a book. 

4th grade
1)Typing Agent
2) Finish Project
3) Free TIme-
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent 10 minutes
  • Robots/Coding Games
    I can navigate a course with my robot.
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Week #37/38

1) Typing Agent
2) Games? or RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Work on Animal Research Project–Should be done today
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1)Typing Agent
2)  Google Slides
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Research Project
3) Write a Paragraph- (If done  you will get freetime)
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

4th grade

1) Work on Brochure
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1)  Coding Games/ Robots
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.
I can use Code to program a robot.  

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Week #36

1)Type Name and use Backspace
2) Typing Agent
3) Games? or RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Work on Animal Research Project
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1)Typing Agent
2) President Research Page
3) Raz Kids
4) Start Google Slides
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Research Project
3) Write a Paragraph
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

4th grade

1) Work on Brochure
2) Typing Agent Games
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Kahoot on Coding Terms
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project/Slide Show (FINISH!!!!!!)
3) Coding Games/Maybe Robots
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.
I can use Code to program a robot.  

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Week #35

1) Continue on Google Doc–Review Enter/Space/Shift—> Type S-Z
2) Start Typing Agent
3) Free time on RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Work on Animal Research Project
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1)  Typing Agent
2) President Research Page
3) Raz Kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Research Project
2) Start Paragraph about Michigander
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

4th grade

1) Start Brochure
2) Write Email to penpal
3) Take Terms Checkpoint
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project/Slide Show (SHOULD BE CLOSE TO DONE)
3) Robots????–Start by watching Coding Videos: Think like a Computer and Think Like a Robot
4) Coding Games (if done)
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.
I can use Code to program a robot.  

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Week #34

1) Continue on Google Doc–Review Enter/Space/Shift—> Type H-P
2) Typing Agent
3) Free time on RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Work on Animal Research Project
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) President Research Page
3) Raz Kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1)  Research Project
2) Start Paragraph
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

4th grade

1) Work on State Research
2) Write Email to penpal-Make a Word Cloud and send it
3) Review Kahoot
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project/Slide Show (SHOULD BE CLOSE TO DONE)
3)  Coding Games (if done)
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.
I can use Code to program a robot.  

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Week #33

1) Continue on Google Doc–Review Enter/Space/Shift—> Type A-G
2)  Typing Agent
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Talk about Animal Research Project
2) Typing Agent New Game
  RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) President Research Page
3) Raz Kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Work on Research Project
I can use the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Work on State Research (Infoplease and Census)
2) Talk about Email Terms/Write Email
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project/Slide Show
3) Give some Freetime on due to MSTEP
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.

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Week #32

1) Continue on Google Doc–Review Enter/Space Bar–Teach Backspace and Shift
2) Start Typing Agent
3) Internet- Play Games and play RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
            1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Talk about Information Websites–Dictionary and Ask
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) Show Wikipedia/Dictionary/Ask
3) Finish talking about Research Websites
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Maps-FINISH
3) Talk about Research Project–Start
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Work on State Research
2) Talk about Email Penpals (Start next week)
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.

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Week #30-Week After Spring Break

1) Google Doc–Review Enter/Space Bar-
2) Start Typing Agent
3) Keyboard Zoo: Warm Up
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
            1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Talk about Information Websites-
3)   Type Sentences
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) Writing Prompt-Gordon Only
3) Finish talking about Research Websites
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Kahoot on Common Websites
2) Google Maps-Finish!!!!!
3) Typing Agent
4) Walters Only/Harrington Only: Pick Research Topic
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Google Maps
3) Talk about Email Penpals
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.

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Week #29

1) What Should we play today?
2) Internet–Raz Kids and Blue Box Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent-Games
2)  Google Docs
3) Stickman
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—10 minutes- Remind how to Type
  • Finish Cutting and Pasting
  • RAZ Kids
  • I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Typing Agent
  • Google Maps

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two places. 

4th  grade

  • Checkpoint on Relevant Websites
  • Choose  State for Research
  •  Google Maps

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Research Founding Father /Famous African American
  • Typing Agent
    I can research a founding father and make a Google Slide presentation about them. 
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Week 28

1) Finish Yellow Box–Number Match and Adventure Man
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2)  Work through Research Websites
3) RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—10 minutes- Remind how to Type
  • Introduce Google/Wikipedia work through worksheet
  • Checkpoint Cutting and Pasting
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet.
    I can move cut and paste objects and words.


  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Google Maps

I can type correctly using the home row.

4th  grade

  • What Makes a website credible? Video
  • Pick a State for Research
  • Typing Agent
  • Finish Google Maps
  • Change Passwords

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Research Founding Father Figure
  • Typing Agent
  • Change Passwords
    I can research a founding father and make a Google Slide presentation about them. 
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Week #27

1) Games in Blue Box: Shape Sorter, Addition Game, and Birthday Cake Counting
2) Introduce Typing Agent
3) Internet–Play Games in the Green Box, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online,
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent–Teach Asteroids Game
2) Talk about Researching Online
3) Raz Kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Cutting and Pasting Practice/Checkpoint
  • RAZ Kids
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Webendings Post test
  • Google Maps
  • Typing Agent

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can find the difference between two places

4th  grade

  • Relevant Websites–Webster’s Gecko Goof
  • Google Maps

I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between 2 points.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Work on Research Project
  • Typing Agent
    I can research a founding father or Famous African American
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Week #25/26

1) Internet: Finish Yellow Box Games
2) RAZ Kids (checkpoint)
3)   Review Internet Safety
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Checkpoint Care of Computers
3) RAZ kids
I can take care of my computer.
I can type Valentine words and decorate using Google Docs.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Cut and Paste — Activity and Checkpoint 
I can use my reading and writing skills in Google Docs.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Google Docs.

3rd  Grade
 1) Kahoot: Webendings
2) Common Website Activity–Weather Channel–> Finish
3) Google Maps-Start
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent/Finish Google Sheets
2) Start Google Maps
3)Talk about Webendings and Relevant Websites
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two points.
I can use relevant websites to do research.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Talk about Research Project—Researching Founding Person/Famous African Americans
  • Google Sheets Checkpoint–Finish
    I can work with a group to research a founding father.
    I can use Google Sheets to find the sum, make a graph, sort, and find the average.
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Week #23

1) Internet: Finish Blue Box
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Talk about Care of the Computers
3) Take Internet Safety Checkpoint
4) RAZ kids
I can take care of my computer.
I can use my reading and writing skills in Google Doc.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Start talking about Cutting and Pasting
3) Review Internet Safety Kahoot and take Checkpoint
I can cut and paste using my mouse a Google Doc.

3rd  Grade
1) Talk about Webendings
2) Common Website Activity–Weather Channel
3) RAZ Kids
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Review Google Sheets
3) Pretest Relevant Websites
I can use Google Sheets to find the Sum, Make a graph, and understand the Use of it.
I can use relevant websites to do research.
I can use the Internet to do research.

 5th grade

  • Kahoot: Internet Safety
  • Internet Safety Checkpoint
  • Start talking about Research Project
    I can use the Internet Safely.
    I can use Google Sheets to find the Sum, Average, make a Graph and sort things.
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Week #22

1) Internet Safety
2) Internet: Yellow Box: Bingo
3)   RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Talk about Care of the Computers
3) Review Internet Safety
4) Work on Silly Sentences
I can take care of my computer.
I can use the Internet Safely.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Finish if I were a Teacher
3) Internet Safety-Long Video
I can use my reading and writing skills in Google Docs.

3rd  Grade
1) Typing Agent- 10 minutes
2) Review Internet Safety
3) Weather
4) Internet Safety Checkpoint?????
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Faux Paux and the First Lady Video
2) Work on Google Sheets –last review before test
3) Review and give Internet Safety Checkpoint
I can make an graph, find the sum, and use Google Sheets.
I can use the Internet safely.

 5th grade

1)Internet Safety Videos: Survivor Diaries and Friend or fake  
2) Google Sheets

I can use the Internet Safely.
I can find the sum, average, sort, and make a graph in Google Sheets

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Week #21

1)Internet Safety: Pop-up Video
2) Review RAZ Kids
3) Games in the Green Box
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1)  Type Sentences and review punctuation
2) Start Internet Safety: Router’s Birthday Surprise
I can use type sight words using Google Doc.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Finish and Decorate: If I were a teacher
  • RAZ kids
  • Faux Paux Video

I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.


1) Typing Agent
2) Internet Safety-Recorded Video

I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

4th  grade
1) Internet Safety- Recorded Videos
2) Google Sheets
I can find the Sum and Make a graph using Google Sheets.
I can be safe online.

5th grade

1)Internet Safety Videos: Who you are talking to onlineProfile Penalty
2) Google Sheets
3) Google Yourself

I can use the Internet Safely.
I can find the sum, average, sort, and make a graph in Google Sheets.

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Week #20

1) Do Games in the Green Box–ABC BUBBLE
2) RAZ Kids—Show how to get on
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1)  Type and Decorate Sentences
2) Work on Typing Agent
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • RAZ kids for 10
  • Type a story using the prompt: If I were the teacher….
    I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.

1)  Typing Agent
2) Start Talking Internet Safety
3) Start Common Websites
I can use common websites to gain information.
I can use the Internet Safely.

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2) Google Sheets
I can use Google Sheets to enter Data, Find the Sum, and Graph things.

5th grade
1) Internet Safety: 2) Video: Terrible Text and Miketosis
Who you are talking to onlineProfile Penalty   (next week)
2) Google Sheets
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can use Google Sheets to convey information. 

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Week #19-Welcome Back

1) Try out Typing Agent
2) Green Box Games–Hit the Letter and Paint the Letter
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Review RAZ kids
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Review RAZ kids
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I can type using the correct typing position

1)  Typing Agent
2) RAZ kids
3) Thank You Note

I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I can type using the correct typing position

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2) Google Sheets
I can use Google Sheets to find the sum, average, and make a graph.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Sheets

I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can use Google Sheets to make a graph, find the sum, average, and sort data.

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Week #18–Week Before Break!

Happy Holidays and Have a Great Break!

1) Make a Christmas tree and make a Gingerbread House
2) Internet: Christmas Games
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade/ 2nd Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.

 3rd – 5th 

1) Finish Projects–4th Grade Outlines
2) Typing Agent
3) Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.
I can make an outline using Google Documents.

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Week #17

1) ABC Practice Games: ABC Order and Alphabet Match
2) Internet: Gingerbread House
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Games-Cup stack typing or Keyboard Climber
2) Make a Holiday Card
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Doc.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Doc.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent
2) Make a Holiday Card

1) Typing Agent
2) Start typing a writing piece
I am using the correct typing position.
I can use Google Docs.

1)   Finish Outline
2) Write a Story???
3) Coding Games

I can type using the correct typing position.
I can understand how to code.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Coding Games and Scratch
I can use the correct posture to type.
I can code using computer language.

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Week #16


1) ABC Games
2) Internet: Kodable
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Games-Cup stack typing or Keyboard Climber
2) Coding Games-Candy Quest
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Doc.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Doc.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent
2) coding Games-Grinch Game

1) Typing Agent
2) Coding Games

  • I can type using the correct position.

1) Typing Agent
2) Coding Games

I can type using the correct typing position.
I can understand how to code.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Coding Games
I can use the correct posture to type.
I can code using computer language.

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Week #15

1) Play Games Keyboard Zoo , Alphabet Goop, Cup Stack Typing and Alphabet Slider Puzzles
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Cupstack Typing
2) Holiday Words
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Docs.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Docs.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent
Make a Christmas List 
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in a Google Document.
I can add a picture and make a list

1) Typing Agent
2) Holiday Google Search

  • I can type using the correct position.
    I can make search using Google and speak Google Language

1)  Typing Agent
2)  Finish Making Outline–4th Grade
3) Coding Games

I can make an outline using Google Docs.

5th grade
1) Blogging
2) Finish Google Earth-DONE TODAY
3) Coding Games
I can use Google Earth.

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Week #13

1) Keyboard Zoo check out Cup Stack Typing , ABC OrderAlphabet Goop  
2) Turkey Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet

 1st Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Type Thanksgiving Words and type a sentence
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in a Google Doc.
    I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Doc.

 2nd Grade

1) Google Doc: Thanksgiving Words and Sentences…
2) Also talk about the File and Insert Menu
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I can add a picture to my Google Document.


  • Finish Season Outline
  • Turkey Google Search
    I can make an outline in a Google Document
    I can use google to search up a question.


  1. Finish 4th Grade Outline
    2) Typing Agent
    I can make an outline in a Google Document

5th grade

  • Let’s Blog!
  • Finish Google Earth
    I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
    I can use Google Earth.
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Week #12

1)Play Keyboard Zoo , Alphabet Goop , and ABC Match
2) Introduce Coloring Pages
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1)  Keyboard Zoo 2
2) Docs-(Introduce TAB) and Type and decorate Thanksgiving words Also talk about File Menu
3) Free time: Raz-kids, First Grade Website, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Docs.

2nd Grade

  •  Talk about File Menu
  • Finish Favorite Animal
  • Typing Agent—For 10 minutes
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Work on Outline
  • Typing Agent
    I can use Docs to make an outline.
    I can type using the correct typing position.


1) Work on Outline
2) Typing Agent
I can make an outline using Google Docs.

I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

  • Let’s Blog
  • Google Earth
    I can use a blog.
    I can find places using Google Earth. 
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Week #11

1)Play Keyboard Zoo and Alphabet Goop
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1)  Doc: Finish ABC’s with Capital’s/lowercase–Also work on Punctuation
2) Typing Agent: River Run
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in a Google Doc

Google Doc

  •  My Favorite Animal
  • Typing Agent—For 10 minutes
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Google Slides-Work day DONE TODAY
  • Start Outlining
    I can use Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Let’s Blog–Show how to post
  • Work on Google Earth
    I can use a blog.
    I can use Google Earth.
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Week #10

1) How do we get to ABCya by ourselves
2) Halloween Games
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Google Doc: Type Letters–> Capital and Lowercase and Spooky Words
2) Free time Halloween Games
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Doc.
I can change the font Style and Size in Google Doc

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Ghost Typing and Halloween Games
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the font (style, color, and size) in Google Doc.
I can use the tab key to make a correct paragraph. 

1)Checkpoint on Input/Output Devices
2) Google Slides—Review how do you do backgrounds and Pictures FINISH UP!!!
3) Halloween Free time
I can make a background in Google Slides.

1) Start talking about Outlines
2) My Favorite Things Checklist/Finish Slides
I can make put Slide Transitions and Animations into my Slides presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Blogging
  • Finish Google Search
    I can type using the correct position.
    I can Blog.
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Week #9

1) Log into the computer with Log-in cards
2) Make a pumpkin and Carve a Pumpkin.
3) Play all ABCya games
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Checkpoint on Shutting the Computer Down
2) Learn New Game on Typing Agent
3) Type Sentences in a Google Doc.
I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in a Google Doc.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Sentences
3) Cupstack Typing
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

1.Typing Agent
2. Google Slides—work day should be done next week
3. Kahoot on Input/Output Devices
I can make a background in Google Slides.
I can type using the correct Typing Position


1) Google Slides- How do I do animations?
2) Typing Agent
I can make put Transitions and Animations into my Presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Make an Avatar
  • Blogging?????
  • Google Search

I can use the proper techniques to Type.
I can blog.????

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Week #8

1) Review parts of the computers/ Checkpoint
2)Abcya —Make a Pizza, Make a Cake

I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Typing Agent–> Cliff Type
  • Keyboard Zoo 2
  • I recognize a lower and uppercase letter.
    I can type words using Google Docs.

2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent: Show Mine Type
  • Google Doc:
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Input/Output Sorting
  • Slides–Review changing font, adding pictures teach Add Backgrounds
  • Go Over Checklist
    I can add slides, change my font and add pictures in my Slides presentation.


  1. Go Over Google Slides Checklist
  2. Google Slides–Show how to do Transitions/Animations
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) What’s a Blog?
3)Google Docs: FINISH TIMELINE and Make a Campaign Sign.
I can use autoshapes and add a real picture into my Google Slides Time Timeline.
I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

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Week #7

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Introduce  ABCya- Cake, Face and Pizza
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Checkpoint Computer Parts
  • Google Doc: How do I make a capital
  • Free Time: RAZ Kids
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint Log-in and Shut Down
  • Typing Agent
  • Start Google Documents–> Talk about how to write a sentence
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

3rd /4th

  • Checkpoint Saving Things
  • Work on Presentations
  • 3rd grade only–input/output sort Teach
  • I understand the importance of taking care of my computer.
    I can use Google Slides to show an idea.

5th grade

  • Look at pictures
  • Finish Timelines
  • Typing Agent
  • I can use Slides to make a timeline.
    I can add a real picture into presentation.
    I can use a Digital Camera to take a picture.
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Week #6

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Play ABCya–Make a Backpack ,Make a Face and  Make a Cake
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Teach how to shut down
  • ASSESS: Computer Parts
  • Google Doc: How do I get Capitals?
  • Free Time: 1st grade website, Typing Agent, RAZ-Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I type capital letters.
I know the parts of the computer.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint: Parts of the Computer
  •  Typing Agent
  • Review How to Shut Down
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can name the parts of the Computer.


  • Kahoot: Saving Things
  • Finish Typing up Google Slides
    I can explain how to Save Something.
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th Grade

1) Talk about Taking Pictures
2) Take Pictures
3) Summer Timelines
I can use auto shapes to make a timeline in Google Slides.
I can use a digital camera.

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Week #5

 1) Review parts of the computers
2)  ABCya–Backpack or Make a House
I can use the touchpad
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Computer Parts
  • Typing Agent
  • RAZ Kids
  • Type Words into Google Doc.
    I can use the keyboard buttons.
    I can recognize letters on the keyboard.

 2nd Grade

  • Review Home Row/Proper Typing position
  • Kahoot Computer Parts
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Kahoot on Saving Things
  • Typing Agent or RAZ Kids
  • Finish Rough Draft Google Slide/Start Google Slides
    I can log into Google.


    • Kahoot on How to Save things
    • Review how to shut-down/Log-in
    • Typing Agent
    • Google Slides-Favorite Things Rough Draft/Start Google Slides
      I can log into Google and use Google Slides.
      I can use the Internet to safely research and answer.

5th Grade

  • Typing Agent/RAZ kids
  • Work on Summer Timelines (June 3, August 23)
  • Start Talking about how to take Photographs
    I can use Auto shapes in Microsoft Slides to make a timeline.
    I can log into Typing Agent
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Week #4


  1. Review Parts of the Computers
  2. Winnie the Witch and the New Computer–while watching Bookmark ETECH site, RAZ kids, and anything else the teacher would like.
  3. Make a Backpack

I can name the parts of the computer.
I can use the mouse to open up computer programs.

 1st Grade

    1. Review Computer Parts
    2. Draw something in ABCya Paint
    3. Write Things in Google Documents- Name, ABC’s, Capitals
      I can name the parts of the computer.
      I can use the tools in Paint to make a picture.

2nd Grade

  1. Computer Parts
  2. Teach Home-Row and How to Type
  3. Typing Agent
  4. Review RAZ Kids
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.


  1. How to Save Things
  2. Typing Agent
  3. Start  Rough Draft of Google Slides
    I can name different ways of saving things.
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can use google Slides

5th Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Work on Timeline (June 3, August 23)
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can make a timeline in Google Slides.
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Week #2

Day 2


  • Talk about Computer Parts
  • Play Make a Backpack
  • Bookmark ETECH, Classroom and anything else
    I can use a mouse.

1st Grade

* Review Computer Parts
* Review Typing Agent/RAZ Kids
I can name the Computer Parts.

2nd Grade

  • Quick review of the parts of the computer
  • Introduce Google Classroom/Bookmark websites
  • Reintroduce Typing Agent/RAZ kids
    I can recognize and use the home row.
    I can use proper typing position.
    I can name the Computer Parts.

3rd– 5th

  • Quick Review Rules and How to use Cards
  • Review/Intro Google Classroom
  • Typing Agent/RAZ kids
  • I can use proper typing position
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Week #1

Day 1

  1. Let’s Take a picture 🙂
  2. Know who I am / Reminder of Logging into the computer using QR Codes
  3. Summer Fun  
  4. Talk about our Computers and How to be Safe
  5.  Go Noodle–Trolls, Freeze, Jellyfish Song or Roar
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Week 36

1)Type Sight Words
2) Typing Agent
3) Games? or RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Work on Animal Research Project–Should be done today
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1)Typing Agent
2)  Google Slides
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Research Project
3) Write a Paragraph- (If done  you will get freetime)
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

4th grade

1) Write Email to penpal–Fun Fact about your state
2) Work on Brochure
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Work on Founding Father Research Project/Slide Show (SHOULD BE  DONE)
2) Coding Games/Maybe Robots
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.
I can use Code to program a robot.  

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Week #36

1)Type Sight Words
2) Typing Agent
3) Games? or RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Work on Animal Research Project–Should be done today
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1)Typing Agent
2) Finish President Research Page
3) Raz Kids
4) Start Google Slides
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Research Project
3) Write a Paragraph–Start Paragraph (If done  you will get freetime)
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

4th grade

1) Write Email to penpal–Fun Fact about your state
2) Work on Brochure
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Robots Checkpoint
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project/Slide Show (SHOULD BE  DONE)
3) Coding Games/Maybe Robots—Hughes/Gordon Code a square
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.
I can use Code to program a robot.  

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Week #35

1)Type Name and use Backspace
2) Typing Agent
3) Games? or RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Work on Animal Research Project
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1)Typing Agent
2) President Research Page
3) Raz Kids
4) Start Google Slides
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Research Project
3) Write a Paragraph
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

4th grade

1) Write Email to penpal
2) Work on Brochure
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project/Slide Show (SHOULD BE CLOSE TO DONE)
3) Coding Games/Maybe Robots
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.
I can use Code to program a robot.  

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Week #33/34

1) Continue on Google Doc–Review Enter/Space/Shift—> Type S-Z
2) Start Typing Agent
3) Free time on RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Work on Animal Research Project
2) Typing Agent
3)   RAZ kids
4) Hughes-Take Care of Computers test
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Load Split Screen App
2) Typing Agent
3) President Research Page
4) Raz Kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Finish Google Maps–MUST BE DONE TODAY
2) Start Research Project
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

4th grade

1) Start Brochure (Gordon and Walters) work on Research (Hughes and Harrington)
2) Write Email to penpal
3) Review Kahoot
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project/Slide Show (SHOULD BE CLOSE TO DONE)
3) Change Passwords (G, H, and Harrington)
4) Coding Games (if done)
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.
I can use Code to program a robot.  

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WEEK #32

1) Continue on Google Doc–Review Enter/Space/Shift—> Type M-R
2) Start Typing Agent
3) Free time on Easter Game
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Review Punctuation and type sentence
2) Talk about Animal Research Project
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) President Research Page
3) Raz Kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Finish Google Maps-
3) Talk about Research Project and pick topic
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Work on State Research (National Park Service)
2) Talk about Email Terms/Write Email
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project/Slide Show
3) Give some Freetime on due to MSTEP
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.

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Week 31

1) Continue on Google Doc–Review Enter/Space/Shift—> Type M-R
2) Start Typing Agent
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Review Punctuation and type sentence
2) Talk about Information Websites–Dictionary and Ask
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) Start President Research Page
3) Raz Kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use the correct typing position when typing. 

3rd Grade
1) Kahoot-Common Websites–Checkpoint Next Week
2) Finish Google Maps-Start G.H and Walters
3) Talk about Research Project–Harrington
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Checkpoint on Relevant Websites
2) Work on State Research (Census Website)
3) Talk about Email Terms
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project/Slide Show
3) Give some Freetime on ABCya due to MSTEP
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.

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Week #30-Week After Spring Break

1) Continue on Google Doc–Review Enter/Space Bar–Teach Backspace and Shift
2) Start Typing Agent
3) Internet- Play Games and play RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Google Doc.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
            1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Talk about Information Websites–Dictionary and Ask
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) Show Wikipedia/Dictionary/Ask
3) Finish talking about Research Websites
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Maps-Start G.H and Walters
3) Talk about Research Project–Harrington
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Review Relevant Websites
2) Work on State Research
3) Talk about Email Penpals (Start next week)
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Founding Father Research Project
I can identify and research a Founding Father.
I can use Google Slides to present my information that I researched.

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Week #29

1) Google Docs: Type Name and start ABC’s
2) Internet–Raz Kids and Blue Box Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent-Games
2)  Work through Research Websites
3) RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—10 minutes- Remind how to Type
  • Finish Google Worksheet
  • RAZ kids
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Olympic Research Paper Must be done today
  • March Madness Google Maps Activity

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two places. 

4th  grade

  • Kahoot on Relevant Websites
  • Find out what State doing for Research
  • Finish Google Maps

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Research Founding Father Figure
  • Typing Agent
    I can research a founding father and make a Google Slide presentation about them. 
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Week #27/28

1) Start Google Docs: Type Name and start ABC’s
2) Internet–Finish up Blue Box–Number Match and Adventure Man
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2)  Work through Research Websites
3) RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—10 minutes- Remind how to Type
  • Introduce Google/Wikipedia work through worksheet
  • RAZ kids
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Kahoot: Webendings
  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Olympic Research Paper

I can type correctly using the home row.

4th  grade

  • Post Test: Webendings and Kahoot on Relevant websites
  • Pick a State for Research
  • Typing Agent
  • Finish Google Maps

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Research Founding Father Figure
  • Typing Agent
    I can research a founding father and make a Google Slide presentation about them. 
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Week #26

1) Games in Blue Box: Shape Sorter, Addition Game, and Birthday Cake Counting
2) Introduce Typing Agent
3) Internet–Play Games in the Green Box, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online,
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent–Teach Asteroids Game
2) Talk about Researching Online
3) Raz Kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—15 minutes
  • Check Point on Cut/Paste
  • RAZ Kids
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Talk about Webendings
  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Olympic Research Project

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can research using the Internet.

4th  grade

  • Kahoot on Web-endings
  • Google Maps
  • Talk about Email

I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between 2 points.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Work on Research Groups
  • Typing Agent
    I can research a founding father
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Week #24/25

1) Typing Games
2) Internet: Blue Box: Bug Sorter and  Counting Fish
3)   Review Internet Safety
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Checkpoint Care of Computers
3) Talk about Google Searching
I can take care of my computer.
I can use Google to find an Answer

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Cut and Paste — Activity and Checkpoint 
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word.

3rd  Grade
 1) Typing Agent- 5 minutes
2) Common Website Activity–Weather Channel
3) Start Olympic Research Project
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Start Google Maps
3)Talk about Webendings and Relevant Websites
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two points.
I can use relevant websites to do research.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Talk about Research Project—Researching Founding Person
  • Play Coding Games
    I can work with a group to research a founding father.
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Week #22/23

1) Finish Internet Safety Vide0: Router’s Birthday Surprise
2) Internet: Finish Yellow Box and Valentine’s Day Games
3)   RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Talk about Care of the Computers
3) Take Internet Safety Checkpoint
4) Make a Valentine/Type Valentine Words
I can take care of my computer.
I can use my reading and writing skills in Google Doc.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Start talking about Cutting and Pasting
3) Review Internet Safety and take Checkpoint
I can cut and paste using my mouse a Google Doc.

3rd  Grade
1) Typing Agent- 10 minutes
2) Common Website Activity–Weather Channel
3) RAZ Kids
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Google Sheets
3) Talk about Relevant Websites
I can use Google Sheets to find the Sum, Make a graph, and understand the Use of it.
I can use relevant websites to do research.
I can use the Internet to do research.

 5th grade

  • Internet Safety Checkpoint
  • Review Google Sheets…maybe checkpoint?
    I can use the Internet Safely.
    I can use Google Sheets to find the Sum, Average, make a Graph and sort things.
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Week # 21

1) Internet Safety
2) Internet: Yellow Box: Bingo
3)   RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Talk about Care of the Computers
3) Internet Safety
I can take care of my computer.
I can use the Internet Safely.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Finish if I were a Teacher
3) Internet Safety-Long Video
I can use my reading and writing skills in Google Docs.

3rd  Grade
1) Typing Agent- 10 minutes
2) Common Website Activity pg. 1 or 2
3) Internet Safety Checkpoint
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Google Sheets –last review before test
3) Internet Safety Checkpoint
I can make an graph, find the sum, and use Google Sheets.
I can use the Internet safely.

 5th grade

1)Internet Safety Videos: Survivor Diaries and Friend or fake  
2) Google Sheets

I can use the Internet Safely.
I can find the sum, average, sort, and make a graph in Google Sheets

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Week #20

1) Typing Agent
a) Review RAZ Kids
b) Games in the Green Box
4)  Google Form

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1)  Type Sentences and review punctuation
2) Start Internet Safety
I can use type sight words using Google Doc.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Finish and Decorate: If I were a teacher
  • RAZ kids
  • Typing Agent

I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.


1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Google
3) Common Websites

I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

4th  grade
1) Internet Safety
2) Google Sheets
I can find the Sum and Make a graph using Google Sheets.
I can be safe online.

5th grade

1)Internet Safety Videos: Who you are talking to onlineProfile Penalty
2) Google Sheets
3) Google Yourself

I can use the Internet Safely.
I can find the sum, average, sort, and make a graph in Google Sheets.

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Week #19

1) Do Games in the Green Box–ABC BUBBLE
2) RAZ Kids—Show how to get on
3) Typing Agent??? Maybe

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1)  Type and Decorate Sentences
2) Work on Typing Agent
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • RAZ kids for 10
  • Type a story using the prompt: If I were the teacher….
    I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.

1)  Typing Agent
2) Finish Google Searching
3) Start Talking Internet Safety
4) Start Common Websites?
I can use common websites to gain information.
I can use the Internet Safely.

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2) Google Sheets
I can use Google Sheets to enter Data, Find the Sum, and Graph things.

5th grade
1) Internet Safety: 2) Video: Terrible Text and Miketosis
Who you are talking to onlineProfile Penalty   (next week)
2) Google Sheets
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can use Google Sheets to convey information. 

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Week #18

1) Show Clever and Try out Typing Agent
2) Green Box Games–Hit the Letter and Paint the Letter
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade

1) Show Clever and Typing Agent
2) Review RAZ kids
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Show Clever and Typing Agent
2) Review RAZ kids
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can type using the correct typing position

1)  Typing Agent
2) RAZ Kids
3) Review use how to do Google Searches
4) Harrington: FINISH OUTLINES

I can common websites to gain information.

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2) Harrington: Finish Outlines
3) Google Sheets
I can use Google Sheets to find the sum, average, and make a graph.

5th grade
1) Google Sheets

I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can use Google Sheets to make a graph, find the sum, average, and sort data.

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Week #17- Week Before Break

Happy Holidays and Have a Great Break!

1) Make a Christmas tree and Print.
2) Internet: Christmas Games
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade/ 2nd Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.

 3rd – 5th 

1) Finish Projects
2) Typing Agent
3) Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.
I can make an outline using Google Documents.


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1) ABC Practice Games: Connect the Letters
2) Internet: Kodable
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Games-Cup stack typing or Keyboard Climber
2) Make a Holiday Card
3) Coding Games-Candy Quest
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Doc.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Doc.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent
2) Make a Holiday Card
3) Coding Games-Grinch Game

1) Typing Agent
2) Review Input/Output Devices
3) Coding Games

  • I can type using the correct position.
    I can make an outline using Google Docs.

1)   Finish Outline
2) Review Saving Things
3) Coding Games

I can type using the correct typing position.
I can understand how to code.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Coding Games
I can use the correct posture to type.
I can code using computer language.

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Week #15

1) Keyboard Zoo , Alphabet Goop, Cup Stack Typing and Alphabet Slider Puzzles
2) Internet: Christmas Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Cupstack Typing
2) Type Christmas Words
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent
Make a Christmas List 
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in a Google Document.
I can add a picture and make a list

1) Review Input/output Devices
2) Review how to make an outline
3) Finish your own outline–either the 4 Seasons

  • I can type using the correct position.
    I can make an outline using Google Docs.

1)  Review “How to Save Things”
2)  Make Outline–4th Grade/School
3) Coding Games

I can make an outline using Google Docs.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Google Earth
3) Coding Games
I can use Google Earth.

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Week #13

1) Keyboard Zoo check out Cup Stack Typing , ABC OrderAlphabet Goop  
2) Turkey Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet

 1st Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Type Thanksgiving Words and type a sentence
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in a Google Doc.
    I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Doc.

 2nd Grade

1) Google Doc: Thanksgiving Words and Sentences…
2) Also talk about the File and Insert Menu
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.
I can add a picture to my Google Document.


  • Finish Season Outline
  • Turkey Google Search
    I can make an outline in a Google Document
    I can use google to search up a question.


  1. Finish 4th Grade Outline
    2) Typing Agent
    I can make an outline in a Google Document

5th grade

  • Let’s Blog!
  • Finish Google Earth
    I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
    I can use Google Earth.
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1)Play Keyboard Zoo , Alphabet Goop , and ABC Match
2) Introduce Coloring Pages
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1)  Keyboard Zoo 2
2) Word-(Introduce TAB and Caps Lock) and Type and decorate Thanksgiving words Also talk about File Menu
3) Free time: Raz-kids, First Grade Website, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • 1. Talk about File Menu
  • Finish Favorite Animal
  • Type and Decorate (Style and Size) Thanksgiving Words and do Sentences
  • Typing Agent—For 10 minutes
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Work on Outline
  • Typing Agent
    I can use Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.


1) Work on Outline
2) Typing Agent
3) Pretest on Google Sheets
I can use Excel to Add and Graph data.

I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

  • Let’s Blog
  • Google Earth
    I can use a blog.
    I can find places using Google Earth. 
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Week #11

1)Play Keyboard Zoo and Alphabet Goop
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1)  Doc: Finish ABC’s with Capital’s/lowercase
2) Typing Agent: River Run
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
Google Doc

  • 1. Finish up My Favorite Animal
  • Typing Agent—For 10 minutes
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Google Slides-Work day DONE TODAY
  • Start Outlining
    I can use Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Let’s Blog
  • Work on Google Earth
    I can use a blog.
    I can use Google Earth.
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Week #10

1) Keyboard Zoo
2) Halloween Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

1)Word—Type  Halloween WordsTeach Style and Size tools, teach B, I, U
2) Play Halloween Games
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Doc.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.

2nd Grade
1) Doc–Favorite Animal Paragraph and review how to Decorate (Style and Size)
2) Halloween Games
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Doc.

3rd  /4th

  • Google Slides–DONE TODAY
  • Halloween Games
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.

5th Grade

  1.  Blogging
  2. Google Earth
    I understand what a blog is and can post onto my class blog.
    I can use Google Earth to Explore the world.
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Week #9

1) –Make a Cake, Count the Candles
2) Choose a Game!
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Google Doc: Type Letters–> Capital and Lowercase
2) Teach Typing Agent Game: Minetype
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the font Style and Size in Microsoft Word

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Favorite Animal
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the font (style, color, and size) in Google Doc.
I can use the tab key to make a correct paragraph. 

1)Google Slides—Review how do you do backgrounds and Pictures FINISH UP!!!
2) All About Me Checklist
I can make a background in Google Slides.

1) Google Slides-Teach how to do Slide Transitions/Animations FINISH UP
2) My Favorite Things Checklist
I can make put Slide Transitions and Animations into my Slides presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Blogging
  • Finish Google Search
  • Start Google Earth
    I can type using the correct position.
    I can Blog.
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Week #8

1) Log into the computer with Log-in cards
2) Make a pumpkin and Carve a Pumpkin.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Checkpoint on Shutting the Computer Down
2) Learn New Game on Typing Agent
3) Type Sentences in a Google Doc.
I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in a Google Doc.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Sentences
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

1.Typing Agent
2. Google Slides—work day Review How to do Backgrounds and Take Screen Shot
I can make a background in Google Slides.
I can type using the correct Typing Position


1) Google Slides- How do I do animations?
2) Typing Agent
I can make put Transitions and Animations into my Presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Blogging?????
  • Google Search

I can use the proper techniques to Type.
I can blog.????

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Week #7

1) Review parts of the computers/ Checkpoint
2) Teach how to get to ABCya using ETECH website
3) Google-Abcya —Make a Pizza, Make a Face, Build a House,

I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Typing Agent–> Learn Rocket
  • Work on Sentences
  • Checkpoint on Shutting Down
    I recognize and use the File Menu.
    I can type words using Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Google: Work on using TAB Key and review punctuation marks
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Checkpoint: Input-Output
  • Slides–Review changing font, adding pictures teach Add Backgrounds
    I can add slides, change my font and add pictures in my Slides presentation.


  1. Checkpoint Input/Output Devices and Saving Things
  2. Google Slides–Show how to do Transitions/Animations
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) What’s a Blog?
I can use autoshapes and add a real picture into my Google Slides Time Timeline.
I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

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Week #6

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Introduce  ABCya- House , Cake, Face and Pizza
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Checkpoint Computer Parts
  • Google Doc: How do I make a capital
  • Free Time: RAZ Kids
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint Log-in and Shut Down
  • Typing Agent
  • Start Google Documents–> Talk about how to write a sentence
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

3rd /4th

  • Kahoot on Saving Things (4th Grade)
  • Work on Presentations
  • 3rd grade only–input/output sort
  • I understand the importance of taking care of my computer.
    I can use Google Slides to show an idea.

5th grade

  • Pretest on Blogging
  • Typing Agent
  • Finish Timelines
    I can use Slides to make a timeline.
    I can add a real picture into presentation.
    I can use a Digital Camera to take a picture.
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Week #5

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Play ABCya–Make a Backpack ,Make a Face and  Make a Cake
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Teach how to shut down
  • ASSESS: Computer Parts
  • Google Doc: How do I get Capitals?
  • Free Time: 1st grade website, Typing Agent, RAZ-Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I type capital letters.
I know the parts of the computer.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint: Parts of the Computer
  • Log-into Google and Typing Agent
  • Review How to Shut Down
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can name the parts of the Computer.


  • Kahoot: Input/Output Devices
  • Introduce Google Slides–Start Project
    I can explain the differences of an Input and Output device.
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th Grade

1) Make Avatars
2) Take Pictures
3) Summer Timelines
I can use auto shapes to make a timeline in Google Slides.
I can use a digital camera.

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Week #4

 1) Review parts of the computers
2) Watch: Library Lion and Carla’s Sandwich while teacher finishes linking all computers
3) ABCya–Backpack or Make a House
I can use the touchpad
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Computer Parts
  • Typing Agent
  • RAZ Kids
  • Type name in Google Doc
    I can use the keyboard buttons.
    I can recognize letters on the keyboard.

 2nd Grade

  • Review how to Log-in/Shut-down—Pretest First
  • Review Home Row/Proper Typing position
  • Kahoot Computer Parts
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Review Input and Output Devices
  • Review how to shut-down/Log-in
  • Typing Agent or RAZ Kids
  • Finish Rough Draft Google Slide/Start Google Slides
    I can log into Google.


    • Review Input and Output Devices and How to Save things
    • Review how to shut-down/Log-in
    • Typing Agent or RAZ Kids
    • Google Slides-Favorite Things Rough Draft/Start Google Slides
      I can log into Google and use Google Slides.
      I can use the Internet to safely research and answer.

5th Grade

  • Typing Agent/RAZ kids
  • Work on Summer Timelines
  • Start Talking about how to take Photographs
    I can use Auto shapes in Microsoft Slides to make a timeline.
    I can log into Typing Agent
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Week #3


  1. Review Parts of the Computers
  2. Winnie the Witch and the New Computer–while watching Bookmark ETECH site, RAZ kids, and anything else the teacher would like.
  3. Make a Mask and Make a Backpack
  4. RAZ kids

I can name the parts of the computer.
I can use the mouse to open up computer programs.
I can use mouse to make lines and circles in paint.

 1st Grade

    1. Review Computer Parts
    2. Draw something in ABCya Paint
    3. Write Things in Google Documents- Name, ABC’s, Capitals
      I can name the parts of the computer.
      I can use the tools in Paint to make a picture.

2nd Grade

  1. Computer Parts
  2. Teach Home-Row and How to Type
  3. Typing Agent
  4. Review RAZ Kids
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.


  1. Review how to Save Things/ Introduce Input/Output Devices
  2. Typing Agent
  3. Start  Google Slides
    I can name different ways of saving things.
    I can name the difference between input and output devices.
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can use google Slides

5th Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Work on Timeline (June 4, August 23)
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can make a timeline in Google Slides.
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Day #2

Day 2


  • Review Computer Parts
  • Play Make a Backpack
  • Bookmark ETECH, Classroom and anything else
    I can use a mouse.

1st Grade

* Review Computer Parts
* Introduce Google Documents
I can name the Computer Parts.

2nd Grade

  • Quick review of the parts of the computer
  • Introduce Google Classroom/Bookmark websites
  • Typing Test
  • Reintroduce Typing Agent
    I can recognize and use the home row.
    I can use proper typing position.
    I can name the Computer Parts.

3rd– 5th

  • Quick Review Rules and How to use Cards
  • Review/Intro Google Classroom
  • Typing Agent
  • Rough Draft of Google Slides
    I can name and recognize some ways of saving things on my computer.
    I can use Google Slides.
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Day 1: Welcome Back!

Day 1

  1. Let’s Take a picture 🙂
  2. Know who I am / Reminder of Logging into the computer using QR Codes
  3. Talk about our Computers and How to be Safe
  4. Take a pre-test (if you are grades 1-5)


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Last Tech

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Finish All Projects
  3. FREE TIME 🙂
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Days 13/14

1)  Typing Agent
2) Talk about Parts of the computer
3) Work on Word–> Typing Principal, Teacher, and Name. Working on Aa Bb uppercase/lowercase ABCs
4) RAZ kids
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Animal Research Projects
I can type using the correct hands.
I can make my research into a form of Writing

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) President Research Slides/Last Writing Assignment
3) Raz Kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use Google Slides to make a basic presentation.

3rd  Grade

1)  Typing Agent
2) Work on People of Michigan Research/Write up
3) Work on Memory Book.
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can use Google Slides to make a presentation.

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Brochure
3) Finish Research
4) Chrome Buttons Test
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Revolutionary War Research/Slideshow
  • Start Scratch–Review Coding Terms
  • I understand how computers talk with each other

Day 12

1) WORD—Type up sight words
2) Assess icons, parts of the computer
3) Choose your own Game
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.

1st Grade

Typing Agent
Write some silly sentences
Work on Animal Research (if needed)
RAZ Kids
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent 3-10 minutes
2) Make your Own Comic
3) Typing Games

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) FINISH!!!!Write up Michigan Person
3) 3rd Grade Memory Book
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Project

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  •  Scratch
  • Checkpoint: Last 2 tests

I know how a computer talks and understands directions
I can use a Scratch to code something
I can research using the Internet and make a slideshow

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Days 11/12

1)  Typing Agent
2) Work on Word–> Typing Principal, Teacher, and Name. Working on Aa Bb uppercase/lowercase ABCs
3) Work on Final Keyboard Assignment
4) RAZ kids
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Animal Research Projects
I can type using the correct hands.
I can make my research into a form of Writing

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) President Research Slides/Last Writing Assignment
3) Raz Kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use Google Slides to make a basic presentation.

3rd  Grade

1)  Typing Agent
2) Work on People of Michigan Research/Write up
3) RAZ kids
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Brochure
3) Finish Research
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Revolutionary War Research/Slideshow
  • I understand how computers talk with each other

Day 12

1) WORD—Type up sight words
2) Assess icons, Word, etc.
3) Choose your own Game
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.

1st Grade

Typing Agent
Work on Animal Research
RAZ Kids
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent 3-10 minutes
2) President Paper
3) Typing Games
I can use Google Slides to show an idea.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Write up Michigan Person
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Project

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Revolutionary Project (should be done)
  • Get Scratch account

I know how a computer talks and understands directions
I can use a Scratch to code something
I can research using the Internet and make a slideshow

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Days 9/10

Day 9

1) Typing Agent
2) Continue on Google Docs
3) Internet- Play RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
            1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Animal Research
3)   Practice writing sentences
4) RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) President Project
3) RAZ kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Maps-Finish
3) Research Project
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on State Research
3) Finish Google Maps
4) Make a Word Cloud
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Research and Start Google Slides
I can identify and research a famous person.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet source is relevant.



Day 10

1)  Typing Agent
2) Keyboard Drag-H-P
3) RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Typing Agent
2) Practice writing Sentences
3) Animal Research
4) RAZ Kids
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2)  President Project
3) RAZ Kids
I can type using the proper typing posture.

3rd  Grade

1)  Finish Google Maps
2) Typing Agent 15 minutes
3) Research should be close to Done!!!!
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I understand how the Internet is a useful to me.

 4th  grade-

1) State Research
2) Write Pen Pal
3) Maps Most be Done!!!!!
4) Kahoot-Email Terms
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

 5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Add to your Story
  • Work on Revolutionary Research/Project
  • I can identify and research a famous person.
    I can understand how to determine if an Internet source is relevant.
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Day 7/8

1) Work on Typing Agent
2) Google Docs: Type Name, ABC’s, sight words, etc.
3) Internet–Play Games on K Website, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online,
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2)  Start talking about Researching
3) Another Cutting/Pasting Example
4) Raz Kids
5) Internet Safety Post Test
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—15 minutes
  • Start President Research
  • RAZ kids
  • Work on Cutting and Pasting
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Typing Agent
  • Work/Review on Google Maps
  • Talk about Michigan Project and pick Research Topic

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Google Maps

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Review Google Sheets
  • Google Sheets Post Test
  • Pick Research Topic
  • I can understand how computers talk to each other.

Day 8

1) Play Typing Agent
2) Keyboard Match Game
3) Finish Google Docs
4) Internet- Play Games and play RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Researching Examples
3)   Make a Word Cloud
4) RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) President Research Page
3) Start Talking about Cutting and Pasting
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Maps-Finish
3) Talk about Michigan Project
4) Post test-Common Websites:
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Google Maps
3) Write Penpals
4) Start Research Project
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Research Project
3) Add to Story
I can identify and research a revolutionary person.

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Days 5/6

Day 5

1) Typing Agent-Try to get in
2) Internet  Games in the Blue Box (Birthday Cake Counting), Stories Online , RAZ-Kids

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent and Typing Games
2) Cut and Paste Activity
3) Raz Kids
4) Internet Safety-Post Test
I can recognize an Internet Search Site.
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

2nd Grade

  • Post Test: Internet Safety
  • Research Sites—Google for Kids/Others
  • Start President Research Activity
    I can get information on the Internet using informational websites.
    I recognize and use the favorite’s button.
    I can do an Internet Search.


1) Kahoot on webEndings
2) Finish Common Website Activity
3) Typing Agent
4) Pretest on Google Maps/Post Test on Internet Safety
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.
I can use Internet to be Safe.

4th  grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Play Kahoot- Relevant Websites
  • Test on about Webendings and Internet Safety
  • Work through Google Sheets Example/Start Checkpoint

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Kahoot: Relevant Websites/Internet Safety
  • Typing Agent
  • Google Sheets-Review and Work through Example
  • Checkpoints: Internet Safety

I can work collaboratively with others to make a story using the Internet.

Day 6

1) Games in Blue Box:  Number Match and Adventure Man
2) Internet–Play Games in the Green Box, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online,
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Cutting/Pasting Checkpoint
3) Raz Kids
I can cut and paste on a Word document.
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—15 minutes
  • Finish up Searches
  • Start President Research Project
  • I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Typing Agent
  • Teach Google Maps
  • Post Test on Web Endings

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Write to PenPal
  • Checkpoint: Relevant Websites and Google Sheets
  • Start Google Maps

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Post Test: Relevant Websites
  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Google Sheets
  • Collaborative Story- Add to your collaborative Story
    I can find sum, average, graph, and sort my data in Google Sheets. 
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Days 3 and 4

1) Do Games in the green Box
2) Start with Keyboard Zoo
3) Play RAZ kids

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Work on Typing Agent
2) Review How to make a capital. Type sight words
3)RAZ kids

I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  1. Typing Agent-10 minutes
    2) Internet Searching
    3) Faux Paux Video
    I can use the Internet Safely.
    I can research using the Internet.

1)  Start Common Websites
2) Typing Agent
3) Talk about Web Endings
4) Kahoot on Internet Safety
I can use the Internet Safely.
I can use common websites to gain information.

4th  grade
1) Do Kahoot on Webendings/Internet Safety
2) Pretest on Google Chrome Buttons
3) Typing Agent
4) Start Google Sheets
5) Work on Google Maps
I can use Google Sheets to find the sum, enter data, and graph.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent (10 minutes)
2) Pretest on Google Sheets
3) Start Google Sheets
4) Elementary Timeline
I can make a timeline using Google Slides.
I can use Google Sheets to find the sum, average, and make a graph.

Day 4

1) Internet: Start Blue Box
2) Type–How do I type
3)   RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Review Internet Safety–Making Sentences
3) Type Important People
I can take care of my computer.
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Internet Searching
3) Review Internet Safety–Kahoot
I can use the Internet to research things.

3rd  Grade
1) Typing Agent- 10 minutes
2) Common Website Activity pg. 2
3) Kahoot on Endings
4) RAZ Kids
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Kahoot of Email Terms
3) Google Sheets—> How to Graph
4) Relevant Websites
5) Write to Pen Pal
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two points.
I can make an outline in Google Docs.
I can use relevant websites to do research.
I can use the Internet to do research.

 5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Work on collaborative story in Google Documents
  • Finish Talking about Internet Safety:  Survivor Diaries 
  • Talk about Relevant Websites
  • Work on Google Sheets.
    I can work collaboratively to write a story online.
    I can be safe on the Internet
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Days 1/2

1) Keyboard Zoo- Get the Fingers moving
2) Do Games in the Green Box–Alphabet Match and Another Matching

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade

1) Internet Safety
2) RAZ Kids
3) Work on Typing Agent
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Talk about Internet Safety
    I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.

1. Pretest on Internet Safety/Webendings
2) Typing Agent
3) Internet Safety
4) RAZ Kids
I can use the Internet Safely.

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2)Pretest Internet Safety and Relevant Websites
3) Internet Safety
I can use the Internet in a safe way.

5th grade
1)  Typing Agent
2) Pretest on Internet Safety and Robotics
3) Internet Safety Videos (4 of them)  Miketosis and Terrible Text , Who you are talking to onlineProfile Penalty
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can find the sum, average, make a graph and sort Data

Day #2

1) Do Games in the Blue Box
2) Start with Cup Stack Typing
3) Play RAZ kids

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Work on Typing Agent
2) Review How to make a capital. Type sight words
3)RAZ kids

I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • Write a Story about Spring Break or about You–Review Formatting Tab Key, title in the center, and getting a pic
  • I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.

1)  Pretest on Common Websites
2) Typing Agent
3) Talk about Web Endings
4) Writing Prompt: Spring Break or All About Me
I can use the Internet Safely.
I can use common websites to gain information.

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2) Talk about Webendings
3) Start Google Maps
I can use Google Maps to find the directions between 2 places.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent (10 minutes)
2) Internet Safety
3) Pretest on Relevant Websites
4) Elementary Timeline
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can use Google Sheets to find the sum, average, and make a graph.

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Round Two: Final Days 11 and 12

Day 11

1)  Typing Agent
2) Work on Word–> Typing Principal, Teacher, and Name. Working on Aa Bb uppercase/lowercase ABCs
3) Work on Final Keyboard Assignment
4) RAZ kids
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Animal Projects
3) Finish Cutting and Pasting
I can type using the correct hands.
I can make my research into a form of Writing

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) President Research Slides/Last Writing Assignment
3) Raz Kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use Google Slides to make a basic presentation.

3rd  Grade

1)  Typing Agent
2) Work on People of Michigan Research/Write up
3) RAZ kids
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Brochure
3) Finish Research
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Take Free Resources Checkpoint/Robotic Terms
  • Play/Make Scratch Game
  • Make sure Change in Passwords
    I understand how computers talk with each other

Day 12

1) WORD—Type up sight words
2) Assess icons, Word, etc.
3) Choose your own Game
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.

1st Grade

Typing Agent
Work on Animal Research
RAZ Kids
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent 3-10 minutes
2) Favorite Thing about Technology this year…
I can use Google Slides to show an idea.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Write up Michigan Person
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Project

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Scratch-Choose your Own Adventure

I know how a computer talks and understands directions
I can use a Scratch to code something

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Days 9/10–Round 2

Day 9

1) Typing Agent
2) Continue on Google Docs
3) Internet- Play RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
            1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Animal Research
3)   Practice writing sentences
4) RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) President Project
3) RAZ kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Maps-Finish
3) Research Project
4) Kahoot on Common Websites: Checkpoint
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on State Research
3) Finish Google Maps
4) Make a Word Cloud
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Coding: Make a Pet
I can identify and research a problem in the world today.
I can use Google Earth to find different landmarks in the world.


Day 10

1)  Typing Agent
2) Keyboard Drag-H-P
3) RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Typing Agent
2) Practice writing Sentences
3) Animal Research
4) RAZ Kids
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2)  President Project
3) RAZ Kids
I can type using the proper typing posture.

3rd  Grade

1)  Finish Google Maps
2) Typing Agent 15 minutes
3) Research should be Done!!!!
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I understand how the Internet is a useful to me.

 4th  grade-

1) State Research
2) Write Pen Pal
3) Maps Most be Done!!!!!
4) Kahoot-Email Terms
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

 5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Add to your Story
  • Scratch
  • I can understand how to determine if an Internet source is relevant.
    I can log-in to a computer using my personal log-in
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Round 2: Days 7-8

1) Work on Typing Agent
2) Google Docs: Type Name, ABC’s, sight words, etc.
3) Internet–Play Games on K Website, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online,
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2)  Start talking about Researching
3) Another Cutting/Pasting Example
4) Raz Kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—15 minutes
  • Cutting and Pasting
  • Finish President Research
  • RAZ kids
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Typing Agent
  • Talk about Michigan Project and pick Research Topic
  • Work on Google Maps

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Google Maps

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Pretest on Robots
  • Typing Agent
  • Introduce Robotic Terms
  • Play Coding Games
    I can understand how computers talk to each other.

Day 8

1) Play Typing Agent
2) Keyboard Match Game
3) Finish Google Docs
4) Internet- Play Games and play RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Researching Examples
3)   Make a Word Cloud
4) RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) Finish Research Page
3) Cutting and Pasting
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Maps-Finish
3) Research Project-Start Research
4) Post test-Common Websites:
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Google Maps
3) Write Penpals–> Favorite Thing about Spring or plans for Spring Break
4) Talk about State Research
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) CODING GAMES–Introduce Scratch
3) Add to Story
I can identify and research a problem in the world today.
I can use Google Earth to find different landmarks in the world.

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Round 2: Days 5 and 6

Day 5

1) Typing Agent-Try to get in
2) Internet  Games in the Blue Box (Birthday Cake Counting), Stories Online , RAZ-Kids

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent and Typing Games
2) Cut and Paste Activity
3) Raz Kids
4) Internet Safety-Post Test
I can recognize an Internet Search Site.
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

2nd Grade

  • Post Test: Internet Safety
  • Research Sites—Google for Kids/Others
  • Start President Research Activity
    I can get information on the Internet using informational websites.
    I recognize and use the favorite’s button.
    I can do an Internet Search.


1) Kahoot on webEndings
2) Finish Common Website Activity
3) Typing Agent
4) Pretest on Google Maps/Post Test on Internet Safety
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.
I can use Internet to be Safe.

4th  grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Play Kahoot- Relevant Websites
  • Test on about Webendings and Internet Safety
  • Work through Google Sheets Example/Start Checkpoint

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Kahoot: Relevant Websites
  • Typing Agent
  • Google Sheets-Review and Work through Example
  • Checkpoints: Internet Safety

I can work collaboratively with others to make a story using the Internet.

Day 6

1) Games in Blue Box:  Number Match and Adventure Man
2) Internet–Play Games in the Green Box, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online,
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Cutting/Pasting Checkpoint
3) Raz Kids
I can cut and paste on a Word document.
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—15 minutes
  • Finish up Searches
  • Start President Research Project
  • I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Typing Agent
  • Teach Google Maps
  • Post Test on Web Endings

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Write to PenPal
  • Checkpoint: Relevant Websites and Google Sheets
  • Start Google Maps

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Post Test: Google Sheets and Relevant Websites
  • Typing Agent
  • Collaborative Story- Add to your collaborative Story
    I can find sum, average, graph, and sort my data in Google Sheets. 
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Days 3/4

1) Internet: Finish Yellow Box and Start Blue Box
2) Type–Review letters!
3)   RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Review Internet Safety–Making Sentences
3) Type Snow Words
I can take care of my computer.
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Work on Internet Searching
3) Faux Paux Video
4) Talk about Spelling/Grammar Mistakes
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word.

3rd  Grade
1) Typing Agent- 10 minutes
2) Common Website Activity pg. 2 and 3
3) Kahoot on Endings
4) RAZ Kids
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Kahoot of Email Terms
3) Google Sheets—> How to Graph
4) Relevant Websites
5) Write to Pen Pal
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two points.
I can make an outline in Google Docs.
I can use relevant websites to do research.
I can use the Internet to do research.

 5th grade

  • Work on collaborative story in Google Documents
  • Finish Talking about Internet Safety:  Survivor Diaries and Friend or fake
  • Talk about Relevant Websites
  • Work on Google Sheets. Talk about sorting.
    I can work collaboratively to write a story online.
    I can be safe on the Internet
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Rotation #2: Days 1/2

1) Keyboard Zoo- Get the Fingers moving
2) Do Games in the Green Box–Alphabet Match and Another Matching
3) RAZ Kids—Review how to get on

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Pretest on Internet Safety
2) Review How to make a capital. Type sight words
3) Free Time on ABCya!
4) Work on Typing Agent
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • Pretest on Internet Safety
  • Write a Thank you Note–Review Formatting
  • I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.

1. Pretest on Internet Safety/Webendings
2) Typing Agent
3) Internet Safety
4) RAZ Kids
I can use the Internet Safely.

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2)Pretest Internet Safety and Webendings
3) Internet Safety
4) Pretest/Start Google Sheets
I can use Google Sheets to find the Sum and make a graph. 

5th grade
1)  Typing Agent
2) Pretest on Internet Safety and Google Sheets
3) Internet Safety  Miketosis and Terrible Text 
4) Start Google Sheets
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can find the sum, average, make a graph and sort Data

Day #2

1) Do Games in the Blue Box
2) Start with Cup Stack Typing

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Internet Safety
2) RAZ Kids
3) Work on Typing Agent
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • Talk about Internet Safety
  • Introduce Internet Searching
    I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.

1)  Pretest on Common Websites
2) Typing Agent
3) Review Internet Safety and talk about Web Endings
4) Start Common Websites
I can use the Internet Safely.
I can use common websites to gain information.

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2) Start Google Sheets
3)Pretest Chrome Buttons/Relevant Websites
I can type an Outline and add a picture.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent (10 minutes)
2) Internet Safety  Who you are talking to onlineProfile Penalty
3) Pretest on Relevant Websites
4) Google Sheets-Smarties
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can use Google Sheets to find the sum, average, and make a graph.

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Round 2: Days 11/12

Day 11

1)  Typing Agent
2) Work on Word–> Typing Principal, Teacher, and Name. Working on Aa Bb uppercase/lowercase ABCs
3) RAZ Kids
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Animal Projects
I can type using the correct hands.
I can make my research into a form of Writing

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) President Research Slides
3) Raz Kids
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.
I can use Google Slides to make a basic presentation.

3rd  Grade

1)  Typing Agent
2) Work on People of Michigan Research/Write up
3) RAZ kids
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Brochure
3) Finish Research
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Take Free Resources Checkpoint/Robotic Terms
  • Play/Make Scratch Game
  • Make sure Change in Passwords
    I understand how computers talk with each other

Day 12

1) WORD—Type up sight words
2) Assess icons, Word, etc.
3) Keyboard Find it Q-Z
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.

1st Grade

Typing Agent
Work on Animal Research
RAZ Kids
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent 3-10 minutes
2)Finish President Research
I can use Google Slides to show an idea.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Internet Safety
3 Write up Michigan Person
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Project

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Scratch-Choose your Own Adventure

I know how a computer talks and understands directions
I can use a Scratch to code something

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Round 2: Days 9/10

Day 9

1) Typing Agent
2) Continue on Google Docs/Keyboard A-G
3) Internet- Play Monthly Links
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
            1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Type Valentine
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) President Research Page
3) Cutting and Pasting
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Maps-Finish
3) Research Project
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on State Research
3) Finish Google Maps
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Coding: Make a Pet
I can identify and research a problem in the world today.
I can use Google Earth to find different landmarks in the world.


Day 10

1)  Typing Agent
2) Keyboard Drag-H-P
3) RAZ kids other Valentine
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Typing Agent
2) Design Your Valentine
3) Play Valentine Games
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2)  DONE President Research
3) RAZ Kids
4) Cutting and Pasting Checkpoint
I can type using the proper typing posture.

3rd  Grade

1)  Finish Google Maps
2) Typing Agent 15 minutes
3) Research should be Done!!!!
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I understand how the Internet is a useful to me.

 4th  grade-

1) State Research
2) Write Pen Pal
3) Maps Most be Done!!!!!
4) Kahoot-Email Terms
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

 5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Add to your Story
  • Scratch
  • I can understand how to determine if an Internet source is relevant.
    I can log-in to a computer using my personal log-in
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Day 7/8

1) Work on Typing Agent
2) Google Docs: Type Name, ABC’s, sight words, etc.
3) Internet–Play Games on K Website, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online,
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2)  Start talking about Researching
3) Another Cutting/Pasting Example
4) Raz Kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—15 minutes
  • Start President Research
  • RAZ kids
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Typing Agent
  • Talk about Michigan Project and pick Research Topic
  • Work on Google Maps

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade

  • Pretest on Google Maps
  • Typing Agent
  • Google Maps

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Pretest on Robots
  • Typing Agent
  • Introduce Robotic Terms
  • Play Coding Games
    I can understand how computers talk to each other.

Day 8

1) Play Typing Agent
2) Keyboard Match Game
3) Finish Google Docs
4) Internet- Play Games and play RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Researching Examples
3)   Make a Word Cloud
4) RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) President Research Page
3) Start Talking about Cutting and Pasting
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Maps-Finish
3) Research Project-Start Research
4) Post test-Common Websites:
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Google Maps
3) Write Penpals
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) CODING GAMES–Introduce Scratch
3) Add to Story
I can identify and research a problem in the world today.
I can use Google Earth to find different landmarks in the world.

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Day 5/6

Day 5

1) Typing Agent-Try to get in
2) Internet  Games in the Blue Box (Shape Hunt), Stories Online , RAZ-Kids

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent and Typing Games
2) Cut and Paste Activity
3) Raz Kids
4) Internet Safety-Post Test
I can recognize an Internet Search Site.
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

2nd Grade

  • Post Test: Internet Safety
  • Research Sites—Google for Kids/Others
    I can get information on the Internet using informational websites.
    I recognize and use the favorite’s button.
    I can do an Internet Search.


1) Talk about webEndings
2) Finish Common Website Activity
3) Typing Agent
4) Pretest on Google Maps/Post Test on Internet Safety
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.
I can use Internet to be Safe.

4th  grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Play Kahoot- Relevant Websites
  • Test on about Webendings and Internet Safety
  • Work through Google Sheets Example

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Kahoot: Relevant Websites
  • Typing Agent
  • Google Sheets-Review and Work through Example
  • Checkpoints: Internet Safety

I can work collaboratively with others to make a story using the Internet.

Day 6

1) Games in Blue Box:  Tough Shapes
2) Internet–Play Games in the Green Box, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online,
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Cutting/Pasting Checkpoint
3) Raz Kids
I can cut and paste on a Word document.
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—15 minutes
  • Finish up Searches
  • Start President Research Project
  • I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Typing Agent
  • Teach Google Maps
  • Post Test on Web Endings

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Write to PenPal
  • Checkpoint: Relevant Websites and Google Sheets

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Post Test: Google Sheets and Relevant Websites
  • Typing Agent
  • Collaborative Story- Add to your collaborative Story
    I can find sum, average, graph, and sort my data in Google Sheets. 
No Comments »

Day 3/4 (Shortened due to MLK Day)

1) Internet: Finish Yellow Box and Start Blue Box
2) Type–Review letters!
3)   RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Review Internet Safety–Making Sentences
3) Type Valentine Words
I can take care of my computer.
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Work on Internet Searching
3) Faux Paux Video
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word.

3rd  Grade
1) Typing Agent- 10 minutes
2) Common Website Activity pg. 2 and 3
3) Kahoot on Endings
4) RAZ Kids
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Kahoot of Email Terms
3) Google Sheets—> How to Graph
4) Relevant Websites
5) Write to Pen Pal
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two points.
I can make an outline in Google Docs.
I can use relevant websites to do research.
I can use the Internet to do research.

 5th grade

  • Work on collaborative story in Google Documents
  • Finish Talking about Internet Safety:  Survivor Diaries and Friend or fake
  • Talk about Relevant Websites
  • Work on Google Sheets. Talk about sorting.
    I can work collaboratively to write a story online.
    I can be safe on the Internet
No Comments »

Day #1/2-2nd Rotation

1) Keyboard Zoo- Get the Fingers moving
2) Do Games in the Green Box–Alphabet Match and Another Matching
3) RAZ Kids—Review how to get on

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Pretest on Internet Safety
2) Review How to make a capital. Type sight words
3) Free Time on ABCya!
4) Work on Typing Agent
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • Pretest on Internet Safety
  • Write a Thank you Note–Review Formatting
  • I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.

1. Pretest on Internet Safety/Webendings
2) Typing Agent
3) Internet Safety
4) RAZ Kids
I can use the Internet Safely.

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2)Pretest Internet Safety and Relevant Websites
3) Internet Safety
4) Pretest/Start Google Sheets
I can use Google Sheets to find the Sum and make a graph. 

5th grade
1)  Typing Agent
2) Pretest on Internet Safety and Google Sheets
3) Internet Safety  Miketosis and Terrible Text 
4) Start Google Sheets
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can find the sum, average, make a graph and sort Data

Day #2

1) Do Games in the Blue Box
2) Start with Cup Stack Typing

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Internet Safety
2) RAZ Kids
3) Work on Typing Agent
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • Talk about Internet Safety
  • Introduce Internet Searching
    I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.

1)  Pretest on Common Websites
2) Typing Agent
3) Review Internet Safety and talk about Web Endings
4) Start Common Websites
I can use the Internet Safely.
I can use common websites to gain information.

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2) Start Google Sheets
3)Pretest Chrome Buttons/Web endings
I can type an Outline and add a picture.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent (10 minutes)
2) Internet Safety  Who you are talking to onlineProfile Penalty
3) Pretest on Relevant Websites
4) Google Sheets-Smarties
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can use Google Sheets to find the sum, average, and make a graph.

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Day #9

1) Keyboard Zoo check out Cup Stack Typing , ABC Bubbles, Fuzz Bugs, and  Alphabet Goop 
2) Typing on Google Document: Last One
3) Play Games in Purple Box
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet

 1st Grade

  1. Typing Agent–Teach Invaders Game
  2. Type Winter Words and make sentences
  3. Stickman Game
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
    I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

 2nd Grade

1) Docs: If I were the teacher….
2) For Fun: Typing Ninja Game
3) Typing Agent
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Google Docs.
I can add a picture to my Google Docs.


  •  Work on Outlines in Google Documents.
  • Typing Agent
  • Input/Output Devices make-up
    I can make an outline in a Google Document.


1) Work on Outlines
2) Typing Agent
3) Input/Output/Saving Things Make-UP
I can do the correct formatting of an outline.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Finish Animal Project
    I can research things on the Internet and cite my sources.
    I can use the proper typing position.
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Day 8

Day 8

1) Play Keyboard Zoo , Alphabet Goop 
2) Introduce Cup Stack Typing
3) Keep working on typing on Google Doc: Snow Much Fun
I can type the keys on the keyboard.
I can stay on the correct website. 

1st Grade
1)  Typing Agent (Learn Rocket Game)
2) Word-Tab Key Write some sentences
3) Play Out of Sight Words Game
4) Free time: Raz-kids, First Grade Website, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—For 10 minutes
  • Make a Thank you note to someone
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Start Google Docs –> Outlining
  • Typing Agent
  • I can use Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.


1) Finish Google Slides
2) Typing Agent
3) Review Outlining in Google Docs
4) Talk about email
I can use Excel to Add and Graph data.
I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Let’s Blog
  • Animal Report (SHould be getting close to done)
  • I can see research a topic and cite my sources.
    I can use a blog.
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Day #7


1) Play Keyboard Zoo Game
2) Watch/Listen to Hanukkah Alaska Book
3) Decorate a House with Christmas Lights
4) Check the Classwork section and make sure ALL OF YOUR ASSIGNMENTS ARE DONE.
5) For Fun: Play anything in the first column of my Monthly Links website
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

1) Typing Agent-Cliff Typing
2) Make Sure Everything is caught up
3) Free Time: Monthly Links website
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the font Style and Size in Microsoft Word

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish up on Favorite Animals add a picture!!!!
3) Holiday Traditions Search
4) Free Time: Monthly Links website
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the font (style, color, and size) in Microsoft Word.

1) Google Slides—Turn it in
2) Typing Agent
3) Holiday Traditions Search
I can make a background in Google Slides.

1) Google Slides-Turn it in!
2) Typing Agent
3) Holiday Traditions Search
I can make put Slide Transitions into my Slides presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Blogging
  • Google Earth
    I can type using the correct position.
    I can Blog.
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Day #6

1) Typing in Google; letters, and Name (Numbers Too)
2) Make a Backpack, Face, Pizza, Build a House, and try Make a Tree
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Learn New Game on Typing Agent
3) Google Docs: Decorate Holiday Words
4) Free Time: Raz Kids, Monthly Links, Tux Paint
I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Play Typing Agent Games
3) Work on Favorite Animal
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can use Google Docs.

1.  Typing Agent
2, Google Slides—work day Review Checklist
I can make a background in Google Slides.
I can type using the correct Typing Position


1) Google Slides- How do I do animations?
2) Typing Agent
I can make put Transitions and Animations into my Presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Blogging–> Blog
  • Start Google Earth

I can use the proper techniques to Type.
I can blog.

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Day #5

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Internet Explorer-Abcya —Make a  Face, Pizza, Mask, and Cake
3) Type some more letters

I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Checkpoint on Parts of the Computer
  • Decorate Christmas List
    I recognize and use the File Menu.
    I can type words using Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Google: Work on using TAB Key and Favorite Animal
  • 3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Slides–Review changing font, adding pictures teach Add Backgrounds
  • Typing Agent
  • Input/Output Test

I can add slides, change my font and add pictures in my Slides presentation.


  1. Typing Agent
  2. Google Slides–Show how to do Transitions and Animations
  3. Saving Things as well as INput/OUtput Test
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) What’s a Blog–Add Avatar and Make a Post
3) Copyright Vidoes
I can make a blog post.
I can type using the correct posture and position.
I can research an animal.

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Hour of Code

Online Wed:

So this is Hour of Code week! So we are going to try a coding games.

1- Candy Quest
2-Hour of Code: Grinch Edition
3-5 Choose your own Game


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Day 4

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Write some letters (A,B,C,D)
3) Introduce  ABCya- House , Face and Pizza
4)RAZ Kids
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Kahoot on Computer Parts
  • Type Letters–> Work on lists
  • Free Time: RAZ Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint Computer Parts
  • Typing Agent
  • Start Google Documents work on Holiday Sentences
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

3rd /4th

  • Review Input/Output Devices
  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Presentations–Add in all the content and work on adding pictures
  • I understand the importance of taking care of my computer.
    I can use Google Slides to show an idea.

5th grade

  • Log into the Blogging
  • Typing Agent
  • Add Selfie to Timeline
  • Make an Avatar
    I can Blog.
    I can type using the correct position
    I can
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Day 2 and 3


1st Grade

* Review Computer Parts
* Introduce Google Documents and Magic Keys
*Cat and the Hat: Maze Craze

I can open and use Paint
I can name the Computer Parts.

2nd Grade

  • Quick review of the parts of the computer
  • Typing Agent
  • Talk about How to Type and play Keyboard Challenge
    I can recognize and use the home row.
    I can use proper typing position.
    I can name the Computer Parts.

3rd– 5th

  • Quick Review Rules and How to use Cards
  • Review/Intro Researching Things on the Internet
  • Typing Agent
  • Rough Draft of Google Slides
    I can save something to my school Drive.
    I can name and recognize some ways of saving things on my computer.
    I can use the Internet to answer a question.

Day 3


  1. Review Parts of the Computers
  2. Make a Mask and Build a House,Make a Face
  3. RAZ kids

I can name the parts of the computer.
I can use the mouse to open up computer programs.
I can use mouse to make lines and circles in paint.

 1st Grade

    1. Review Computer Parts-Matching Game
    2. Draw something in ABCya Paint
    3. Write Things in Google Documents- Name, ABC’s, Capitals
    4. Review RAZ Kids??? Another game
      I can name the parts of the computer.
      I can use the tools in Paint to make a picture.

2nd Grade

  1. Computer Parts-Play Kahoot
  2. Teach Home-Row
  3. Typing Agent
  4. Review RAZ Kids
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.


  1. Review how to Save Things/ Introduce Input/Output Devices
  2. Typing Agent
  3. Google Search
    I can name different ways of saving things.
    I can name the difference between input and output devices.
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can use google Slides

5th Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Work on Timeline (June 5, August 26)
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can make a timeline in Google Slides.
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Day 1-Virtual Walters

Day 1

1) Know who I am

2) Talk about our Computers and How to be Safe

3) Set-up your computers/Walk through Google Classroom

4) You might just start a pre-test (if you are grades 1-5) See Google Classroom

5) Play a Typing Game

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Days 10/11

1) ABC Game: New Game ABC Matching and Hit the Letter,
2) Type Letters/Words
3) Color Games: Bingo
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent- New Game River Run
2)  Pretest on Taking Care of the Computer
3) List of things found in the classroom : Christmas List
4) RAZ Kids
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent –> Talk about Games
Christmas List
3) RAZ kids
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in a Google Document.
I can add a picture and make a list

1) Typing Agent
2) Review how to make an outline
3) Make your own outline–either the 4 Seasons
4) Raz kids
I can type using the correct position.
I can make an outline using Google Docs.

1)   Typing Agent
2) Make an Outline–> 4th Grade Subjects
3) Coding Games
I can make an outline in Google Documents. 

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Earth
I can use Google Earth to find places around the globe.

Day 10

1) ABC Practice Games: Paint By Letter and ABC Bubble
2) Finish Google Document with letters/Words
3) Internet:RAZ Kids or  Kodable
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent- Learn Invaders Game
2) Finish List
3) Checkpoint Taking Care of the Computer
4) RAZ Kids
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent
2) Finish “Christmas List”
3) Coding Games-

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Outline
3) Coding Games

  • I can type using the correct position.
    I can make an outline using Google Docs.

1)   Typing Agent
2) Finish outline
3)  Coding Games

I can make an outline using Google Docs.
I can understand how to code.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Google Earth
3) Coding Games
I can use Google Earth.

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Day 8 and 9

Day 8

1) Play Keyboard Zoo , Alphabet Goop 
2) Introduce Cup Stack Typing
3) Keep working on typing on Google Doc. (like, the)
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1)  Typing Agent (Learn Rocket Game)
2) Word-Tab Key Write some sentences
3) Talk about Spelling City
4) Free time: Raz-kids, First Grade Website, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • 1. Talk about File Menu/Show How to Check eMail
  • Typing Agent—For 10 minutes
  • If I had a Millon Dollars….prompt
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Google Slides-Work day DONE TODAY
  • Start Google Docs –> Outlining
  • Typing Agent
  • Talk about email
    I can use Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.


1) Finish Google Slides
2) Typing Agent
3) Review Outlining in Google Docs
4) Talk about email
I can use Excel to Add and Graph data.
I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Let’s Blog
  • Animal Report (SHould be getting close to done)
  • I can see research a topic and cite my sources.
    I can use a blog.

Day 9

1) Keyboard Zoo check out Cup Stack Typing , ABC Puzzles and  Alphabet Goop 
2) Typing on Google Document
3) New Game: Make a Cookie
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet

 1st Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Review How to do Capitals –Do Capitals Game and Magic Keys (Shift, Enter, Space, Backspace and Introduce TAB and Caps Lock)–Type Fall Words
  3. Start Talking about making a list
  4. Talk about How to Log-off and Shut down
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
    I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

 2nd Grade

1) Word-Work on If I had a Million Dollars
2) Also talk about the File and Insert Menu and add picture
3) Typing Agent
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can add a picture to my Word document.


  •  Work on Outlines in Google Documents.
  • Typing Agent
    I can make an outline in a Google Document.


1) Work on Outlines
2) Typing Agent
I can add data and find the sum in Google Sheets.

5th grade

  • Let’s Blog!
  • Typing Agent
  • Google Earth
  • Finish Animal Project
    I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
    I can find the sum, average, and make a graph on Google Sheets.
    I can use Google Earth.
    I can use the proper typing position.
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Day 6 and 7

1) Typing in Google; A, B, C, D, E, F, and Name (Numbers Too)
2) Make a Backpack, Face, Pizza, Build a House, and try Make a pumpkin
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Draw a pumpkin in Paint
2) Learn New Game on Typing Agent
3) Google Docs: Work on Magic Keys
4) Free Time: Raz Kids, Monthly Links, Tux Paint
I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Take a Quick Google Form (Use TAB Key)
3) Work on Favorite Animal
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can use Google Docs.

1.  Typing Agent
2, Google Slides—work day Review Checklist
I can make a background in Google Slides.
I can type using the correct Typing Position


1) Google Slides- How do I do animations?
2) Typing Agent
I can make put Transitions and Animations into my Presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Blogging–> Blog
  • Start Animal Project

I can use the proper techniques to Type.
I can blog.

Day 7

1) Type (Like, Numbers, dad, bed, etc.)
2) Try ABCya Paint
3) –Check out Letter Games

I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Type Some Sight Words
3) Free Time: Raz-kids
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the font Style and Size in Microsoft Word

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish up on Favorite Animals add a picture!!!!
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the font (style, color, and size) in Microsoft Word.

1) Google Slides—Review how do you do backgrounds and Pictures–Should be Close to done
2) Typing Agent
I can make a background in Google Slides.

1) Google Slides-Review how to do Slide Transitions/Animations–Should be close to done
2) Typing Agent
I can make put Slide Transitions into my Slides presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Blogging
  • Work on Animal Project
    I can type using the correct position.
    I can Blog.
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Week #4/5

Day 4

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Write some letters (A,B,C,D)
3) Introduce  ABCya- House , Face and Pizza
4)RAZ Kids
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Checkpoint on Computer Parts
  • Type Letters–> Work on capitals
  • Free Time: RAZ Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint Computer Parts
  • Typing Agent
  • Start Google Documents–> Talk about how to write a sentence
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

3rd /4th

  • Checkpoint on Input/Output Devices
  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Presentations
  • I understand the importance of taking care of my computer.
    I can use Google Slides to show an idea.

5th grade

  • Blogging
  • Typing Agent
  • Talk about Email
  • Make an Avatar
    I can Blog.
    I can type using the correct position
    I can

Day 5

1) Review parts of the computers/ Checkpoint
2) Internet Explorer-Abcya —Make a  Face, Pizza, Mask, and Cake
3) Type some more letters

I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Typing Agent–> Learn Rocket and Cliff Typer Game or Keyboard Climber
  • RAZ kids
  • Type Punctuation
    I recognize and use the File Menu.
    I can type words using Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Google: Work on using TAB Key
  • 3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Slides–Review changing font, adding pictures teach Add Backgrounds
  • Typing Agent

I can add slides, change my font and add pictures in my Slides presentation.


  1. Typing Agent
  2. Google Slides–Show how to do Transitions
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) What’s a Blog
3) Check Email
4) Talk about Animal Report.
I can make a blog post.
I can type using the correct posture and position.
I can research an animal.

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Day 3


  1. Review Parts of the Computers
  2. Make a Mask and Build a House, Pizza
  3. RAZ kids

I can name the parts of the computer.
I can use the mouse to open up computer programs.
I can use mouse to make lines and circles in paint.

 1st Grade

    1. Review Computer Parts-Play Kahoot
    2. Draw something in ABCya Paint
    3. Write Things in Google Documents- Name, ABC’s, Capitals
    4. Review RAZ Kids??? Another game
      I can name the parts of the computer.
      I can use the tools in Paint to make a picture.

2nd Grade

  1. Computer Parts-Play Kahoot
  2. Teach Home-Row
  3. Typing Agent
  4. Review RAZ Kids
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.


  1. Review how to Save Things/ Introduce Input/Output Devices
  2. Typing Agent
  3. Start  Google Slides
    I can name different ways of saving things.
    I can name the difference between input and output devices.
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can use google Slides

5th Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Work on Timeline (June 5, August 26)
  3. Start Talking about how to take Photographs
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can make a timeline in Google Slides.
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Days 1 and 2- Hughes

Day 1

1) Know who I am / Reminder of Logging into the computer using QR Codes

2) Talk about our Computers and How to be Safe

3) Set-up your computers/Walk through Google Classroom

4) You might just start a pre-test (if you are grades 1-5) See Google Classroom

Day 2


  • Review Computer Parts
  • Play Make a Mask
  • Logged into RAZ kids
    I can use a mouse.

1st Grade

* Review Computer Parts
* Introduce Google Documents
*RAZ Kids

I can open and use Paint
I can name the Computer Parts.

2nd Grade

  • Quick review of the parts of the computer
  • Typing Test
  • Reintroduce Typing Agent
    I can recognize and use the home row.
    I can use proper typing position.
    I can name the Computer Parts.

3rd– 5th

  • Quick Review Rules and How to use Cards
  • Review/Intro Researching Things on the Internet
  • Typing Agent
  • Rough Draft of Google Slides
    I can save something to my school Drive.
    I can name and recognize some ways of saving things on my computer.
    I can use the Internet to answer a question.
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Day 12/13

Catch-up Day!
Play Coding Games

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Days 10-11

1) ABC Game: New Game ABC Order, ABC Matching,
2) Type Letters/Words/10-20
3) Color Games: Bingo
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent- New Game Asteroids
2)  Pretest on Taking Care of the Computer
3) List of things found in the classroom or outside
4) RAZ Kids
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent –> Talk about Games
2) Story:
If I were the teacher…
3) RAZ kids
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in a Google Document.
I can add a picture and make a list

1) Typing Agent
2) Review how to make an outline
3) Make your own outline–either the 4 Seasons
4) Reteach Input/Output Devices
5) Raz kids
I can type using the correct position.
I can make an outline using Google Docs.

1)   Typing Agent
2) Make an Outline–> 4th Grade Subjects
3) Reteach Input/Output Devices
I can make an outline in Google Documents. 

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Earth
I can use Google Earth to find places around the globe.

Day 10

1) ABC Practice Games: Monkey Keys and Another Matching Game
2) Finish Google Document with letters/Words
3) Internet: Kodable
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent- Learn Invaders Game
2) Finish List
3) Checkpoint Taking Care of the Computer
4) Play Coding Games-Candy Quest
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent
2) Finish “If I were  a Teacher…”
3) Coding Games-

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Outline
3) Checkpoint Input/Output Devices
4) Coding Games

  • I can type using the correct position.
    I can make an outline using Google Docs.

1)   Typing Agent
2) Finish outline
3) Checkpoint Input/Output Devices
4) Coding Games

I can make an outline using Google Docs.
I can understand how to code.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Google Earth
3) Coding Games
I can use Google Earth.

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Day 8 and 9

Day 8

1) Play Keyboard Zoo and Alphabet Goop
2) Introduce Coloring Pages
3) Keep working on typing on Google Doc. (like, the)
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1)  Typing Agent (Learn Rocket Game)
2) Word-Tab Key
3) Free time: Raz-kids, First Grade Website, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • 1. Talk about File Menu
  • Mrs. Stemaly (finish turning in Animal
    Type  Facts about Johnny Appleseed
  • Typing Agent—For 10 minutes
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Google Slides-Work day DONE TODAY
  • Start Google Docs –> Outlining
  • Typing Agent
  • Talk about email
    I can use Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.


1) Finish Google Slides
2) Typing Agent
3) Review Outlining in Google Docs
4) Talk about email
I can use Excel to Add and Graph data.
I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Let’s Blog
  • Animal Report
  • I can see research a topic and cite my sources.
    I can use a blog.

Day 9

1) Keyboard Zoo check out Cup Stack Typing , ABC Puzzles and  Alphabet Goop 
2) Typing on Google Document
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet

 1st Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Review How to do Capitals –Do Capitals Game and Magic Keys (Shift, Enter, Space, Backspace and Introduce TAB and Caps Lock)–Type Fall Words
  3. Show File Menu
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
    I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

 2nd Grade

1) Word-Work on Johnny Appleseed
2) Also talk about the File and Insert Menu and add picture
3) Typing Agent
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can add a picture to my Word document.


  •  Work on Outlines in Google Documents.
  • Typing Agent
    I can make an outline in a Google Document.


1) Work on Outlines
2) Typing Agent
I can add data and find the sum in Google Sheets.

5th grade

  • Let’s Blog!
  • Typing Agent
  • Google Earth
  • Finish Animal Project
    I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
    I can find the sum, average, and make a graph on Google Sheets.
    I can use Google Earth.
    I can use the proper typing position.
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Day 6 & 7

1) Typing in Google; A, B, C, D, E, F, and Name (Numbers Too)
2) Make a Backpack, Face, Pizza, Build a House, and try Make a pumpkin
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Draw a pumpkin in Paint
2) Learn New Game on Typing Agent
3) Google Docs: Work on Magic Keys
4) Free Time: Raz Kids, Monthly Links, Tux Paint
I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Take a Quick Google Form (Use TAB Key)
3) Work on Favorite Animal
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can use Google Docs.

1.  Typing Agent
2, Google Slides—work day Review Checklist
I can make a background in Google Slides.
I can type using the correct Typing Position


1) Google Slides- How do I do animations?
2) Typing Agent
I can make put Transitions and Animations into my Presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Blogging–> Adding your Avatar
  • Start Google Animal Project

I can use the proper techniques to Type.
I can blog.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Days 4 and 5

Day 4

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Write some letters (A,B,C,D)
3) Introduce  ABCya- House , Face and Pizza
4)RAZ Kids
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Checkpoint on Computer Parts
  • Try Storymaker
  • Free Time: RAZ Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint Computer Parts
  • Typing Agent
  • Start Google Documents–> Talk about how to write a sentence
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

3rd /4th

  • Checkpoint on Input/Output Devices
  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Presentations
  • I understand the importance of taking care of my computer.
    I can use Google Slides to show an idea.

5th grade

  • Blogging
  • Typing Agent
  • Talk about Email
  • Make an Avatar
    I can Blog.
    I can type using the correct position
    I can

Day 5

1) Review parts of the computers/ Checkpoint
2) Internet Explorer-Abcya —Make a  Face, Pizza, Backpack, and Cake
3) Type some more letters

I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Typing Agent–> Learn Rocket and Cliff Typer Game or Keyboard Climber
  • RAZ kids
  • Type Punctuation
    I recognize and use the File Menu.
    I can type words using Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Google: Work on using TAB Key
  • 3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Slides–Review changing font, adding pictures teach Add Backgrounds
  • Typing Agent

I can add slides, change my font and add pictures in my Slides presentation.


  1. Typing Agent
  2. Google Slides–Show how to do Transitions
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) What’s a Blog
3) Check Email
I can make a blog post.
I can type using the correct posture and position.
I can research a famous person.

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Day 3 of Tech


  1. Review Parts of the Computers
  2. Make a Backpack and Build a House, Pizza

I can name the parts of the computer.
I can use the mouse to open up computer programs.
I can use mouse to make lines and circles in paint.

 1st Grade

    1. Review Computer Parts
    2. Draw something in ABCya Paint
    3. Write Things in Google Documents
    4. Review RAZ Kids??? Another game
      I can name the parts of the computer.
      I can use the tools in Paint to make a picture.

2nd Grade

  1. Computer Parts
  2. Teach Home-Row (Stemaly do Typing Tests)
  3. Typing Agent
  4. Review RAZ Kids
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.


  1. Review how to Save Things/ Introduce Input/Output Devices
  2. Typing Agent
  3. Start  Google Slides
    I can name different ways of saving things.
    I can name the difference between input and output devices.
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can use google Slides

5th Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Work on Timeline (June 5, August 26)
  3. Start Talking about how to take Photographs
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can make a timeline in Google Slides.
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Tech Day 1 and 2

Day 1

1) Know who I am / Reminder of Logging into the computer using QR Codes

2) Talk about our Computers and How to be Safe

3) Set-up your computers/Walk through Google Classroom

4) You might just start a pre-test (if you are grades 1-5) See Google Classroom

Day 2


  • Review Computer Parts
  • Play Make a Backpack
  • Logged into RAZ kids
    I can use a mouse.

1st Grade

* Review Computer Parts
* Introduce Google Documents
*RAZ Kids

I can open and use Paint
I can name the Computer Parts.

2nd Grade

  • Quick review of the parts of the computer
  • Typing Test
  • Reintroduce Typing Agent
    I can recognize and use the home row.
    I can use proper typing position.
    I can name the Computer Parts.

3rd– 5th

  • Quick Review Rules and How to use Cards
  • Review/Intro Researching Things on the Internet
  • Typing Agent
  • Rough Draft of Google Slides
    I can save something to my school Drive.
    I can name and recognize some ways of saving things on my computer.
    I can use the Internet to answer a question.
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Week #27

1) Start Word: Type Name and start ABC’s
2) Internet–Play Games on K Website, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online,
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2)  Finish up Art Checkpoint/Sentences/Words
3) RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—15 minutes
  • Finish Art Checkpoint and Favorite Animal
  • Introduce Google/Wikipedia
  • RAZ kids
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Post Test- Common Websites/Webendings
  • Typing Agent
  • Talk about Michigan Project and pick Research Topic
  • Finish up Google Maps

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade

  • Pretest on Email
  • Typing Agent
  • Work on State Project–Work on State Info #2

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Pretest on Robots
  • Research Group Presentations–Done and ready to present…
  • Typing Agent
    I can research a founding father and make a Google Slide presentation about them. 
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Week #26

1) Games in Blue Box:  Tough Shapes
2) Internet–Play Games in the Green Box, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online,
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Cutting/Pasting Checkpoint-Cut and Paste CHeckpoint 
3) Raz Kids
3) RAZ-Kids
4) Finish up on Word
I can cut and paste on a Word document.
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—15 minutes
  • Check Point on Cut/Paste for those who are not done
  • What is your favorite Animal?
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Google Maps
  • Finish Common Websites

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Research Group Presentations
  • Typing Agent
  • Collaborative Story-Add your name to the bottom
    I can iresearch a founding father
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Week #25

1) Typing Agent
2) Clicker Test on Internet Safety
3) Internet  Games in the Blue Box (Shape Hunt), Stories Online , RAZ-Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent and Typing Games
2) Cut and Paste Activity-Cut and Paste CHeckpoint art Activity-1vjzpno
3) Raz Kids
I can recognize an Internet Search Site.
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

2nd Grade

  • Work on Cut/Paste Activity
  • Research Sites—Google for Kids
    I can get information on the Internet using informational websites.
    I recognize and use the favorite’s button.
    I can do an Internet Search.


1) Talk about webEndings
2) Google Maps or Common Website Activity
3) Typing Agent
can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.
I can use kid-friendly search sites to gather information

4th  grade

  • Finish Google Maps
  • Typing Agent
  • Talk about Relevant websites
  • State Research–start talking about Research Project

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Add to Collaborative Story–last week
  • Work on Group Project

I can work collaboratively with others to make a story using the Internet.

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1) Typing Games
2) Internet: Blue Box: Bug Sorter and  Counting Fish
3)   RAZ Kids- show what you can do with Stars
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Checkpoint Care of Computers/Internet Safety
3) Start Cut and Paste Activity– 1st Cut-2bj4ekb
I can take care of my computer.
I can use cut and paste in Microsoft Word

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Checkpoint on Internet Safety
3) Cut and Paste — Activity and Checkpoint 
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word.

3rd  Grade
 1) Typing Agent- 10 minutes
2) Common Website Activity–Weather Channel
3) Checkpoint: Internet Safety
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Outline MUST BE DONE
3) Start Google Maps
4) Checkpoint on Internet Safety/web endings
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two points.
I can make an outline in Google Docs.
I can use relevant websites to do research.

5th grade

  • Checkpoint on Internet Safety and Relevant Websites
  • Work on collaborative story in Google Classroom
  • Work on Group Project—Researching Founding Person
    I can work collaboratively to write a story online.
    I can work with a group to research a founding father.
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Week #23

Catch up Week!

  1.  Finish Up Projects
  2. Typing Games
  3. Valentines
    1. Make a Valentine Word Cloud  (
    2. Make a picture
    3. Type up a Valentines
    4. Free time on Valentine Games
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Week #22

1) Finish Internet Safety Vide0: Router’s Birthday Surprise
2) Internet: Finish Yellow Box
3)   RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Talk about Care of the Computers
3) Make a Valentine/Type Valentine Words
I can take care of my computer.
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Finish If I were the teacher… /Make a Valentine
3) Faux Paux Video
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word.

3rd  Grade
1) Typing Agent- 10 minutes
2) Common Website Activity pg. 2
3) RAZ Kids
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Outline
3) Start Google Maps
4) Review Relevant Websites
5) Faux Paux Video
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two points.
I can make an outline in Google Docs.
I can use relevant websites to do research.
I can use the Internet to do research.

 5th grade

  • Work on collaborative story in Google Classroom
  • Talk about Relevant Websites
  • Work on Group Project—Researching Founding Person
    I can work collaboratively to write a story online.
    I can work with a group to research a founding father.
    I can be safe on the Internet
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Week #21

All-Take Survey

1) Internet Safety
2) Internet: Yellow Box: Blooples and Bingo
3)   RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Talk about Care of the Computers
3) Internet Safety
I can take care of my computer.
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Finish if I were a Teacher
3) Internet Safety
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word.

3rd  Grade
1) Typing Agent- 10 minutes
2) Common Website Activity pg. 1
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Outline
3) Internet Safety
I can make an outline in Google Docs.
I can use the Internet to do research.

 5th grade

  • Work on collaborative story in Google Classroom
  • Talk about Internet Safety/Relevant Websites
  • Work on Group Project—Researching Founding Person
    I can work collaboratively to write a story online.
    I can work with a group to research a founding father.
    I can be safe on the Internet
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Week #20

1) Typing Agent
a) Review RAZ Kids
b) Games in the Green Box
4)  Clicker Test

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent- Learn
2) Type Sentences and review punctuation
3) Internet Safety
I can use type sight words using Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Talk about Spelling and Grammar Mistakes
  • Type a story using the prompt: If I were a teacher
  • RAZ kids
  • Typing Agent

I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.
I can recognize spelling and grammar mistakes found in a word document.


1) Typing Agent
2) Common Websites Activity

3) Internet Safety

I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.
I can make an outline and add a picture

4th  grade
1) Pretest Google Maps
2) Typing Agent
3) Work on Outlining
I can find the distance between two points using Google Maps.
I can make an outline.

5th grade

1) Survivor Diaries and Friend or fake  
2) Talk about Relevant Websites
3) Work on Group Projects
4) Faux Paux 
I can use the Internet Safely.
I can work with a group to do research and make a google Slide presentation.


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Week #19

1) Do Games in the Green Box–Alphabet Match and Another Matching
2) RAZ Kids—Show how to get on

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Pretest on Internet Safety/Taking Care of the Computer
2) Type and Decorate Sentences (assess this) and review File Menu
3) RAZ Kids
4) Work on Typing Agent
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • Pretest on Internet Safety
  • RAZ kids for 10
  • Type a story using the prompt: If I were the teacher….
    I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Google document.

1)  Pretest on Internet Safety/Common Websites/Webendings
2) Typing Agent
3) Finish Google Searching
4) RAZ Kids
5) Start Common Websites?
I can use common websites to gain information.
I can use the Internet Safely.

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2) Work on Outlines
3)Pretest Internet Safety/Relevant Websites/Web endings
I can type an Outline and add a picture.

5th grade
1) Partner INFORMATION  talk about Research Project

2) Internet Safety  Who you are talking to onlineProfile Penalty
3) Pretest on Relevant Websites
4) Typing Agent
5) Finish Google Searching–> Free time when done
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can work collaboratively with a group to identify a problem in the world today and do research on that topic.

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Week #18- Welcome Back!

1) Try out Typing Agent
2) Green Box Games–Monkey Keys
3) Free time on Turtle Diary
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade

1) Typing Agent- New Game
2) Word–Make a Thank You Note???
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Type a Thank you note
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can type using the correct typing position

1)  Typing Agent
2) RAZ Kids
3) Review how to do Google Searches
I can use common websites to gain information.

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2) Review/Teach Outlines
I can type an Outline and add a picture.

5th grade
1) Pretest on Internet Safety
2) Video: Terrible Text and Miketosis
3) Review how to Google Search
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can work collaboratively with a group to identify a problem in the world today and do research on that topic.

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Week #17- Week before Break

1) Make a Christmas tree and Print.
2) Internet: Christmas Games
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade/ 2nd Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2.  2nd Grade Only: Typing Test
  3. Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.

 3rd – 4th 

1) Finish Projects
2) Typing Agent
3) Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.
I can make an outline using Google Documents.

 5th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Google Sheets
3) Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.


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Week #16


1) ABC Practice Games: Connect the Letters
2) Internet: Kodable
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Games-Cup stack typing or Keyboard Climber
2) Coding Games-Candy Quest
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent
2) Coding Games-Grinch Game

1) Typing Agent
2) Review how to make an outline
3) Make your own outline–either the 4 Seasons or If I had a million dollar…Christmas Gifts
4) Coding Games

  • I can type using the correct position.
    I can make an outline using Google Docs.

1)   Typing Agent
2) Microsoft Excel-Checkpoint
3) Coding Games

I can find the sum and make a graph in Google Sheets.
I can understand how to code.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Review and do Checkpoint Google Sheets–
3) Coding Games
I can find the sum, average, sort, and make a graph Microsoft Excel.

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Week #15

1) Keyboard Zoo , Alphabet Goop, Cup Stack Typing and Alphabet Slider Puzzles
2) Internet: Christmas Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent and Cupstack Typing
2) Make a Christmas List
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent
Make a Christmas List
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in a Google Document.
I can add a picture and make a list

1) Typing Agent
2) Review how to make an outline
3) Make your own outline–either the 4 Seasons or If I had a million dollar…Christmas Gift List

  • I can type using the correct position.
    I can make an outline using Google Docs.

1)   Typing Agent
2) Google Sheets–Practice and then take Checkpoint
3) Coding Games

I can add make a graph in Microsoft Excel.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Review Google Sheets–Teach Sorting
3) Coding Games
I can find the sum, average, sort, and make a graph Microsoft Excel.

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Week #14- Week Before Thanksgiving

1) Keyboard Zoo, Cup Stacking, Alphabet Goop
2) Internet: Thanksgiving Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Raz Kids
3) Learn Punctuation Marks in Word
4) Thanksgiving Games
I can type using the proper typing position.
I can decorate font in Word. 

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish “Thankful”
3) Thanksgiving Games
I can type using the proper typing position.
I can decorate font in Google Docs. 

1)  Typing Agent
2) Work on Outline.
3) Free time on Thanksgiving Games.
I can type using the proper typing position.
I can write an outline

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Google Sheets
3) Free Time on Thanksgiving Games
I can type using the proper typing position.
I can use Google Sheets.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Google Sheets–Learn how to Sort
    I can find the sum, average, sort, and make a graph of my data in Excel.
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Week #13

1) Keyboard Zoo check out Cup Stack Typing and  Alphabet Goop 
2) Turtle Diary Games
3) Introduce Typing Agent
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet

 1st Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Review How to do Capitals –Do Capitals Game and Magic Keys (Shift, Enter, Space, Backspace and Introduce TAB and Caps Lock)–Type Thanksgiving Words
  3. Show File Menu
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
    I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

 2nd Grade

1) Word-Thanksgiving Prompt. I am thankful for…
2) Also talk about the File and Insert Menu
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can add a picture to my Word document.


  • Finish Google Slides MUST BE DONE!!!
  • Start Teach how to do Outlines in Google Documents.
  • Typing Agent
    I can make an outline in a Google Document.


1) Start Google Sheets.
2) Typing Agent
I can add data and find the sum in Google Sheets.

5th grade

  • Checkpoint: iPad Buttons
  • Let’s Blog!
  • Typing Agent
  • Google Sheets (Pretest)
  • Finish Google Earth
    I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
    I can find the sum, average, and make a graph on Google Sheets.
    I can use Google Earth.
    I can use the proper typing position.
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Week #12

1)Play Keyboard Zoo and Alphabet Goop
2) Introduce Coloring Pages
3) Finish up on Paint: Draw a picture of Fall
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1)  Keyboard Climber 2
2) Word-(Introduce TAB and Caps Lock) and Type and decorate Thanksgiving words Also talk about File Menu
3) Free time: Raz-kids, First Grade Website, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • 1. Talk about File Menu
    2. Type and Decorate (Style and Size) Thanksgiving Words and do Sentences
  • Typing Agent—For 10 minutes
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Google Slides-Work day DONE TODAY
  • Typing Agent
    I can use Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.


1) Finish Google Slides
2) Typing Agent
3) Pretest on Google Sheets
I can use Excel to Add and Graph data.

I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Let’s Blog
  • Pretest/Start Excel
  • Finish up Google Earth
    I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
    I can use a blog.
    I can enter data into an Excel Spreadsheet.
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Week #11

1) Review all tools in Paint (Draw a pumpkin)
2) Halloween Games
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Keyboard Climber 2
2) Word–make capitals and type Halloween Words
3) Free Time: Raz Kids, Monthly Links, Tux Paint
I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Halloween Games
3) Finish Google Doc on Halloween
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can use the correct paragraph structure.

1. Typing Agent
2. Google Slides—one more week!
3. Free time on Halloween Games
I can make a background in Google Slides.
I can type using the correct Typing Position


1) Typing Agent
2) Google Slides-one more week!
3) Halloween Games
I can make put Transitions and Animations into my Presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent/Blogging
  • IPad Buttons
  • Google Earth
  • Halloween Free time

I use an iPad.
I can use Google Earth to find places in the world.
I can use the proper techniques to Type.

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Week #10

1) Keyboard Zoo
2) Finish up in Paint—Assess tools
3)—Check out blue box
I can use a keyboard.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

1) Keyboard Climber 2
2) Word—Type  Halloween WordsTeach Style and Size tools, teach B, I, U
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Word–Type Halloween Paragraph and review how to Decorate (Style and Size)
2) Typing Agent
3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, or Tux Paint.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Google Slides–Work day done next week
  • Typing Agent
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.


1) Google Slides -Teach Animations…Done next week
2) Typing Agent
I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.
I can type using the correct typing position.

5th Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2.  Blogging
  3. Google Earth
    I understand what a blog is and can post onto my class blog.
    I can use iPad and recognize the major parts.
    Use Google Earth to Explore the world.
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Week #9

1) Teach Magnifying glass in Paint–> Draw a pumpkin
2) –Check out Letter Games

I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Keyboard Climber 2
    2) Typing Agent
    3) Word- PRETEST FIRST Change Font Style, Size, Color
    4) Free Time: Raz-kids, Halloween Games, Tux Paint
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
    I can change the font Style and Size in Microsoft Word

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Halloween Paragraph
3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, and Halloween Games.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the font (style, color, and size) in Microsoft Word.

1)Google Slides—Review how do you do backgrounds and Pictures
2) Typing Agent
I can make a background in Google Slides.

1) Google Slides-Teach how to do Slide Transitions/Animations
2) Typing Agent
I can make put Slide Transitions into my Slides presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Blogging
  • iPad Buttons and Start Google Earth
    I can type using the correct position.
    I can Blog.
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Week #8

1) Log into the computer with Log-in cards
2)Review all tools in Paint (Draw a pumpkin)
3) Make a pumpkin and Carve a Pumpkin.
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Draw a pumpkin in Paint
2) Checkpoint on Shutting the Computer Down
3)Learn New Game on Typing Agent
4) Free Time: Raz Kids, Monthly Links, Tux Paint
I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Teacher Paragraph
3) Free time on Halloween Games
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

1.Checkpoint on Shutting Computers Down/Retest on INput/OUTput Devices

2.  Typing Agent
3, Google Slides—work day
I can make a background in Google Slides.
I can type using the correct Typing Position


1) Google Slides- How do I do animations?
2) Typing Agent
I can make put Transitions and Animations into my Presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Blogging–> Adding your own post
  • Finish Google Search

I can use the proper techniques to Type.
I can blog.

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Week #7

1) Review parts of the computers/ Checkpoint
2) Paint-Review All Tools —Sun Checkpoint or Train
3)  Internet Explorer-Abcya —Make a Pumpkin and Fuzz Bugs

I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Typing Agent–> Learn Rocket and Cliff Typer Game
  • Draw a picture of your Favorite Part of your Favorite Book
  • Checkpoint on Shutting Down
  • Keyboard Climber
    I recognize and use the File Menu.
    I can type words using Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • Typing Games on 2nd Grade website
  • Typing Agent
  • Google: Work on using TAB Key
  • 3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Reteach Saving Things/Input-Output
  • Slides–Review changing font, adding pictures teach Add Backgrounds
  • Typing Agent

I can add slides, change my font and add pictures in my Slides presentation.


  1. Typing Agent
  2. Google Slides–Show how to do Transitions
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) What’s a Blog?

I can use autoshapes and add a real picture into my Google Slides Time Timeline.
I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

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Week #6

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint–Learn Paint Brush and Triangle Tool
3) Introduce  ABCya- House , Cake, Face and Pizza
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Checkpoint Log-in and shut down
  • Pretest on Icons
  • Review File Menu in Paint
  • Draw a Halloween Picture —Finish Assessing!
  • Free Time: RAZ Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint Log-in and Shut Down
  • Typing Agent
  • Start Google Documents–> Talk about how to write a sentence
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

3rd /4th

  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Presentations
  • 3rd grade only–input/output sort
  • I understand the importance of taking care of my computer.
    I can use Google Slides to show an idea.

5th grade

  • Pretest on iPad Buttons/Blogging
  • Typing Agent
  • Finish Timelines
  • Make Avatar
    I can use Slides to make a timeline.
    I can add a real picture into presentation.
    I can use a Digital Picture to take a picture.
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Week #5

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint-Draw a Sun  and learn Rectangle tool
3) Introduce Google Chrome-Abcya–Make a Face and  Make a Pizza
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Log-in and shut down
  • ASSESS: Computer Parts
  • Take a Pretest/Post—on Paint Buttons
  • Drawing shapes (Sun Picture)
  • Free Time: 1st grade website, Typing Agent, RAZ-Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can use all the paint tools.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint: Home Row and review shutting down
  • Log-into Google and Typing Agent
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Checkpoint Saving Things and Input/Output Devices
  • Review/Checkpoint on Shutting down
  • Typing Agent
  • Introduce Google Slides–Start Projects
  • 3rd Grade–Work on Google Searching

I can explain the differences of an Input and Output device.
I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th Grade

1) Make Avatars
2) Typing Agent
3) Summer Timelines
I can use auto shapes to make a timeline in PowerPoint.
I can use a digital camera.

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Week #4

 1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint- Circle Tool/Fill Bucket and Review Line Tool
3) Free Time: ABCya–Make a House, Backpack, Pizza
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Computer Parts
  • Typing Agent
  • Teach Log-in and shut down-Pretest First!!!
  • Draw a picture of your room
  • Free time: ABCya
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can use all the paint tools.

 2nd Grade

  • Review how to Log-in/Shut-down—Pretest First
  • Review Home Row/Proper Typing position
  • Assess Computer Parts
  • Practice Typing–f, d, g, h, j, and k
  • Free time: 2nd grade website or RAZ kids
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Review Input and Output Devices
  • Review how to shut-down/Log-in
  • Typing Agent
  • Log into Google– Start Rough Draft of All About Me
    I can log into Google.


    • Review Input and Output Devices and How to Save things
    • Review how to shut-down/Log-in
    • Typing Agent
    • Google Slides-Favorite Things Rough Draft
      I can log into Google and use Google Slides.
      I can use the Internet to safely research and answer.

5th Grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Summer Timelines
  • Start Talking about how to take Photographs
    I can use Auto shapes in Microsoft Slides to make a timeline.
    I can log into Typing Agent
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Week #3


  1. Review Parts of the Computers
  2. Introduce Paint Tools
    3) Make a Backpack and Build a House

I can name the parts of the computer.
I can use the mouse to open up computer programs.
I can use mouse to make lines and circles in paint.

 1st Grade

    1. Review Computer Parts
  1. Draw a picture of your family in Paint
  2. Review RAZ Kids??? Another game
    I can name the parts of the computer.
    I can use the tools in Paint to make a picture.

2nd Grade

  1. Computer Parts
  2. Review Home-Row
  3. Typing Agent
  4. Review RAZ Kids
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.


  1. Review how to Save Things/ Introduce Input/Output Devices
  2. Review Internet Resources-Finish Google Search
  3. Log into Google
  4. Typing Agent
    I can name different ways of saving things.
    I can name the difference between input and output devices.
    I can use the Internet Safely.
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can

5th Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Make your Wild Self
  3. Log into Google–Start Timeline
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can log into Google.
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Week #2


  • Review Computer Lab Rules/Parts
  • Show how to open up Paint and Close it
  • Play Make a Backpack
    I can use a mouse.

1st Grade

* Review Computer Parts
* Review Paint
* Draw yourself in Paint
* Free time Tux Paint
I can open and use Paint
I can name the Computer Parts.

2nd Grade

  • Quick review of the parts of the computer
  • Typing Test
  • Free time on Abcya
    I can recognize and use the home row.
    I can use proper typing position.
    I can name the Computer Parts.


  • Quick Review Rules and How to use Cards
  • Review/Intro Researching Things on the Internet
  • Free time
    I can save something to my school computer.
    I can name and recognize some ways of saving things on my computer.
    I can use the Internet to answer a question.

5th Grade

  • Same as above
  • Rough Draft of Google Slides
    I can save something to my school
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Welcome to Technology!

Before you leave today, you will…

1) Say Cheese!

2) Know who “I am …and who are you?

3) I can name the computer lab rules.

4) You might just start a pre-test (if you are grades 1-5)

5th Grade

4th Grade

3rd Grade

5) Lastly I will give you a preview of the year to come!

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Week #37-38 End of the Year

1) Typing Agent
2) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website–All the Favorites
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Finish typing animal paper
3) When done typing you may have Free time
4) Checkpoint: File Menu and Icons
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Test/Typing Agent
2) Finish Typing up President Paper
3) Finish Up Google Slides
I can use Google Slides to show an idea by adding slides and changing the font
I can type using the correct hand position.

3rd Grade

1)  Typing Agent-For 10
2) Finish Michiganander
I can use my typing skills to type up a book. 

4th grade
1) Typing Agent- 10 MINUTES
2) Checkpoint: Email Terms, Internet Safety, Internet Buttons, Relevant Websites (if needed)
2) Finish Project —Print!!!!
3) Free TIme-
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent 10 minutes
  • Checkpoint: Free Resources and Computer Language
  • Robots/Coding Games
    I can navigate a course with my robot.
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Week #36- No Monday

Sub Links:

4th Grade
Email/Internet Safety
Relevant Websites

5th Grade
Free Websites

1) Typing Agent
2) RAZ kids for 15 minutes
3) Finish Assessing
4) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Type up your Animal Project
3) Free time
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Type President Research Project
3) Work on Google Slides
I can use Google Slides to show an idea by adding slides and changing the font
I can type using the correct hand position.

3rd Grade

1)  Typing Agent
2)Type Famous Michigan Person
3) Coding Games
I can use my typing skills to type up a book. 

4th grade
1) Internet Safety (Hawblitz) and Talk about Google Chrome Buttons (test next week)
2) Typing Agent
3) Work on State Project
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent 10 minutes
  • Robots/Coding Games
    I can navigate a course with my robot.
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Week #35

1) RAZ Kids
2)  Finish Assessing on Word and Icons
3) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1) Start Typing Animal Project
2) Typing Agent
3) When done—Free time
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Start Typing President Paper
3) Start Google Slides
I can use Google Slides to show an idea by adding slides and changing the font
I can type using the correct hand position.

3rd Grade

1)  Typing Agent
2) Write/Type Famous Michigander Paper
3) Coding Games
I can use my typing skills to type up a book. 

4th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Project —Print!!!!
3) Work On State Project
4) Technological Surprise 🙂
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent 10 minutes
  • Robots/Coding Games
    I can navigate a course with my robot.
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Week #34

1) RAZ Kids
2) Word
3) Finish Assessing on Word and Icons
4) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1) Finish Research
2) Typing Agent
3) When done—Free time
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Write up President Paragraph
3) Work on Google Slides
I can use Google Slides to show an idea by adding slides and changing the font
I can type using the correct hand position.

3rd Grade

1)  Typing Agent
2) Work on Famous Michigander Paragraph
3) Coding Games
I can use my typing skills to type up a book. 

4th grade
1. Typing Agent
2. Copy and share brochure
3. Finish worksheet
4. Start Brochure. Type words then add pictures

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Robots/Coding Games
    • Watch Two videos 
    • Work in your groups to make a square
  • I can navigate a course with my robot.
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Week #33

1)Typing Agent
2) Checkpoint on Internet Safety
3) Make a picture for Mom Paint
4) Assess Icons/Important Keys
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.

 1st Grade
1) Checkpoint –> Internet Safety/Icons
2) Typing Agent
3) Make a project for MOM–Word Cloud
4) Work on Animal Research Paper/RAZ Kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can use the Internet to do research.

2nd Grade

1) Checkpoint on Internet Safety
2) Typing Agent-10 minutes
3) Finish President Research Paper
4) Pretest Google Slides—Work on doing Memory Book
I can use Google Slides to show an idea.
I can use the Internet to do research.

3rd Grade

1)  Typing Agent
2) Research Famous Person
3) Checkpoint Internet Safety
I can type using the correct position.
I can use Internet to do research
I can use the Internet Safely.

4th grade

Mrs. Ledonne’s LESSON 1
1) Typing Agent
2) All About Music
3)Research your song

I can use the internet to do research.

5th grade
1) Work on Coding Cup Activity
2) Choose Robotic Groups
3) Introduce Robots
4) Play Coding Games
5) Review how to Log-in (checkpoint)/ Free Resources Checkpoint

I can log-in into school computers using my own personal log-in.
I can drive a Sphero Robot.

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Week #32

1) WORD—Type up sight words
2) Assess icons, Word, etc.
3) Finish Internet Safety
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.

1st Grade
Work on Animal Research (rotation of games)
Stick man
RAZ Kids
Hughes: Internet Safety
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent 3-10 minutes
2)Finish President Research
3) Hughes: Internet Safety
I can use PowerPoint to show an idea.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Internet Safety
3) Research on Michigan Person
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Fill out this Google Form
2) Work on Project
3) Internet Safety
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Teach 5th Grade Log-ins
  • Coding –Talk about what Coding is– Watch Video
  • Robot Activity—Robots next week
    I can log-in into school computers using my own personal log-in.

I know how a computer talks and understands directions
I can use a Sphero Robot.

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Week #31

1)  Pre-test Internet Safety
2) Work on Word–> Typing Principal, Teacher, and Name. Working on Aa Bb (uppercase/lowercase ABCs)
3) Storyline Online
I can navigate the Internet Safely.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Internet Safety
3) Work on Animal Projects
I can type using the correct hands.
I can make my research into a form of Writing

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
2) President Research
3) Raz Kids
4) Internet Safety
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd  Grade

1)  Typing Agent
2) Work on People of Michigan Research
3) 10 minutes to Finish up Google Maps
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Make a Word Cloud–send it to your pen pal
2) Work on Brochure–Inside????
3) Internet Safety
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.
I can navigate the Internet Safely

5th grade

  • Work on Google Earth–Finish TODAY
  • Talk about coding/Play Coding Games
    I understand how computers talk with each other
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Week #30

1)  Microsoft Word–Review Enter, Space Key, and Shift and Backspace
2) RAZ kids other Internet Games
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Internet Websites Review
2) Work on Research Project
3) Show Stickman
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2)  President Research
3) RAZ Kids
I can type using the proper typing posture.

3rd  Grade

1)  Finish Google Maps
2) Typing Agent 15 minutes
3) Pick out Research Project Topic
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I understand how the Internet is a useful to me.

 4th  grade-

1) Work on Project
2) Take Art Photos
3) Start Favorite Song Project–  Now Click
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

 5th grade

  • Finish Presenting Group Projects
  • Work on Google Earth
    I can understand how to determine if an Internet source is relevant.
    I can log-in to a computer using my personal log-in
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Week #29- Week after Spring Break

1) Continue on Microsoft Word–Review Enter/Space Bar–Teach Backspace and Shift
3) Internet- Play Games and play RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
            1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Talk about Information Websites
3)   RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent—10 minutes
2) President Research Page
3) Finish talking about Research Websites
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Google Maps-Finish
3) Talk about Research Project
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on State Research
3) Start Email Penpals
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Start Google Earth Project
I can identify and research a problem in the world today.
I can use Google Earth to find different landmarks in the world.

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1) Start Word: Type Name and start ABC’s
2) Internet–Play Games on K Website, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online,
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2)  Finish up Art Checkpoint/Sentences/Words
3) RAZ kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—15 minutes
  • Finish Art Checkpoint
  • Introduce Wikipedia
  • RAZ kids
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Post Test- Common Websites/Webendings
  • Typing Agent
  • Finish up Google Maps

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade

  • Pretest on Internet Buttons/Email
  • Typing Agent
  • Work on State Project
  • Finish up Projects–> Outlines and Google Maps

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Research Group Presentations–Done
  • Typing Agent
    I can research a founding father and make a Google Slide presentation about them. 
    I can use Google Earth to locate where a famous landmark is located.
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1) Start Word: Type Name and start ABC’s
2) Internet–Play Games in the Green Box, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online, Start Games in Blue Box: Shape Sorter and  Tough Shapes
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Cutting/Pasting Checkpoint
3) RAZ-Kids
4) Work on  Research Sites
I can cut and paste on a Word document.
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Typing Agent—15 minutes
  • Check Point on Cut/Paste for those who are not done
  • Work on Information Sites
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Google Maps
  • Finish Common Websites

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Relevant Websites
  • Work on Project–Start Brochure

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Research Group Presentations–Done
  • Typing Agent
  • One last add to collaborative Story-Add your name to the bottom
  • Start Google Earth
    I can iresearch a founding father
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Week #26

1) Typing Agent
2)Internet  Games in the Blue Box (Shape Hunt), Stories Online , RAZ-Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Checkpoint on Care of the Computer
2) Cut and Paste Activity-Cut and Paste CHeckpoint art Activity-1vjzpno
I can recognize an Internet Search Site.
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

2nd Grade

  • Finish Cut/Paste Activity
  • Research Sites—Google for Kids
    I can get information on the Internet using informational websites.
    I recognize and use the favorite’s button.
    I can do an Internet Search.


1) Talk about webEndings
2) Google Maps or Common Website Activity
3) Typing Agent
can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.
I can use kid-friendly search sites to gather information

4th  grade

  • Finish Google Maps
  • Typing Agent
  • Talk about Relevant websites
  • State Research–start talking about Research Project

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Add to Collaborative Story
  • Work on Group Project

I can work collaboratively with others to make a story using the Internet.
I understand technology that can be used for those who have a disability.

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Week 24/25

1) Typing Games
2) Internet: Blue Box: Bug Sorter and  Counting Fish
3)   RAZ Kids- show what you can do with Stars
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Review about taking Care of the Computers
3) Start Cut and Paste Activity– 1st Cut-2bj4ekb
I can take care of my computer.
I can use cut and paste in Microsoft Word

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Cut and Paste — Activity and Checkpoint 
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word.

3rd  Grade
            1) Typing Agent- 10 minutes
2) Common Website Activity–Weather Channel
3) Checkpoint: Spelling/Grammar if necessary
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Outline MUST BE DONE
3) Start Google Maps
4) Relevant Websites
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two points.
I can make an outline in Google Docs.
I can use relevant websites to do research.

5th grade

  • Work on collaborative story in Google Classroom
  • Work on Group Project—Researching Founding Person
    I can work collaboratively to write a story online.
    I can work with a group to research a founding father. 
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1) Typing Games
2) Internet: Yellow Box: Blooples and Bingo
3)   RAZ Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Talk about Care of the Computers
3) Typing Sentences
I can take care of my computer.
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent-10 minutes
2) Finish Favorite Animal Writing
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word.

3rd  Grade
            1) Typing Agent- 10 minutes
2) Common Website Activity pg. 2
3) Checkpoint: Spelling/Grammar if necessary
I can do research using the Internet.
I can use common websites to get information.

 4th  grade

1) Typing Agent
2) Finish Outline
3) Start Google Maps
4) Review Relevant Websites
5) Checkpoint: Spelling/Grammar if necessary
I can use Google Maps to determine the distance between two points.
I can make an outline in Google Docs.
I can use relevant websites to do research.
I can use the Internet to do research.

 5th grade

  • Work on collaborative story in Google Classroom
  • Checkpoint: Internet Safety
  • Talk about Relevant Websites
  • Work on Group Project—Researching Founding Person
    I can work collaboratively to write a story online.
    I can work with a group to research a founding father.
    I can be safe on the Internet
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Week #22

1) InternetTeach/Review RAZ Kids,
) Teach Blooples
3) Typing Agent
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.
          I can be safe on the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Pretest Taking Care of the Computer
2) RAZ kids
3) Type Valentine Words-Assess
I can use my reading skills to type Valentine words onto my Microsoft Word screen.
I can be safe on the Internet.
I can take care of my computer.

 2nd Grade

  1. Checkpoint Spelling and Grammar Changes
    2) Typing Agent- 10 minutes
    3) Type a Valentine using Valentine Words

I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.

3rd Grade
1) Pretest on Common Websites and Web endings
2) Start Common Website Activity
3) Typing Agent
4) Finish Outlines if needed
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

4th  grade

1) Pretest on Relevant Websites and Web Endings–Talk about Relevant Websites
2)  Typing Agent
3) Work on Outlines
I can find the distance between two points.
I understand which websites contain the most accurate information.

 5th grade

1) Survivor Diaries and Friend or fake
2) Work on Group Projects
I can use the Internet Safely.
I can work with a group to do research and make a google Slide presentation.

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Week #20

1) Internet Games
a) Review RAZ Kids
b) Games in the Green Box
4)  Typing Agent

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent- Learn
2) Type Sentences and review punctuation
3) RAZ Kids
I can use type sight words using Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Talk about Spelling and Grammar Mistakes
  • Type a story using the prompt: If I were a teacher
  • RAZ kids
  • Typing Agent

I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.
I can recognize spelling and grammar mistakes found in a word document.


1) Typing Agent
2) Common Websites Activity

3) Finish Outlines

I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.
I can make an outline and add a picture

4th  grade
1) Pretest Google Maps
2) Typing Agent
3) Work on Outlining
I can find the distance between two points using Google Maps.
I can make an outline.

5th grade

1)Internet Safety  Who you are talking to onlineProfile Penalty
2) Pretest on Relevant Websites and Talk about Relevant Websites using Webster’s Gecko Goof
3) Start Work on Group Projects
4) Walters/Gordon: Watch Video: Terrible Text and Miketosis
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can work with a group to research important people in American History.

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Week #19–No Monday

1) Do Games in the Green Box–Alphabet Match and Another Matching
2) RAZ Kids—Show how to get on
3) Work on Typing Agent

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Review File Menu (Funky Window)
2) Type and Decorate Sentences (assess this)
3) RAZ Kids
4) Work on Typing Agent–Review Cliff Hanger and Show Mine Type
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • RAZ kids for 10
  • Type a story using the prompt: If I were the teacher…. (25 minutes)
  • Free Time
    I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.

1)  Work on Outlines
3) RAZ Kids
4) Typing Agent
I can use common websites to gain information.

4th  grade
1) Typing Agent (10 Minutes)
2) Work on Outlines
3) Start Google Maps–Pretest first (probably not)
I can type an Outline and add a picture.
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps.

5th grade
1) Video: Terrible Text and Miketosis
2) Talk about Research Project
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can work collaboratively with a group to identify a problem in the world today and do research on that topic.

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Week #18


1) Typing Agent
2) Green Box Games— Introduce Connect the Letters and Monkey Keys
I can use a keyboard.
I can use Internet Buttons

1st Grade
1) Typing Agent–Show Cliff Hanger
2) Log-in to RAZ kids
2)Type sentences (ASSESS punctuation marks and Capitals)?????
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can make capital letters and punctuation marks in my writing.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) How fast can you type
3) Log in to RAZ kids
4) Practice making capitals and punctuation marks.
I can type using the correct typing position.
I can make punctuation marks and Capital letter.


1) Typing Agent
2) Log into Google
3) Start Outlines
4) Work on RAZ Kids–Log in
I can also use the correct typing position.
I can make an Outline using Google Docs.

4th  grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Excel–Checkpoint
  • Work on Outline???
    I can find the sum and make a graph using Microsoft Excel.
    I can make an outline and add a picture.

5th grade
1)Typing Agent
2) Finish Excel

I can use Excel or Google Sheets to find the sum, average, sort, and make a graph.
I can use the correct typing position when I type.
I can blog.

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Week #17– Welcome Back!

1) Learn How to use New Log-in Cards—Try out Typing Agent
2) Typing Games–Keyboard Zoo, Cup Stack Typing, Typing Rocket
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade

1) Learn New Log-in Cards
2) Introduce Typing Agent
3) Word–Make a Thank You Note???
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Type a Thank you note
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can type using the correct typing position


1)  Typing Agent
2) Review Spelling/Grammar
3) Start on Outlines
I can change the fonts and add pictures into a Google document using correct typing position.

 4th  grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Microsoft Excel–> Show how to Sum/Graph
3) Start Outlines
I can change the fonts and add pictures into a Google document using correct typing position.
Uses Microsoft Excel to find the Sum and graph

5th grade

1) Blog
2) Pretest on Internet Safety
3) Review/Finish Excel
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum and average.
I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
I can use coding skills to complete games.
I understand how to use the Internet Safely.

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Week #16

1) Make a Christmas tree and Print.
2) Internet: Christmas Games
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade/ 2nd Grade

  1. Typing Games
  2.  Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.

 3rd – 4th 

1) Finish Projects
2) Type to Learning Agent
3) Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.
I can make an outline using Google Documents.

 5th grade

1) Blog—for about 5 minutes
2)Typing Agent for 20 minutes
3) Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.


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Week #15

1) Keyboard Zoo, Cup Stacking, Typing Rocket
2) Internet: Christmas Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade /2nd Grade

1) Typing Games
2) Write a Holiday Card or Christmas List (Walters)
3) Holiday Games
4) 2nd Grade Only: Pretest on Spelling/Grammar Mistakes
I can type using the proper typing position.
I can decorate font in Microsoft Word. 

1)  Pretest on Spelling/Grammar Changes and Retest on In/Out Decices
2) Typing Agent
3) Work on Holiday Traditions Websearch
I can type using the proper typing position.
I can write an outline

1)  Pretest on Spelling/Grammar Changes
2) Typing Agent
3) Work on Excel
4) Reteach Input/Output Devices and Saving Things
5) Start Holiday Traditions websearch
I can type using the proper typing position.
I can use Microsoft Excel.

5th grade

  • Post Test on iPad Buttons
  • Let’sBlog!
  • Excel or Google Sheets
    I can log-in and use the 5thGrade blog..
    I can find the sum, average, sort, and make a graph of my data in Excel.
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Week #14-Hour of Code Week!


Input/Output Retest

1) Keyboard Zoo and Keyboard Climber
2) Internet: Kodable
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Games-Cup stack typing or Keyboard Climber
2) Make a Christmas List
3) Coding Games-Grinch Game
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
Typing GamesCup stack typing or Keyboard Climber
2) Pretest-
Spelling/Grammar Mistakes
3) Make a Christmas Card in Word
Coding Games-Grinch Game

1) Typing Agent
2) Pretest on Spelling/Grammar
2) Review how to make an outline
3) Make your own outline–either the 4 Seasons or If I had a million dollar…Christmas Gifts

  • I can type using the correct position.
    I can make an outline using Google Docs.

1)   Typing Agent
2) Spelling/Grammar Pre/Post Test
3) Microsoft Excel
4) Coding Games

I can add make a graph in Microsoft Excel.

5th grade
1)Let’s Blog!
2) Review Microsoft Excel–
3) Coding Games
I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog..
I can find the sum, average, sort, and make a graph Microsoft Excel.

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Week #13

ALL GRADES–> Take Survey

1) Keyboard Zoo and Keyboard Zoo 2
2) Internet: Check out Coloring Pages and Alphabet Goop
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet

 1st Grade


  1. Review How to do Capitals –Do Capitals Game and Magic Keys (Shift, Enter, Space, Backspace and Introduce TAB and Caps Lock)
  2. Show File Menu
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
    I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

 2nd Grade

1) Word- Decorate Words on “My Christmas List” or another list
2) Also talk about the File and Insert Menu
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can add a picture to my Word document.


  • Finish Google Slides MUST BE DONE!!!
  • Start Teach how to do Outlines in Google Documents.
  • Typing Agent
    I can make an outline in a Google Document.


1) Pretest on Microsoft Excel.
2) Finish Google Slides
3) Typing Agent
I can add data and find the sum in Microsoft Excel.

5th grade

  • Let’s Blog!
  • Typing Agent
  • Microsoft Excel
    I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
    I can find the sum, average, and make a graph in Excel.
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Week #11

1)Play Keyboard Zoo 
2) Introduce Coloring Pages
2) Monthly Links—Turkey Games
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1)  Keyboard Climber 2
2) Clicker Test on File Menu
3) Word-(Introduce TAB and Caps Lock) and Type and decorate Thanksgiving words Also talk about File Menu
3) Free time: Raz-kids, First Grade Website, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • 1. Talk about File Menu
    2. Type and Decorate (Style and Size) Thanksgiving Words and do Sentences
  • Typing Agent—For 10 minutes
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Google Slides-Work day DONE TODAY
  • Typing Agent
    I can use Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.


1) Finish Google Slides
2) Typing Agent
I can use Excel to Add and Graph data.
I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Let’s Blog
  • Pretest/Start Excel
    I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
    I can use a blog.
    I can enter data into an Excel Spreadsheet.
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Week #10

1) Keyboard Zoo
2) Finish up in Paint—Assess tools
3)—Check out blue box
I can use a keyboard.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

1) Keyboard Climber 2
2) Word—Type  Thanksgiving WordsTeach Style and Size tools, teach B, I, U
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Word–Type Thanksgiving Words and review how to Decorate (Style and Size)
2) Typing Agent
3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, or Tux Paint.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Google Slides-Review how to Add pictures–Work day done soon
  • Typing Agent
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.


1) Google Slides -Teach Animations…Done next week
2) Typing Agent
I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.
I can type using the correct typing position.

5th Grade

  1. Typing Agent
    2) Introduce Blogging–Add posts and maybe add avatar??
    I understand what a blog is and can post onto my class blog.
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Week # 9

1) Assess Magnifying Glass in Paint as well as Tools.
3) –Check out Letter Games

I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Keyboard Climber 2
    2) Word- PRETEST FIRST Change Font Style, Size, Color
    3) Free Time: Raz-kids, Halloween Games, Tux Paint
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
    I can change the font Style and Size in Microsoft Word

 2nd Grade

1) Typing Agent
3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, and Halloween Games.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the font (style, color, and size) in Microsoft Word.

1)Google Slides—Review how do you do backgrounds and Pictures
2) Typing Agent
I can make a background in Microsoft PowerPoint.

1) Google Slides-Teach how to do Slide Transitions/Animations
2) Typing Agent
I can make put Slide Transitions into my PowerPoint

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • iPad Buttons
  • Talk about Blogging
    I can type using the correct position.
    I can Blog.
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Week #7

1) Review all tools in Paint (Draw a pumpkin)
2) Halloween Games
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Keyboard Climber 2
2) Word–make capitals and type Halloween Words
3) Checkpoint on Shutting the Computer Down
3) Free Time: Raz Kids, Monthly Links, Tux Paint
I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Typing Agent
2) Halloween Games
3) Finish Checkpoint on Shutting Computer Down
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

1. Google Slides—15 minutes
2. Typing Agent 10 minutes
3, Checkpoint on Shutting Computers Down
4. Retest on INput/OUTput Devices
5. Free time on Halloween Games
I can make a background in Google Slides.
I can type using the correct Typing Position


1) Google Slides-15 minutes
2) Typing Agent
3) Halloween Games
I can make put Transitions and Animations into my Presentation.

5th grade

  • Typing Agent
  • IPad Buttons
  • Finish Campaign Signs
  • Halloween Free time

I use PowerPoint creatively to convey information.
I can use the proper techniques to Type.

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Week #7

1) Review parts of the computers/ Finish Checkpoint
2) Paint-Review All Tools —Sun Checkpoint or Train
3)  Internet Explorer-Abcya —Make a Pumpkin and Fuzz Bugs

I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Paint—Finish Assessing
  • Draw a picture of your Favorite Part of your Favorite Book
  • Checkpoint on Shutting Down
  • Keyboard Climber
  • Word

I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type words using Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • Typing Games on 2nd Grade website
  • Typing Agent
  • 3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Reteach Saving Things/Input-Output
  • Slides–Review changing font, adding pictures, Add Backgrounds
  • Typing Agent

I can add slides, change my font and add pictures in my Slides presentation.


  1. Typing Agent
  2. Google Slides–Start Presentations
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th grade
1) Finish Timelines
2) Make a Campaign Sign
3) Typing Agent

I can use autoshapes and add a real picture into my Google Slides Time Timeline.
I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

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Week #6

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint
3) Introduce  ABCya- House , Cake, Face and Pizza
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Checkpoint Log-in and shut down
  • Pretest on Icons
  • Review File Menu in Paint
  • Draw a Halloween Picture —Finish Assessing!
  • Free Time: RAZ Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint Log-in and Shut Down
  • Type Agent
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

3rd /4th

  • Work on Campaign Signs
  • Typing Agent
  • Plan Presentations
  • I understand the importance of taking care of my computer.
    I can use Google Slides to show an idea.

5th grade

  • Pretest on iPad Buttons
  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Timelines
  • Start Campaign Signs
    I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
    I can use Slides to make a timeline.
    I can add a real picture into presentation.
    I can use a Digital Picture to take a picture.
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Week #5

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint
3) Introduce Google Chrome-Abcya–Make a Face and  Make a Pizza
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Log-in and shut down
  • Take a Pretest/Post—on Paint Buttons/Icons on the desktop
  • Drawing shapes (Sun Picture)
  • Free Time: 1st grade website, Type to Learn Jr., Tux Paint, RAZ-Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can use all the paint tools.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint: Home Row and review shutting down
  • Log-into Google and Try Typing Agent
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Checkpoint Saving Things and Input/Output Devices
  • Review/Checkpoint on Shutting down
  • Typing Agent
  • Introduce Google Slides–Make Campaign Signs

I can explain the differences of an Input and Output device.
I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th Grade

1) Talk about Photo Techniques
2) Typing Agent
3) Summer Timelines
I can use auto shapes to make a timeline in PowerPoint.
I can use a digital camera.

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Week #4

 1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint- Circle Tool/Fill Bucket and Review Line Tool
3) Free Time: ABCya–Mansion Match, Backpack, Pizza
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Teach Log-in and shut down-Pretest First!!!
  • Draw a picture of your room
  • Assess: Computer Parts
  • Free time: RAZ Kids
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can use all the paint tools.

 2nd Grade

  • Review how to Log-in/Shut-down—Pretest First
  • Review Home Row/Proper Typing position
  • Assess Computer Parts
  • Practice Typing–f, d, g, h, j, and k
  • Free time: 2nd grade website or Tux Paint
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Review Input and Output Devices
  • Review how to shut-down/Log-in
  • Log into Google
  • Typing Agent
    I can log into Google.


    • Review Input and Output Devices and How to Save things
    • Review how to shut-down/Log-in
    • Typing Agent
    • Google Slides-Start Campaign Signs
      I can log into Google and use Google Slides.
      I can use the Internet to safely research and answer.

5th Grade

  • Typing Agent
  • Work on Summer Timelines
    I can use Auto shapes in Microsoft Slides to make a timeline.
    I can log into Typing Agent
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Week #3


  1. Review Parts of the Computers
  2. Introduce Paint Tools
    3) Make a Backpack and ABC Matching

I can name the parts of the computer.
I can use the mouse to open up computer programs.
I can use mouse to make lines and circles in paint.

 1st Grade

  1. Review Computer Parts
  2. Draw a picture of your family in Paint
  3. Review RAZ Kids??? Another game
    I can name the parts of the computer.
    I can use the tools in Paint to make a picture.

2nd Grade

  1. Computer Parts
  2. Review Home-Row
  3. Typing Agent
  4. Review RAZ Kids
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.


  1. Review how to Save Things/ Introduce Input/Output Devices
  2. Review Internet Resources
  3. Log into Google
  4. Typing Agent
  5. Review RAZ kids
    I can name different ways of saving things.
    I can name the difference between input and output devices.
    I can use the Internet Safely.
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can

5th Grade

  1. Typing Agent
  2. Make your Wild Self
  3. Log into Google–Start Timeline
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can log into Google.
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Week #2

ll: Place students in Seating Charts, review Rules and Computer Parts, and take Picture of those who missed last week


  • Review Computer Lab Rules/Parts
  • Show how to open up Paint and Close it
  • Play Make a Backpack
    I can use a mouse.

1st Grade

* Review Computer Parts
Review Paint
Draw yourself in Paint
Free time Tux Paint
I can open and use Paint
I can name the Computer Parts.

2nd Grade

  • Quick review of the parts of the computer
  • Typing Test
  • Free time on Abcya
    I can recognize and use the home row.
    I can use proper typing position.
    I can name the Computer Parts.


  • Talk about how to Save something
  • Review/Intro Researching Things on the Internet
  • Free time
    I can save something to my school computer.
    I can name and recognize some ways of saving things on my computer.
    I can use the Internet to answer a question.

5th Grade

  • Same as above
  • Rough Draft of Google Slides
    I can save something to my school computer.
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Welcome to Technology!

Before you leave today, you will…

1) Say Cheese!

2) Know who I am …and who are you?

3) I can name the computer lab rules.

4) You might just start a pre-test (if you are grades 1-5)

5th Grade

4th Grade

3rd Grade

5) Lastly I will give you a preview of the year to come!

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Week #37-38

1) Monkey Keys
2)  Tux Paint—Draw a picture of “The best part of the Year” and print
3) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website–All the Favorites
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1) Keyboard Climber
2) Draw a Picture of your animal
3) When done typing you may have Free time
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Test/Type to Learn
2) Finish Typing up President Paper
3) Start PowerPoint
I can use PowerPoint to show an idea by adding slides and changing the font
I can type using the correct hand position.

3rd Grade

1)  Type to Learn 4-For 10
2) Finish Best Part/Worse Part of 3rd Grade
I can use my typing skills to type up a book. 

4th grade
1) Type to Learn 4- 10 MINUTES
2) Finish Project —Print!!!!
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Type to Learn 10 minutes
  • Robots/Coding Games
    I can navigate a course with my robot.
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Week #36

1) RAZ kids for 15 minutes
2)  Tux Paint—Draw a picture of “The best part of the Year” and print
3) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1) Keyboard Climber
2) Draw a Picture of your animal
3) Finish typing Animal Project-Free time
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Test/Type to Learn
2) Type President Research Project
I can use PowerPoint to show an idea by adding slides and changing the font
I can type using the correct hand position.

3rd Grade

1)  10 minutes of Type to Learn
2) Finish Best Part/Worst Part of the year….
3) Coding Games
I can use my typing skills to type up a book. 

4th grade
1) 10 minutes of Type to Learn
2) Finish Project —Print!!!!
3) Free TIme if Type to Learn goal is met
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Type to Learn 10 minutes
  • Robots/Coding Games
    I can navigate a course with my robot.
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Week #35

1) RAZ Kids
2)  Finish Assessing on Word and Icons
3) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1) Start Typing Project
2) Typing Games–Keyboard Climber
3) When done—Free time
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn
2) Start Typing President Paper
I can use PowerPoint to show an idea by adding slides and changing the font
I can type using the correct hand position.

3rd Grade

1)  10 minutes of Type to Learn
2) Finish Google Maps (Gordon/Hughes)
3) Coding Games
I can use my typing skills to type up a book. 

4th grade
1) 10 minutes of Type to Learn
2) Finish Project —Print!!!!
3) Free TIme
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Type to Learn 10 minutes
  • Robots/Coding Games
    I can navigate a course with my robot.
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Week #34

1)Typing Games
2 Assess Icons/Important Keys
3) Make a picture for Mom in Tux Paint
4) RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.

 1st Grade
1) Start Type Animal Research Paper
2) Make a project for MOM–Word Cloud
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3-10 minutes
2) Write/Start Typing President Paper
3) Microsoft PowerPoint—Work on doing Memory Book
I can use PowerPoint to show an idea.

3rd Grade

1)  Project for Mom
2) Type to Learn 4
3) Assess Microsoft Word
4) Finish Google Maps
I can type using the correct position.
I can use Publisher to show my creativity.

4th grade

1) Finish Project
2) 10 minutes Type to Learn 4
3) Finish Art Project
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • CHECKPOINT—Log-ins
  • Introduce Robots and Coding

I can log-in into school computers using my own personal log-in.
I can drive a Sphero Robot.

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Week #33

1) WORD—Type up sight words
2) Assess icons, Word, etc.
3) Finish Internet Safety
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.

1st Grade
Checkpoint on Internet Safety
Finish Animal Research/Write about your animal (rotation of games)
Stick man
RAZ Kids
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3-10 minutes
2)Start Writing President Paragraph
3) Checkpoint on Internet Safety
I can use PowerPoint to show an idea.

3rd Grade
1) Type to Learn 4
2) Talk about Uses of Word
3) Checkpoint on Internet Safety
4) The best part of Warm weather is….
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Type to Learn 4
2) Work on Project
) Walters only—finish Art Pics
4) Checkpoint INternet Safety/Web Buttons
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Teach 5th Grade Log-ins
  • Checkpoint on Free Websites
  • Coding –Talk about what Coding is
  • Robot Activity—Robots next week
    I can log-in into school computers using my own personal log-in.

I know how a computer talks and understands directions
I can use a Sphero Robot.

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Week #32

1)  Pre-test Internet Safety
2) Watch “Router’s Birthday Surprise
3) Tux Paint
I can navigate the Internet Safely.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Research Websites Checkpoint
2) Typing Games
3) Internet Safety
4) Work on Animal Projects–Write a Paragraph
I can type using the correct hands.
I can make my research into a form of Writing

2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3
2) Finish President Research
3) Raz Kids
4) Internet Safety
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd  Grade

1)  Finish up Google Maps
2) Talk about what Microsoft Word is used for
3) Type to Learn 4 for 10 minutes
4) Internet Safety
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Type to Learn 4
2) Work on Brochure–Inside
3) Internet Safety
4) Take Pictures for Art Project
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.
I can navigate the Internet Safely

5th grade

  • Work on Google Earth
  • Art Project—getting pictures ready
  • Talk about coding
    I understand how computers talk with each other
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Week #31

1)  Microsoft Word–Review Enter, Space Key, and Shift and Backspace
2) RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Internet Websites Review
2) Work on Research Project
3) Show Stickman
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3—10 minutes
2)  President Research
3) RAZ Kids
I can type using the proper typing posture.

3rd  Grade

1)  Finish Google Maps
2) Type to Learn 4- 15 minutes
3) Free time
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I understand how the Internet is a useful to me.

 4th  grade-

1) Work on Project
2) Take Art Photos
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

 5th grade

  • Finish Presenting Group Projects
  • Work on Google Earth
    I can understand how to determine if an Internet source is relevant.
    I can log-in to a computer using my personal log-in

Out of Lab Plans:

Internet Safety

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#30 -Week after Spring Break

1) Continue on Microsoft Word–Review Enter/Space Bar–Teach Backspace and Shift
3) Internet- Play Games and play RAZ kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
            1) Type to Learn Jr.-10 minutes
2) Review Information Websites
3)   Start Animal Research
I can type using the correct hands.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3—10 minutes
2) President Research Page
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Type to Learn 4
2) Google Maps
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps

4th grade

1) Type to Learn 4
2) Work on Brochure
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1)Present Google Slides
2) Type to Learn
3) Start Google Earth Project
I can identify and research a problem in the world today.
I can use Google Earth to find different landmarks in the world.

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Week #29

1) Type in Word–Learn Backspace and Shift Keys–Also type ABC’s
2) Internet–Play Games Shape Lab and Number Match
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1)  Checkpoint Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
2) Finish Research Sites
3) Work on Writing Sentences????
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Type to Learn 3—15 minutes
  • Talk about Wikipedia, Dictionary, Fact Monster
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Type to Learn 4
  • Checkpoint on Common websites
  • Google Maps Activity
  • Finish Research Project if necessary

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade

  • Type to Learn 4
  • Work on Brochure
    I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
    I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Research Group Presentations–MUST BE DONE
  • Type to Learn 4
  • Talk about some need to knows with MSTEP and Check headphones!
    I can identify and research a problem in the world today
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Week #28

1) Start Word: Type Name and start ABC’s
2) Internet–Play Games in the Green Box, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online, Start Games in Blue Box: Counting Fish and Tough Shapes
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Games
2)  Work on  Research Sites
4) Talk about Advantages /Disadvantages —Checkpoint soon
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Type to Learn 3—15 minutes
  • Check Point on Technology Solving Problems
  • Work on Information Sites
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Type to Learn 4
  • Work on Olympic Project
  • Start Google Maps Activity

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade

  • Pretest on Internet Buttons
  • Type to Learn 4
  • Work on Project–Start Brochure

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Checkpoint on Technology for Disabilities
  • Research Group Presentations–Done NEXT WEEK
  • Type to Learn 4
  • Talk about some need to knows with MSTEP and Check headphones!
    I can identify and research a problem in the world today
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Week #26

1) Talk about Technology as  Tool
2) Internet  Games in the Green Box/Yellow Box, Stories Online , RAZ-Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Cut and Paste Activity-Checkpoint
2) Talk about—Internet Search Sites— Google for kids,
3) Talk about Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
I can recognize an Internet Search Site.
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

2nd Grade

  • TYPE TO Learn 3
  • Finish Cut/Paste Activity
  • Research Sites—Google for Kids
    I can get information on the Internet using informational websites.
    I recognize and use the favorite’s button.
    I can do an Internet Search.


1) Talk about webEndings
2) Finish Olympic Athlete Research/Start Project
3) March Madness Activity
4) Type to Learn 4

I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.
I can use kid-friendly search sites to gather information

4th  grade

  • March Madness Activity
  • Type to Learn 4
  • State Research

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Review Tech. for Disabilities
  • Add to Collaborative Story
  • Work on Group Project

I can work collaboratively with others to make a story using the Internet.
I understand technology that can be used for those who have a disability.

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Week #25

1) Start talking about Technology as a Tool
2) Tux Paint
3) Internet–New Game Color Game and Moon Rocks
4) Review RAZ-Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Pre Test Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology and Internet Safety/  Post Test Care of the Computers
2) Cut and Paste  Activity
I can take care of my computer.
I can recognize an Internet Search Site.
I can cut and paste pictures and words in Word.

2nd Grade

  • Pretest How can Technology Solve problems?/ Internet Safety
  • Type to Learn 3
  • Review Cutting/Pasting
  • Introduce Google for Kids Activity (Probably Not)
    I can get information on the Internet using informational websites.
    I understand how Technology can solve problems.
    I can type using the correct Typing Position

            1) Pretest on Internet Safety
2) Work on Olympic Research Project
3) Type to Learn 4
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

4th  grade

  • Post test on Relevant Websites Pretest on Internet Safety
  • Type to Learn 4-10 minutes
  • Work on State Research Paper

I can use the Internet to research a state.
I know how to determine if a website is relevant or not.

 5th grade

  • Type to Learn 4
  • Discuss Technology for people with Disabilities
  • Work on Group Project
    I understand technology that can be used for those who have a disability.
    I know how to determine if a website is relevant or not.
    I can work collaboratively with others to make a story using the Internet.
    I can identify and research a Problem with the World today.
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Week #24

1) Typing Games
2) Internet: Yellow Box: Blooples and Bingo
3)   RAZ Kids
4) Tux Paint
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Typing Games
2) Talk about Care of the Computers
3) Cut and Paste Activity
I can take care of my computer.
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn-10 minutes
2) Cut and Paste Activity-PRETEST FIRST
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word.

3rd  Grade
            1) Type to Learn 4- 10 minutes
2) Olympic Athlete Research Activity
I can do research using the Internet.

 4th  grade

1) Type to Learn 4
2) Talk about State Research Project–Pick States
3) Review Relevant Websites and start Research
I can use relevant websites to do research.
I can use the Internet to do research.

 5th grade

  • Work on collaborative story in Edmodo
  • Talk about Tech for Disabilities
  • Work on Group Project—Researching Problem
    I can work collaboratively to write a story online.
    I can work with a group to identify and research a “Problem in the World Today”
    I can identify how Technology helps those who are disabled.
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Week #22

1) Typing Games
2) InternetTeach/Review RAZ Kids and games in the Green Box|
3) IF time Valentine’s Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.
          I can be safe on the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Talk about Taking Care of the computer
2) Type Valentine Sentences
I can use my reading skills to type Valentine words onto my Microsoft Word screen.
I can take care of my computer.

 2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn 3- 10 minutes
2) Type a Valentine using new website 
3) Valentine Games

I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.

3rd Grade
1) Pretest on Google Maps/Start Google Maps
2) Finish pg. 4 of Common Website act.
3) Type to Learn 4
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

4th  grade

1)  Type to Learn 4
2) ?????Make a Wordsearch????
I can use Microsoft Excel to make a Word search. 

 5th grade

1) Talk about Technology for Disabilities
2) Checkpoint on Internet Safety/Relevant Websites
3) Work on Group Project.
4)  Free time on Valentine’s Games

I understand how Technology can help those with a disability
I can work with a group to help identify a problem in the world today. 

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WEek 21

1) Review Alphabet Games
2) InternetTeach/Review RAZ Kids, Alphabet Match, last Alphabet Match Game
3) Tux Paint

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.
          I can be safe on the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Pretest Taking Care of the Computer
2) RAZ kids
3) Type Valentine Words-Assess
I can use my reading skills to type Valentine words onto my Microsoft Word screen.
I can be safe on the Internet.
I can take care of my computer.

 2nd Grade

  1. Checkpoint Spelling and Grammar Changes
    2) Type to Learn 3- 10 minutes
    3) Type a Valentine using Valentine Words

I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.

3rd Grade
1) Technology Changes Checkpoint
2) Work on Page 3/4 of Common Website Activity
3) Type to Learn 4
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

4th  grade

1) Pretest on Relevant Websites–Talk about Relevant Websites
2)  Type to Learn 4
3) Finish Google Maps
I can find the distance between two points.
I understand which websites contain the most accurate information.

 5th grade

1) Pretest Technology for Disabilities
2) Survivor Diaries and Friend or fake
3) Work on Group Projects
I can use the Internet Safely.
I can work with a group to identify a problem with the world today and do research.

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Week #20

1) Internet
a) Review RAZ Kids
b) Teach/Review Monkey Keys
4)  Tux Paint- Show how to get backgrounds/Magic.

I can use a keyboard.
I can draw pictures using the tools in Tux Paint.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Write Valentine’s Words
3) RAZ Kids
I can use type sight words using Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Talk about Spelling and Grammar Mistakes
  • Type a story using the prompt: If I were a monster…
  • Free Time

I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.
I can recognize spelling and grammar mistakes found in a word document.


1) Talk about Technology Changes
2) Common Websites Activity—Page 2—Espn/Advisor

I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

4th  grade
1) Start Google Maps
2) Type to Learn
I can find the distance between two points using Google Maps.

5th grade

1)Internet Safety  Who you are talking to onlineProfile Penalty
2) Pretest on Relevant Websites and Talk about Relevant Websites using Webster’s Gecko Goof
3) Start Work on Group Projects
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can work with a group to identify a problem with the world today.

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Week #19

1) Do Games in the Green Box–Especially Keyboard Zoo and
2) Tux Paint –show how to do magic (Review Stamps)
3) RAZ Kids—Show how to get on

I can use a keyboard.
I can draw pictures using the tools in Tux Paint.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Review File Menu (Funky Window)
2) Type and Decorate Spelling Words or sentences
3) RAZ Kids
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • RAZ kids for 10
  • Type a story using the prompt: If I were the teacher…. (25 minutes)
  • Free Time
    I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.

1)  Review “How Technology has changed life at school and home”
2) Start Common website activity (Fandango and Amazon)
3) RAZ Kids
4) Type to Learn 4
I can use common websites to gain information.

4th  grade
1) Type to Learn (10 Minutes)
2) Finish Outlines
3) Start Google Maps–Pretest first
I can type an Outline and add a picture.
I can find the distance between two places using Google Maps.

5th grade
1) Video: Terrible Text and Miketosis
2) Work on “A Problem in the world Today Project”
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I can work collaboratively with a group to identify a problem in the world today and do research on that topic.

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Week #18


1) Typing Games-Keyboard Zoo and Cup Stack Typing
2) Green Box Games— Introduce Leo the Lobster
2) Re-Introduce Tux Paint –show how to do stamps (Review Paintbrush and Eraser)
I can use a keyboard.
I can draw pictures using the tools in Tux Paint.

1st Grade
1) Typing Games-  Cup Stack Typing and Keyboard Climber 2
2)Type sentences (ASSESS punctuation marks and Capitals).
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can make capital letters and punctuation marks in my writing.

2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn (10 minutes)
2) How fast can you type.
3) Practice making capitals and punctuation marks.
I can type using the correct typing position.
I can make punctuation marks and Capital letter.


1) Pretest on “How Tech has changed…,and Common websites
2) Talk about “How Technology has changed life at school and home”
3) Type to Learn 4
4) Work on RAZ Kids
5) Common Websites
I can also use the correct typing position.

4th  grade

  • Clicker Test–Webendings
  • Type to Learn 4- 10 minutes
  • Work on Outline—4th Grade
    I can make an outline and add a picture.

5th grade
1) Type to Learn 4- 10 minutes
2) Blog-5 minutes
3) Start talking about Group Project

I can work with a group to research a Problem in the World today.
I can use the correct typing position when I type.
I can blog.

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Welcome Back Week #17

1) Typing Games–Keyboard Zoo, Cup Stack Typing, Typing Rocket
2) Introduce Tux Paint

I can use a keyboard.
I can draw pictures using the tools in Tux Paint.

1st Grade

1) Keyboard Climber 2 and Cup Stack Typing 
2) Word–Make a Thank You Note–talk about talk about Red/Green Lines
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn (10 minutes)
2) Type a Thank you note
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can add a picture to my Word document.
I can type using the correct typing position


1)  Type to Learn 4
2) Write about a Holiday Memory –Review Spelling/Grammar
3) Gordon Only–Review Checkpoints and do Outline

I can change the fonts and add pictures into a Google document using correct typing position.

 4th  grade
1) Start Outlines
2) Type to Learn 4
I can change the fonts and add pictures into a Google document using correct typing position.

5th grade

1) Blog for 5 minutes/Avatar
2) Coding Games
3) Pretest on Internet Safety
4) Finish Excel
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum and average.
I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
I can use coding skills to complete games.
I understand how to use the Internet Safely.

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Week #16–Before Christmas Break

1) Make a Christmas tree and Print.
2) Internet: Christmas Games

I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade/ 2nd Grade

  1. Typing Games
  2.  Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.

 3rd – 4th 

1) Finish Projects
2) Type to Learn -20 minutes
3) Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.
I can make an outline using Google Documents.

 5th grade

1) Blog—for about 5 minutes
2)Type to Learn 4 for 20 minutes
3) Free Time on Monthly Links

I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.


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Week #15


1) Keyboard Zoo, Cup Stacking, Typing Rocket
2) Internet: Christmas Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade /2nd Grade

1) Typing Games
2) Write a Holiday Card
3) Holiday Games
I can type using the proper typing position.
I can decorate font in Microsoft Word. 

3rd /4th
1)  Type to Learn
2) Finish Projects
3) Hour of Code
4) 4th Grade only—Fix Google Slides
I can type using the proper typing position.
I can write code.

5th grade

  • Let’sBlog!
  • Add Avatars to Blog
  • Finish Excel
  • Hour of Code
    I can log-in and use the 5thGrade blog..
    I can find the sum, average, sort, and make a graph of my data in Excel.
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Week #14

1) Keyboard Zoo and Keyboard Climber
2) Internet: Kodable
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade /2nd Grade
1) Typing Games/Type to Learn 3
2) Make a Christmas Card in Word
3) Coding Games- Kodable
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can add a picture to my Word document.


  • Type to Learn 4
    2) Review how to make an outline
    3) Make your own outline–either the 4 Seasons or If I had a million dollar…Christmas Gifts
  • I can type using the correct position.
    I can make an outline using Google Docs.

1)   Type to Learn 4
2) Microsoft Excel–Review and then work on Assessment
3) Make a Christmas Card
I can add make a graph in Microsoft Excel.

5th grade
1)Let’s Blog!
2) Review Microsoft Excel–then start Assessment
I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog..
I can find the sum, average, sort, and make a graph Microsoft Excel.

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Week #13

1) Keyboard Zoo and Keyboard Zoo 2
2) Internet: Check out Coloring Pages and Alphabet Goop
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet

 1st Grade


  1. Review How to do Capitals –Do Capitals Game and Magic Keys (Shift, Enter, Space, Backspace and Introduce TAB and Caps Lock)
  2. Show File Menu
  3. Type “My Christmas List”- Decorated when done (Print)
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
    I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

 2nd Grade

1) Word- Decorate Words and add picture onto “My Christmas List” or another list
2) Also talk about the File and Insert Menu
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can add a picture to my Word document.


  • Teach how to do Outlines in Google Documents.
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can make an outline in a Google Document.


1) Work on Microsoft Excel.
2) Type to Learn 4
I can add data and find the sum in Microsoft Excel.

5th grade

  • Check Point on Tech Past, Present, and Future
  • Let’s Blog!
  • Microsoft Excel
    I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
    I can find the sum, average, and make a graph in Excel.
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Week #11-Happy Thanksgiving!

1)Play Keyboard Zoo 
2) Introduce Coloring Pages
2) Monthly Links—Turkey Games
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1)  Keyboard Climber 2
2) Clicker Test on File Menu
3) Word-(Introduce TAB and Caps Lock) and Type and decorate Thanksgiving words Also talk about File Menu
3) Free time: Raz-kids, First Grade Website, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • Clicker Test: Type to Learn 3/Pretest Spelling/Grammar
  • Word
  • 1. Talk about File Menu
    2. Type and Decorate (Style and Size) Thanksgiving Words and do Sentences
  • Type to Learn 3—For 10 minutes
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Checkpoint on Spelling/Grammar and Type to Learn 4, Retest on Saving Things
  • Google Slides-Work day DONE TODAY
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can use Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.


1) Checkpoint on Type to Learn 4/ Retest on Saving Things
2) Start Excel: Pretest First then getting right to work!
3) Type to Learn 4
I can use Excel to Add and Graph data.
I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

  • Tech of the Future Activity
  • Let’s Blog
  • Pretest/Start Excel
    I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
    I can use a blog.
    I can enter data into an Excel Spreadsheet.
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Week #10

1) Keyboard Zoo
2) Finish up in Paint—Assess tools and Magnifying Glass
3)—Check out Take a Trip, Shape Construction, Alphabet Match
I can use a keyboard.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

1) Keyboard Climber 2
2) Word—Type  Spelling Words–Teach Style and Size tools, teach B, I, U
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Word–Type Spelling Words and review how to Decorate (Style and Size)
2) Type to Learn 3—For 10 minutes
3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, or Tux Paint.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Google Slides-Review how to Add pictures–Work day done by next week
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.
    I can type using the correct typing position.


1) Google Slides -MUST BE DONE TODAY
2) Type to Learn 4
I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.
I can type using the correct typing position.

5th Grade

  1. Technology Past, Present and Future: Televisions
    2) Type to Learn 4
    3) Introduce Blogging
    I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
    I understand what a blog is and can post onto my class blog.
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Week #9

1) Assess Magnifying Glass in Paint as well as Tools.
3) –Check out Letter Games

I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Keyboard Climber 2
    2) Word- PRETEST FIRST Change Font Style, Size, Color
    3) Free Time: Raz-kids, Halloween Games, Tux Paint
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
    I can change the font Style and Size in Microsoft Word

 2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 5—MUST BE DONE WITH 5 Lesson
3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, and Halloween Games.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the font (style, color, and size) in Microsoft Word.

1) PowerPoint—How do you do backgrounds and Pictures
2) Type to Learn 4
I can make a background in Microsoft PowerPoint.

1) PowerPoints-Teach how to do Slide Transitions/Animations
2) Type to Learn 4
I can make put Slide Transitions into my PowerPoint

5th grade

  • Technology Past, Present Future: Music Players
  • Finish Summer Timelines–MUST BE DONE TODAY
  • Type to Learn 4

I use PowerPoint creatively to convey information.
I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.

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Week #8

1) Review all tools in Paint (Draw a pumpkin)–Review    Magnifying glass
2) Draw a picture of yourself (Keep for Conferences)
3) Halloween Games
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Keyboard Climber 2
2) Word–make capitals and type Halloween Words
3) Checkpoint on Shutting the Computer Down and Icons
3) Free Time: Raz Kids, Monthly Links, Tux Paint
I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 5-Must be done with Lesson part
2) Halloween Games
3) Finish Checkpoint on Shutting Computer Down
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

1. PowerPoint—10 minutes
2. Type to Learn 4
3, Checkpoint on Shutting Computers Down
4. Halloween Games
I can make a background in Google Slides.
I can type using the correct Typing Position


1) PowerPoint-10 minutes
2) Type to Learn 4
3) Halloween Games
4) Pretest–Proper Use of the Computer
I can make put Transitions and Animations into my Presentation.

5th grade

  • Technology Past, Present Future: Music Players and Video games
  • Finish Timelines
    Type to Learn 4

I use PowerPoint creatively to convey information.
I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.

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Week #7

1) Review parts of the computers/ Finish Checkpoint
2) Paint-Review All Tools teach the magnifying glass—Sun Checkpoint or Train
3)  Internet Explorer-Abcya —Make a Pumpkin and Fuzz Bugs

I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Paint—Finish Assessing
  • Checkpoint on Shutting Down
  • Keyboard Climber
  • Word

I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type words using Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • Typing Games on 2nd Grade website
  • Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 4/5
  • 3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Checkpoint on Hardware/Software 
  • Make yourself a Peanuts Character
  • Reteach Saving Things/Input-Output
  • Slides–Review changing font, adding pictures, Add Backgrpunds
  • Type to Learn 4
  • Free Time

I can add slides, change my font and add pictures in my PowerPoint presentation.


  1. Type to Learn 4
  2. Make yourself a Cartoon Character
  3. Google Slides–teach transitions and animations –Can we be done next week????
    I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th grade
1) Technology Past, Present and Future: Telephones
2) Finish Timelines
3) Gordon ONly: Cameras

I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
I can use autoshapes and add a real picture into my Google Slides Time Timeline.

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Week #6

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint
3) Introduce  ABCya- House , Cake, and Pizza
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Checkpoint Log-in and shut down
    Type to Learn Jr.????
  • Review File Menu in Paint
  • Draw a Halloween Picture —Finish Assessing!
  • Free Time: RAZ Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint Log-in and Shut Down
  • Typing Games on the ABCYa
  • Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 3/4
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

3rd /4th

  • Review Proper Care of Hardware
  • Work on Projects
  • Type to Learn 4
  • I understand the importance of taking care of my computer.
    I can use Google Slides to show an idea.

5th grade

  • Technology Past, Present and Future: Computers
  • Digital Cameras—Talk about the Art involved in taking one
  • Work on Timelines
    I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
    I can use Slides to make a timeline.
    I can add a real picture into presentation.
    I can use a Digital Picture to take a picture.
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Week #5

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint
3) Introduce Google Chrome-Abcya–Make a Face and  Make a Pizza
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Log-in and shut down
  • Take a Pretest/Post—on Paint Buttons/Icons on the desktop
  • Pretest/Talk about File Menu in Paint-Draw a picture of your favorite part of a book (ASSESS) and drawing shapes (Sun Picture)
  • Type to Learn Jr.—Maybe
  • Free Time: 1st grade website, Type to Learn Jr., Tux Paint, RAZ-Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can use all the paint tools.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Pretest on Type to Learn 3
  • Checkpoint: Home Row and review shutting down
  • –Explore this
  • Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 3
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Checkpoint Saving Things and Input/Output Devices
  • Pretest on Hardware (3rd Grade Only)
  • Review/Checkpoint on Shutting down
  • Proper Care of Hardware/Software (3rd Only) Checkpoint next week.
  • Introduce Google Slides–Continue on Projects

I can explain the differences of an Input and Output device.
I can use Google Slides to show my creativity.

5th Grade

1) Technology Past, Present and Future: Computers–Pretest
2) Post Test-iPad Buttons

3) Summer Timelines
4) Type to Learn 4           *Camera’s Next Week

I can use auto shapes to make a timeline in PowerPoint.
I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.

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Week #4

 1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint
3) Free Time: PBS kids Sesame Street—Big Bird ( Letters to Big Bird,  Oscar, Salad diner
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Teach Log-in and shut down-Pretest First!!!
  • Draw a picture of your room
  • Assess: Computer Parts
  • Teach RAZ Kids
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can use all the paint tools.

 2nd Grade

  • Review how to Log-in/Shut-down—Pretest First
  • Teach RAZ kids
  • Review Home Row/Proper Typing position
  • Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 2
  • Assess Computer Parts
  • Free time: 2nd grade website or Tux Paint
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Review Input and Output Devices and How to Save things
  • Review how to shut-down/Log-in
  • Finish Talking about Safe Searches
  • Google Slides/Log into Google
    I can log into Google and use Google Slides.
    I can use the Internet to safely research and answer.

5th Grade

  • Talk about iPad buttons
  • Start Summer Timelines
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can use Auto shapes in Microsoft PowerPoint to make a timeline.
    I can name the parts of the iPad.
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Week #3


  1. Review Parts of the Computers
  2. Introduce Paint Tools
    3) PBS Kids– Big Bird and Oscar’s Trash Collection

I can name the parts of the computer.
I can use the mouse to open up computer programs.
I can use mouse to make lines and circles in paint.

 1st Grade

  1. Review Computer Parts
  2. Draw a picture of your family in Paint
  3. Review RAZ Kids??? Another game
    I can name the parts of the computer.
    I can use the tools in Paint to make a picture.

2nd Grade

  1. Computer Parts
  2. Review Home-Row
  3. Type to Learn 3–Introduce and do Lesson One
  4. Review RAZ Kids
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.


  1. Review how to Save Things/ Introduce Input/Output Devices
  2. Review how to open a File
  3. Review Internet Resources
  4. Review RAZ kids
    I can name different ways of saving things.
    I can name the difference between input and output devices.
    I can use the Internet Safely.
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.

5th Grade

  1. Type to Learn 4????
  2. Make your Avatar
  3. Teach iPad parts
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can recognize and use the basic buttons and functions of an iPad.
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Week #2

ll: Place students in Seating Charts, review Rules and Computer Parts, and take Picture of those who missed last week


1st Grade

* Review Computer Parts
Review Paint
Draw yourself in Paint
Free time Tux Paint
I can open and use Paint
I can name the Computer Parts.

2nd Grade

  • Quick review of the parts of the computer
  • Typing Test
  • Teach Home Row and Type to Learn 3
    I can recognize and use the home row.
    I can use proper typing position.
    I can name the Computer Parts.


  • Talk about how to Save something
  • Review/Intro Researching Things on the Internet
  • Free time
    I can save something to my school computer.
    I can name and recognize some ways of saving things on my computer.
    I can use the Internet to answer a question.

5th Grade

  • Same as above
  • Rough Draft of PowerPoint
    I can save something to my school computer.
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Welcome to Tech!

Before you leave today, you will…

1) Say Cheese!

2) Know who I am …and who are you?

3) I can name the computer lab rules.

4) You might just start a pre-test (if you are grades 1-5)

5th Grade

4th Grade

3rd Grade

5) Lastly I will give you a preview of the year to come!

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Week #34

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2 Assess anything that is left
3) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.

 1st Grade
1) Finsh Animal Research Paper
2) Plan a comic
3) When done—Free time
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3-10 minutes
2) Microsoft PowerPoint—Work on doing Memory Book
I can use PowerPoint to show an idea.

3rd Grade

1)  Book Project
I can type using the correct position.
I can use Publisher to show my creativity.

4th grade

1) Finish Project
2) 10 minutes Type to Learn 4
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • CHECKPOINT—Log-ins
  • Introduce Robots

I can log-in into school computers using my own personal log-in.
I can drive a Sphero Robot.

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Week #33

1) WORD—Type up sight words
2) Assess icons, Word, etc.
3) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.

1st Grade
 Finish Animal Research (rotation of games)
Make Your Own Comic Plan Sheet
Make a Word Cloud about Mom (words that describe mom)
RAZ Kids
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3-10 minutes
2) Microsoft PowerPoint—Work on doing Memory Book
I can use PowerPoint to show an idea.

3rd Grade
1) Type to Learn 4
2) Book Project
3) Finish Michigander Project (Gordon)
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can creatively use Publisher.

4th grade

1) Type to Learn 4
2)  Add Sources if need be
3) Work on Project
4) Gibbs only—finish Art Pics
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Review/Assess 5th Grade Log-ins
  • Coding –Talk about what Coding is
  • Robot Activity—Robots next week J
    I can log-in into school computers using my own personal log-in.

I know how a computer talks and understands directions
I can use a Sphero Robot.

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Week #32

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Introduce Microsoft Word
3) Draw a picture for Mom in Paint (Don’t think Tux Paint will print)

can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
            1) Type to Learn Jr.-10 minutes
2) Work on Animal Projects
3) Work on Scripts
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3
2) Make Word Clouds about President
3) Make Comic using Make Belief Comix website
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd  Grade

1)  Famous Michigander Research Project—Make a Word Cloud
2) Talk about what Microsoft Word is used for
3) Type to Learn 4 for 10 minutes
4) Maybe make a project for mom
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Type to Learn 4
2) Work on Brochure–Inside
3) Work on Project
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Teach 5th Grade Log-ins
  • Group Presentation
  • Art Project—getting pictures ready
  • Talk about coding
    I understand how computers talk with each other

Week #32/33- Out of Lab Plans


RK/K-2nd 1)   RAZ kids

2)   Read Harold and the Purple Crayon and then Maybe try stickman with students????


3rd-5 1) Introduce I-Pad

2)  Review “My Robot” Activity- GROUP Activity

3)  Start Code games on —Mine Craft or Star Wars

I understand that the computer has its own language.



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Week #31

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Introduce Microsoft Word–Review Enter, Space Key, and Shift AND  Introduce Backspace            3) Teach Shape Games
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Advantages/Disadvantages Checkpoint
2) Work on Research Project
3) Show Stickman
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3—10 minutes
2) Finish President Research
3) Make a Wordle
I can type using the proper typing posture.

3rd  Grade

1)  Finish Michigander Project
2) Type to Learn 4- 15 minutes
3) Free time
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I understand how the Internet is a useful to me.

 4th  grade-

1) Work on Project
2) Set-up Brochure
3) Set-up Art Photos
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

 5th grade

  • Log-in using own log-in
  • Checkpoint on Free Websites we have learned about
  • Present Group Projects
    I can understand how to determine if an Internet source is relevant.
    I can log-in to a computer using my personal log-in
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Week #30

ALL—Take District Survey

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Introduce Microsoft Word–review Enter and Space Key and Introduce Shift “Magic” Key 3) Internet—Introduce Bingo and Color Gam and  RAZ-Kids if time
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
            1) Type to Learn Jr.-10 minutes
2) Advantages/Disadvantages and Information Websites
3) Work on Animal Research
4) RAZ Kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn 3—10 minutes
2) Finish Presidental Sheet
3) Comic Plan Sheet
4) Make a Wordle of your president
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd  Grade

  • Work on Famous Michigander Research Activity
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can use the Internet as a Research Tool.

 4th  grade

1) Work on Project
2) Set-up Brochure
3) Work on Art Project-Take Pictures

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.
I can use a digital camera

5th grade—MSTEP Week #1

  • Finish Presentations
  • Set-up Art Project—Small Groups
  • 10 minutes of Free time
    I can edit pictures and place them in a word document.

 Week #30 (out of Lab Plans)

1) Introduce I-Pad
2) Talk about Coding—Introductory Video
3) Card Activity: If ….then statements
I understand that the computer has its own language.

1st Grade
            1) Review Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology/Information Websites
2) Comic Plan Sheet
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

2nd Grade

  • Comic Plan Sheet

3rd Grade-5th Grade

1) Introduce I-Pad
2) Talk about Coding- Introductory Video
3) Work on “My Robot” Activity- GROUP Activity
4) Start Code games on —Mine Craft or Star Wars
I understand that the computer has its own language.

3rd Grade

  • Work on Research for Famous Michigander

4th grade

  • Take Pictures for Andy Warhol Project.
  • Work on Research for State Research
    I can use the digital Cameras


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Week #29 -Week Back from Spring Break!

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Introduce Microsoft Word
3) Internet- Play Games in the Yellow Box—Introduce Blooples and Shapes and Color
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
            1) Type to Learn Jr.-10 minutes
2) Review Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology/Information Websites
3)   Start Animal Research
I can type using the correct hands.
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3—10 minutes
2) President Research Page
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Type to Learn 4
2) Start Research-Famous Michigander Research
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

4th grade

1) Start Project
 I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Show how to do Pictures in Google Presentation
2) Type to Learn/Free time
I can identify and research a problem in the world today.

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Week #28

All Grades: Catch-up
Finish up things that are not done!
Typing Program for 1/2 of time
Free Time


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Week #28

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Internet–Play Games in the Green Box, RAZ-Kids, Stories Online
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Type to Learn (10 minutes)
2)  Checkpoint Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology and research websites
3) Finish Research Sites
4) Work on Writing Sentences????
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Type to Learn 3—15 minutes
  • Check Point on Technology Solving Problems
  • Start President Project
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using the Internet. 


  • Type to Learn 4
  • Checkpoint on Common websites
  • Google Maps Activity
  • Talk about Research Project

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade

  • Pretest on Internet Buttons
  • Type to Learn 4
  • Work on Project
  • Google MAPS DONE

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Research Group Presentations
  • Type to Learn 4
  • Talk about some need to knows with MSTEP and Check headphones!
    I can identify and research a problem in the world today
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Week #27


1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Internet Play Games in the Green Box as well as Story Online and  RAZ-Kids
3) Talk about Technology as a Tool
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Type to Learn (10 minutes)
2) Finish Cut/Paste Activity
3) Review Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
4) Talk about Research Sites
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Type to Learn 3—15 minutes
  • Talk about How Technology help solves problems—Checkpoint Next week
  • Work on Research Sites—Wikipedia, Fact Monster, and Ask
    4) RaZ Kids
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can do research using information websites

1) Type to Learn 4
2) Google Maps Activity
3) Free time
I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.
I can use the Internet to find information.

 4th  grade

  • Type to Learn 4
  • Start talking about Project

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

 5th grade

  • GORDON 5th Grade Click HERE
  • Add to collaborative Stories
  • Research Group Presentations
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can identify and research a problem in the world today.
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Week #26

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Internet  Games in the Green Box, Stories Online , RAZ-Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Cut and Paste Activity
2) Talk about—Internet Search Sites— Google for kids,
3) Talk about Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
I can recognize an Internet Search Site.
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

2nd Grade

  • TYPE TO Learn 3
  • Finish Cut/Paste Activity if needed
  • Research Sites—Google for Kids
    I can get information on the Internet using informational websites.
    I recognize and use the favorite’s button.
    I can do an Internet Search.


1) Talk about webEndings
2) Google Maps
3) Type to Learn 4

I can use an Internet Mapping program to determine the distance between two points.
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.
I can use kid-friendly search sites to gather information

4th  grade

  • Web Endings/Care of Computer Checkpoint
  • Type to Learn 4
  • Google Maps Activity and Checkpoint

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Checkpoint on Technology with Disabilities/Relevant Websites
  • Add to Collaborative Story
  • Work on Group Project

I can work collaboratively with others to make a story using the Internet.
I understand technology that can be used for those who have a disability.

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Week #24

1) Start talking about Technology as a Tool
2) Tux Paint
3) Internet–New Game Monkey Keys b) Review RAZ-Kids c) Review ABC Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Pre Test Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology  Post Test Care of the Computers
2) Cut and Paste  Activity
I can take care of my computer.
I can recognize an Internet Search Site.
I can recognize and use the Favorites Button.
I can cut and paste pictures and words in Word.

2nd Grade

  • Pretest How can Technology Solve problems?
  • Type to Learn 3
  • Review Cutting/Pasting
  • Introduce Google for Kids Activity (Probably Not)
    I can get information on the Internet using informational websites.
    I understand how Technology can solve problems.
    I can type using the correct Typing Position

            1) Finish Common Websites Activity-Weather Channel
2) Type to Learn 4
3)  Pre-test Google Maps and Start Activity
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

4th  grade

  • Post test on Relevant Websites PREtest Proper Care and Use of Computer
  • Type to Learn 4-10 minutes
  • Google Maps—Pretest/Work on Activity
    Hughes only: Finish Excel

I can use an Internet Mapping program to determine the distance between two points.
I know how to determine if a website is relevant or not.

 5th grade

  • Pretest on Relevant Websites
  • Type to Learn 4
  • Discuss Technology for people with Disabilities
  • Discuss Relevant websites by using Webster’s Gecko Goof
  • Work on Group Project
    I understand technology that can be used for those who have a disability.
    I know how to determine if a website is relevant or not.
    I can work collaboratively with others to make a story using the Internet.
    I can identify and research a Problem with the World today.
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Week #23

1) Type to Learn Jr.- 10 minutes
2) Internet: Teach Connect the Dots –review other games as well as Review RAZ kids—Teach how to spend Stars
3)   Tux Paint

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Talk about Care of the Computers
3) Type Sight Words
4) Cut and Paste Activity
I can take care of my computer.
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn-10 minutes
2) Cut and Paste Activity
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word.

3rd  Grade
            1) Type to Learn- 10 minutes
2) Finish Common Websites Activity-ESPN/Advisor
3) Free Time
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

 4th  grade

1) Talk about Relevant Websites using Webster’s Gecko Goof
2) Finish Excel

 have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum and make a graph.

 5th grade

  • Work on collaborative story in Edmodo
  • Finish Excel
  • Work on Group Project—Researching Problem
    I can work collaboratively to write a story online.
    I can work with a group to identify and research a “Problem in the World Today”
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Week #22

1) Type to Learn Jr.- 10 minutes
2) InternetTeach/Review Leo the Lobster and  Valentine’s Games
3) Tux Paint-Show how to get new piece of paper

I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.
          I can be safe on the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Checkpoint on Internet Safety/Pretest Taking Care of the Computer
2) RAZ kids
3) Type Valentine Words-Assess
I can use my reading skills to type Valentine words onto my Microsoft Word screen.
I can be safe on the Internet.
I can take care of my computer.

 2nd Grade

  1. Checkpoint Internet Safety /Spelling and Grammar Changes
    2) Type to Learn 3- 10 minutes

3) Type a Valentine using Valentine Words
I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.

3rd Grade
1) Checkpoint on Internet Safety/Technology Changes
2) Work on Page 1 of Common Website Activity
3) Type to Learn 4
I can be safe on the Internet.
I can type and outline and change the bullets and add a picture.
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

4th  grade

1) Internet Safety Checkpoint/Relevant Websites
2)  Type to Learn 4
3) Start Microsoft Excel
I can use Microsoft Word to make an outline and change the bullets.
I can be safe on the Internet.
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum and make a graph.

 5th grade

1) Internet Safety Checkpoint—Pretest Technology for Disabilities
2) Finish Excel CheckPoint
3)  Free time on Valentine’s Games

I can use the Internet Safely.
I can type words correctly.

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Week #21

1) Finish Internet Safety Video (if needed)
2) Type to Learn Jr.- 10 minutes
3) Internet
a) Review RAZ Kid
b) Teach/Review ABC Watermelon, Alphabet Goop and ABC Order
4)  Tux Paint- Show how to get backgrounds.

I can use a keyboard.
I can draw pictures using the tools in Tux Paint.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Write Valentine’s Words
3) RAZ Kids
I can use type sight words using Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Talk about Spelling and Grammar Mistakes
  • Type a story using the prompt: If I were a monster…
  • Free Time

I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.
I can recognize spelling and grammar mistakes found in a word document.


1) Talk about Technology Changes
2) Finish Outline
3) Start Common Websites Activity—Page 1—Fandango/Amazon

I can type and outline and change the bullets and add a picture.
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

4th  grade
1) Finish Outline
2) Start Excel
3)  Type to Learn
I can type an Outline and add a picture.
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum and make a graph. 

5th grade

1) Finish Internet Safety /  Watch Survivor Diaries
2) Finish Excel –Checkpoint
I can use Google Documents to make a story with other 5th Graders.
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum, average and I am able to sort the data.

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Week #20


  • Router’s Birthday Surprise Video-1/2 of it
  • Internet Games: Alphabet Goup, ABC Order, or RAZ Kids
    I can be safe on the Internet.

1) Router’s Birthday Surprise Video
2) Type to Learn Jr.
I can be safe on the Internet.

2nd Grade

  • Faux Paux Video and Internet Safety Presentation (Netsmartz)
  • Type to Learn 3
    I can be safe on the Internet.
    I can type correctly.


  • Internet Safety Presentation (Netsmartz)
  • Finish Outline
    Type to Learn 4

I can be safe on the Internet.
I can type correctly.
I can change bullets and type an Outline


  • Internet Safety (Netsmartz)
  • Finish Outline
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can be safe on the Internet.
    I can change bullets and type an Outline

5th grade

            1) Internet Safety Presentation (Netsmartz)
2) Excel-Review Sorting etc. Next week is CHECKPOINT.
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum, average and I am able to sort the data.

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Week #19

1) Type to Learn Jr.- 10 minutes
2) Re-Introduce Tux Paint –show how to do magic (Review Stamps)
3) RAZ Kids—review how to get on
4) Internet—Start Green box–Alphabet Goop and ABC Order

I can use a keyboard.
I can draw pictures using the tools in Tux Paint.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Review File Menu (Funky Window)
2) Type and Decorate Spelling Words
3) RAZ Kids
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

 2nd Grade

  • Type a story using the prompt: If I were the teacher…. (25 minutes)
  • Free Time
    I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.

1)  Review “How Technology has changed life at school and home”
2) Finish Outlines
3) Type to Learn 4
I can change bullets and type an Outline

4th  grade
1) Type to Learn (10 Minutes)
2) Finish Outlines
3) Excel
I can type an Outline and add a picture.
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum and make a graph.

5th grade
1) Video: Terrible Text and Miketosis
2) Work on Excel
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum, average and I am able to sort the data.

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Week #18

1) Type to Learn Jr.- 10 minutes
2) RAZ Kids—Introduce how to Log-in
3) Start Green Box—Alphabet Goop
2) Re-Introduce Tux Paint –show how to do stamps (Review Paintbrush and Eraser)
I can use a keyboard.
I can draw pictures using the tools in Tux Paint.

1st Grade
 1) Pretest on Internet Safety
2) Type to Learn (10 minutes)
3)Type sentences (ASSESS punctuation marks and Capitals).
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can make capital letters and punctuation marks in my writing.

2nd Grade
1) Pretest on Internet Safety
2) Type to Learn (10 minutes)
3) How fast can you type.
4) Practice making capitals and punctuation marks.
I can type using the correct typing position.
I can make punctuation marks and Capital letter.


1) Pretest on “How Tech has changed…,Internet Safety, Common websites
2) Talk about “How Technology has changed life at school and home”
3) Type to Learn 4
4) Work on Outline–Seasons
I can change the fonts and add pictures into a Word Document.
I can also use the correct typing position.

4th  grade

  • Type to Learn 3- 10 minutes
  • Work on Outline—4th Grade
    I can make an outline and change the bullets

5th grade
1) Blog-5 minutes
2) Excel

I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum, average and I am able to sort the data.
I can blog.

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Week #17

1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Introduce Tux Paint

I can use a keyboard.
I can draw pictures using the tools in Tux Paint.

1st Grade

1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Word–Make a Thank You Note–talk about talk about Red/Green Lines
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn (10 minutes)
2) Type a Thank you note
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can add a picture to my Word document.
I can type using the correct typing position


1)  Type to Learn
2) Start Outlines
3) Gordon Only–Review Checkpoints

I can change the fonts and add pictures into a Word document using correct typing position.

 4th  grade
1) Start Outlines
2) Type to Learn
I can change the fonts and add pictures into a Word document using correct typing position.

5th grade

          1) Blog for 5 minutes
2) Finish Google Earth
3) Pretest and Teach Microsoft Excel

I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum and average.
I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.

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Week #15

1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Internet: Christmas Games –Print a Christmas Tree
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade /2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn
2) Word–Make a Christmas Card in Word
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can add a picture to my Word document.


  • Type to Learn 4 and checkpoints
    2) Make a Christmas Card—Pretest in Microsoft Word
    I can type using the correct position.
    I can make an outline using Microsoft Word.
    I can change the bullets in Microsoft Word.

1)    Checkpoints
2) Pretest on Microsoft Word and Excel
3) Make a Christmas Card
I can add make a graph in Microsoft Excel.
I can make an outline using Microsoft Word.
I can change the bullets in Microsoft Word.

5th grade
1)Let’s Blog!
2) Google Earth with iPads
I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog..
I can use and iPad to find location in Google Earth.

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Week #13


1) Type to Learn Jr. learn Teach Hopkins the Bunny
2) Internet: Check out  Apple Faces  and  Crayola
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet

 1st Grade


  1. Review How to do Capitals –Do Capitals Game and Magic Keys (Shift, Enter, Space, Backspace and Introduce TAB and Caps Lock)
  2. Show File Menu
  3. Type “My Christmas List”- Decorated when done (Print)
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
    I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

 2nd Grade

1) Word- Decorate Words and add picture onto “My Christmas List” or another list
2) Also talk about the File and Insert Menu
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can add a picture to my Word document.


  • FINISH PowerPoints
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can make a PowerPoint Presentation.


1) Finish PowerPoint
2) Type to Learn 4
I can add data and find the sum in Microsoft Excel.

5th grade

  • Check Point on Tech Past, Present, and Future
  • Let’s Blog!
  • Google Earth on the iPad
    I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
    I can use the iPad to access Google Earth
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Week #11 Before Thanksgiving

1) Introduce Type to Learn Jr.–Introduce Cassie the Bird
2) Monthly Links—Turkey Games
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1)  Type to Learn Jr. or Keyboard Climber 2
2) Word-(Introduce TAB and Caps Lock) and Type and decorate Thanksgiving words Also talk about File Menu
3) Free time: Raz-kids, First Grade Website, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • Clicker Test: Type to Learn 3/Pretest Spelling/Grammar
  • Word
  • 1. Talk about File Menu
    2. Type and Decorate (Style and Size) Thanksgiving Words and do Sentences
  • Type to Learn 3—For 10 minutes
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
    I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • Checkpoint on Spelling/Grammar and Type to Learn 4
  • PowerPoint-Work day done ASAP
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can use PowerPoint to show my creativity.
    I can change the bullets in PowerPoint.
    I can type using the correct typing position.


1) Checkpoint on Type to Learn 4
2) PowerPoint-Work Day done ASAP
3) Type to Learn 4
I can use PowerPoint to show my creativity.
I can change the bullets in PowerPoint.
I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

  • Checkpoint on “Technology Past, Present, and Future” Hughes Only
  • Let’s Blog—How do I do a Blog Post
  • Pretest on Excel
    I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
    I can use a blog.
    I can enter data into an Excel Spreadsheet.
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Week #10

1) Introduce Type to Learn Jr.-Dog and Turtle
2) Finish up in Paint—Assess tools and Magnifying Glass
3)—Check out Take a Trip, Shape Construction, Alphabet Match
I can use a keyboard.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

1) Type to Learn Jr. or Keyboard Climber 2
2) Word—Type  Spelling Words–ReviewStyle and Size tools, teach B, I, U
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Word–Type Spelling Words and review how to Decorate (Style and Size)
2) Type to Learn 3—For 10 minutes
3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, or Tux Paint.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.


  • PowerPoint-Teach how to do bullets–Work day done by next week
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can use PowerPoint to show my creativity.
    I can change the bullets in PowerPoint.
    I can type using the correct typing position.


1) PowerPoint- Teach how to do Animations—Work Day done by next week
2) Type to Learn 4
I can use PowerPoint to show my creativity.
I can change the bullets in PowerPoint.
I can type using the correct typing position.

5th Grade

1) Type to Learn 4
2) Introduce Blogging
3) Technology of the Future Activity
I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
I understand what a blog is and can post onto my class blog.

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Week #9

1) Draw a Picture for conferences
2) Assess Magnifying Glass in Paint as well as Tools.
3) –Check out Letter Games

I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Keyboard Climber 2
    2) Word- Change Font Style, Size, Color
    3) Free Time: Raz-kids, Halloween Games, Tux Paint
    I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
    I can change the font Style and Size in Microsoft Word

 2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 5—MUST BE DONE WITH 5 Lesson
2) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, and Halloween Games.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the font (style, color, and size) in Microsoft Word.

1) PowerPoint—How do you do backgrounds and Bullets
2) Type to Learn 4
I can make a background in Microsoft PowerPoint.

1) PowerPoints-Teach how to do Slide Transitions
2) Type to Learn 4
I can make put Slide Transitions into my PowerPoint

5th grade

  • Technology Past, Present Future: Televisions
  • Make Avatars
  • Make Campaign Signs
  • Type to Learn 4

I use PowerPoint creatively to convey information.
I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.

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Week #8-Halloween

1) Review all tools in Paint—Show Curve line and any shapes—Review    Magnifying glass
2) Draw a picture of yourself (Keep for Conferences)
3) (Alphabet Game 🙂 –other games we know
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

2) Word–make capitals and type Halloween Words
3) Free Time: Raz Kids, Monthly Links, Tux Paint
I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Halloween Games
2) Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 5
3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

1. PowerPoint—How do you do backgrounds and Bullets
2. Type to Learn 4
I can make a background in Microsoft PowerPoint.


1) PowerPoint–“My Favorites” project–Review basics and be ready to learn new things next week!
2) Type to Learn 4

I can make put Slide Transitions into my PowerPoint

5th grade

  • Technology Past, Present Future: Music Players and Video games
  • Finish Timelines
  • Make Campaign Signs
    Type to Learn 4

I use PowerPoint creatively to convey information.
I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.

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Week #7

1) Review parts of the computers/ Finish Checkpoint
2) Paint-Review All Tools teach the magnifying glass—Sun Checkpoint
3)  Internet Explorer-Abcya —Make a Pumpkin and Fuzz Bugs

I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Paint—Finish Assessing
  • Word

I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type words using Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

  • Typing Games on 2nd Grade website
  • Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 4/5
  • 3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • PowerPoint
    1. Review changing font, adding pictures, Add Slides
    2. Changing Bullets
  • Type to Learn 4
  • Free Time

I can add slides, change my font and add pictures in my PowerPoint presentation.

5th grade
1) Technology Past, Present and Future: Video Game Systems
2) Finish Timelines
3) Gordon ONly: Cameras

I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
I can use autoshapes and add a real picture into my PowerPoint Timeline.

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Week #6


1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint
3) Introduce  ABCya- House , Cake, and Pizza
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Checkpoint Log-in and shut down
  • Review File Menu in Paint
  • Draw a Halloween Picture —Finish Assessing!
  • Free Time: 1st grade website, Type to Learn Jr., Tux Paint

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint Log-in and Shut Down
  • Typing Games on the ABCYa
  • Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 4
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

3rd /4th

  • Review Proper Care of Hardware/Software Checkpoint
  • PowerPoint Projects
  • Campaign Signs????
    I understand the importance of taking care of my computer.
    I can use PowerPoint to show an idea.

5th grade

  • Technology Past, Present and Future: Telephones
  • Digital Cameras—Talk about the Art involved in taking one
  • Work on Timelines
    I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
    I can use PowerPoint to make a timeline.
    I can add a real picture into PowerPoint.
    I can use a Digital Picture to take a picture.
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Week #5

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint
3) Introduce Google Chrome-Abcya–Make a Face and  Make a Pizza
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Log-in and shut down
  • Pretest/Talk about File Menu in Paint-Draw a picture of your favorite part of a book (ASSESS) and drawing shapes (Sun Picture)
  • Type to Learn Jr.
  • Free Time: 1st grade website, Type to Learn Jr., Tux Paint, RAZ-Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can use all the paint tools.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint: Home Row and review shutting down
  • –Explore this
  • Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 3
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Checkpoint Saving Things and Input/Output Devices (3rd) Pretest on PowerPoint
  • Review/Checkpoint on Shutting down
  • Start/Finish Internet Searching
  • Proper Care of Hardware/Software (3rd Only) Checkpoint next week.
  • Introduce/Review PowerPoint—Start Projects

I can explain the differences of an Input and Output device.
I can use PowerPoint to show my creativity.

5th Grade

1) Technology Past, Present and Future: Computers
2) Summer Timelines
3) Type to Learn 4           *Camera’s Next Week

I can use auto shapes to make a timeline in PowerPoint.
I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.

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Week #4

 1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint
3) Free Time: PBS kids Sesame Street—Big Bird (Journey to Ernie or Letters to Big Bird),  Oscar, maybe Abby’s Sandbox
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Teach Log-in and shut down-Pretest First!!!
  • Pretest—Icons and Paint tools
  • Draw a picture of you favorite scene from a book
  • Type to Learn Jr.–Teach Elephant
  • Assess: Computer Parts
  • Free Time: 1st grade website, Pbs Kids Tux Paint, RAZ Kids
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can use all the paint tools.

 2nd Grade

  • Review how to Log-in/Shut-down—Pretest First
  • Review Home Row/Proper Typing position
  • Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 2
  • Assess Computer Parts
  • Free time: 2nd grade website or Tux Paint
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Review Input and Output Devices and How to Save things
  • Review how to shut-down/Log-in
  • Introduce Hardware/Software—after taking Pre-test—3rd Grade
  • Talk about how to do Safe Searches
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can explain the differences of Hardware and Software device.
    I can use the Internet to safely research and answer.

5th Grade

  • Pre-test—Technology: Past, Present, and Future–Post Test on iPad buttons
  • Start Summer Timelines
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can use Auto shapes in Microsoft PowerPoint to make a timeline.
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Week #3


  1. Review Parts of the Computers
  2. Introduce Paint Tools
    3) PBS Kids– Big Bird and Oscar’s Trash Collection

I can name the parts of the computer.
I can use the mouse to open up computer programs.
I can use mouse to make lines and circles in paint.


1st Grade

  1. Review Computer Parts
  2. Draw a picture of your family in Paint
  3. Review RAZ Kids
    I can name the parts of the computer.
    I can use the tools in Paint to make a picture.

2nd Grade

  1. Computer Parts
  2. Review Home-Row
  3. Type to Learn 3–Introduce and do Lesson One
  4. Review RAZ Kids
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.


  1. Review how to Save Things/ Introduce Input/Output Devices
  2. Review how to open a File
  3. Review Type to Learn 4
  4. Review Internet Resources
  5. Review RAZ kids
    I can name different ways of saving things.
    I can name the difference between input and output devices.
    I can use the Internet Safely.
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.

5th Grade

  1. Type to Learn 4
  2. Make your Avatar
  3. Make Rough Draft of Summer Timeline
  4. Review iPad parts
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can recognize and use the basic buttons and functions of an iPad.
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Week #2

ll: Place students in Seating Charts, review Rules and Computer Parts, and take Picture of those who missed last week


1st Grade

* Review Computer Parts
Review Paint
Draw yourself in Paint
Free time Tux Paint
I can open and use Paint
I can name the Computer Parts.

2nd Grade

  • Quick review of the parts of the computer
  • Typing Test
  • Teach Home Row and Type to Learn 3
    I can recognize and use the home row.
    I can use proper typing position.
    I can name the Computer Parts.


  • Talk about how to Save something
  • Review/Intro Researching Things on the Internet
  • Free time
    I can save something to my school computer.
    I can name and recognize some ways of saving things on my computer.
    I can use the Internet to answer a question.

5th Grade

  • Same as above
  • Introduce iPads????
  • Rough Draft of PowerPoint
    I can save something to my school computer.
    I can recognize the important parts of an iPad.
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Welcome Back to Technology!

Before you leave today, you will…

1) Say Cheese!

2) Know who I am …and who are you?

3) I can name the computer lab rules.

4) You might just start a pre-test (if you are grades 1-5)

5th Grade

4th Grade

3rd Grade

5) Lastly I will give you a preview of the year to come!

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Week #36

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Word Cloud
3) When done—Free time
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

  1. Type to Learn 3
    2) Microsoft PowerPoint—Work on doing Memory Book
    I can use PowerPoint to show an idea by adding slides and changing the font
    I can type using the correct hand position.

3rd Grade
1)  10 minutes of Type to Learn
2) Book Project—Finish
3) Free time
I can use my typing skills to type up a book.

4th grade
1)10 minutes of Type to Learn
2) Finish Project
3) Free TIme
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Type to Learn 10 minutes
  • Work on projects Newsletter Project
  • Revolutionary Projects
    I can use a publishing program to make a newsletter.
    I can find pictures on Google Presentations.
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Week #35

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Work on Comics
3) When done—Free time
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Test/Type to Learn
2) Microsoft PowerPoint—Work on doing Memory Book
I can type using the correct hand position.

3rd Grade

1)  10 minutes of Type to Learn
2) Book Project—Finish
3) Free time
I can use my typing skills to type up a book.

4th grade

1)  10 minutes of Type to Learn
2) Finish Project —Print!!!!
3) Free TIme
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Type to Learn 10 minutes
  • Work on projects Newsletter Project
  • Revolutionary Projects

I can use a publishing program to make a newsletter.
I can find pictures on Google Presentations.

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Week #34

Hawblitz Click Here

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Tux Paint—Draw a picture of “The best part of the Year” and print
3) Assess anything that is left
4) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.

1st Grade
1) Finsh Animal Research
2) Plan a comic
3) When done—Free time
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3-10 minutes
2) Microsoft PowerPoint—Work on doing Memory Book
I can use PowerPoint to show an idea.

3rd Grade

1)  Type to Learn 4
2) Book Project
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) CHECKPOINT—Google Chrome Buttons
2) Finish Project
3) 10 minutes Type to Learn 4
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

 5th grade

  • CHECKPOINT—Publisher and Log-ins
  • Work on projects — Newsletter Project
  • Maybe start Revolutionary War

I can understand how to determine if an Internet source is relevant.
I can log-in into school computers using my own personal log-in.
I can use a publishing program to make a newsletter.

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Week #33

1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) WORD—Type up sight words
3) Assess icons, Word, etc.
4) Free time-Tux Paint, RAZ kids, K website
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.

1st Grade
          1) Finish Animal Research (rotation of games)
2) Type to Learn Jr.
3) RAZ Kids
I can type using the correct hands.

 2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn 3-10 minutes
2) Make my own Comic—Hughes and Gordon
3) Microsoft PowerPoint—Work on doing Memory Book
I can use PowerPoint to show an idea.

3rd Grade

1) Type to Learn 4
2) Book Project
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can creatively use Publisher.

4th grade

1) Type to Learn 4

2)  Add Sources if need be
3) Work on Project

4) Hawblitz only—finish Art Pics

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.


5th grade

  • Review/Assess 5th Grade Log-ins
  • Work on Art Projects
  • Newsletter Project

I can understand how to determine if an Internet source is relevant.

I can log-in into school computers using my own personal log-in.

I can use a publishing program to make a newsletter.

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Week #32

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Introduce Microsoft Word-Type Name and the AbC’s and Review  “Magic” Key (Assess This)
3) Draw a picture for Mom in Paint (Don’t think Tux Paint will print)
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Type to Learn Jr.-10 minutes
2) Work on Animal Projects
3) Make a Word Cloud about Mom (words that describe mom)
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade
1) Make Comic using Make Belief Comix website
2) Make Word Clouds about President
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd  Grade
1)  Famous Michigander Research Project—Make a Word Cloud
2) Talk about what Microsoft Word is used for
3) Type to Learn 4 for 10 minutes
4) Maybe make a project for mom
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.

4th grade

1) Type to Learn 4
2) Work on Brochure–Inside
3) Work on Project
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

 5th grade
Review/Teach 5th Grade Log-ins
Newsletter Project.
Art Project—getting pictures ready
I can use a publishing program to make a newsletter.

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Week #31- 3rd Grade MStep


1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Introduce Microsoft Word- Review Enter, Space Key, and Shift “Magic” Key and  Introduce Backspace
3) Teach Shape Games
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
) Advantages/Disadvantages Checkpoint
2) Work on Research Project
3) Show Stickman
I can type using the correct hands.

2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn 3—10 minutes
2) Make Comic Project using website MakeBeliefComix
I can type using the proper typing posture.

3rd  Grade MSTEP

1)  Finish Michigander Project
2) Type to Learn 4- 15 minutes
3) Free time
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I understand how the Internet is a useful to me.

4th  grade-
1) Work on Project
2) Set-up Brochure–Sources
3) Free time

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Log-in using own log-in
  • Checkpoint on Free Websites we have learned about
  • Coding Activities
  • Group Projects–Walters
    I can understand how to determine if an Internet source is relevant.
    I can log-in to a computer using my personal log-in

Out of Lab Plans

1) Introduce I-Pad
2) Remind them of If/Then statements
3) Work on Cup Activity together as a group or
I understand that the computer has its own language.

1st Grade
1) Review Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology/Information Websites
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

3rd Grade-5th Grade

1) Introduce I-Pad
2) Review“My Robot” Activity- GROUP Activity
3) Start Code games on —Mine Craft or Star Wars

I understand that the computer has its own language.

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Week #30–5th Grade MStep Week #2

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Introduce Microsoft Word- Review Magic Enter Key and Teach Shift
3) Internet–Play Games in the Yellow Box—Introduce Color Game and Color Train and RAZ-Kids if time
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
            1) Type to Learn Jr.-10 minutes
2) Advantages/Disadvantages and Information Websites
3) Work on Animal Research
4) RAZ Kids
I can type using the correct hands.
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

 2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn 3—10 minutes
2) Make a Comic- Plan Sheet
3) Start PowerPoint
I can use Powerpoint and change the font.

3rd  Grade
1) Work on Famous Michigander Research Activity
2) Type to Learn 4
I can use the Internet as a Research Tool.

4th  grade
1) Work on Project
2) Set-up Brochure
3) Work on Art Project
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade–MSTEP

  • Finish Presentations
  • Set-up Art Project—Small Groups
  • 10 minutes of Free time

I can edit pictures and place them in a word document.

Out of Lab Plans:

1) Introduce I-Pad
2) Talk about Coding—Introductory Video
3) Card Activity: If ….then statements
I understand that the computer has its own language.

1st Grade
          1) Review Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology/Information Websites
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

3rd Grade-5th Grade
1) Introduce I-Pad
2) Talk about Coding- Introductory Video
3) Work on “My Robot” Activity- GROUP Activity
4) Start Code games on —Mine Craft or Star Wars
I understand that the computer has its own language.

4th grade

  • Last Pre-test and Take Pictures for Andy Warhol Project.
    I can use the digital Cameras
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Week #29–5th Grade MStep

 1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Introduce Microsoft Word–Type Name andIntroduce Enter Key
3) Internet-Play Games in the Yellow Box—Introduce Blooples and Shapes and Color and RAZ-Kids
I can use a keyboard and use it on a Word Processing program.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
            1) Type to Learn Jr.-10 minutes
2) Review Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology/Information Websites
            3)   Start Animal Research
I can type using the correct hands.
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.
I can do research using the computer.

2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn 3—10 minutes
2) Finish President Research Page-Interesting Facts (Except Gordon)
3) Make Wordle about your president–??? If it works
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

3rd Grade
1) Type to Learn 4
2) Start Research-Famous Michigander Research
I can use my reading skills to find information on the Internet to answer questions.

 4th grade
1) Last Pre-test
2) Work on Project-Set-up Brochure
3) Take Pictures for Andy Warhol project (Walters Only)
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.
I can use a digital camera.

5th grade-MSTEP Week #1
1) Finish and start presenting group projects
2) Work on doing Art Cubism Project???
3) Type to Learn/Free time
I can identify and research a problem in the world today.


1) Introduce I-Pad
2) Talk about Coding|
3) Work on “My Robot” Activity-WHOLE GROUP
I understand that the computer has its own language.

1st Grade
1) Review Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology/Information Websites
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

3rd Grade-5th Grade
1) Introduce I-Pad
2) Talk about Coding
3) Work on “My Robot” Activity- GROUP Activity
4) Start Code games on —Mine Craft or Star Wars
I understand that the computer has its own language.

4th grade
1) Last Pre-test and Take Pictures for Andy Warhol Project.
I can use the digital Cameras


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Week #28-Week Before Break

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Internet- Play Games in the Green Box and RAZ-Kids
3) Tux Paint
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Type to Learn (10 minutes)
2)  Checkpoint Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology and research websites
3) Catch-up on things that need to be finished—Check to see what needs to be done
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

 2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn 3—15 minutes
2) Free Time
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

1) Type to Learn 4
2) Google Maps Activity
3) Free time
I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.

4th  grade
1) Type to Learn 4
2) Work on Project
I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade
1) Research Group Presentations
2) Type to Learn 4
3) Talk about Some Need to knows with MSTEP

I can identify and research a problem in the world today.

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Week #27

1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Internet– Play Games in the Green Box , Stories Online, and RAZ-Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Type to Learn (10 minutes)
2) Review Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology and research websites
3) Make a Story and Make a Stickman
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.
I can type using the correct hands.
I can research information using the computer.

2nd Grade
1) Type to Learn 3—15 minutes
2) President Research Page—Wikipedia
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can do research using information websites

1) Type to Learn
2) Start Research Activity
3) Google Maps Activity
4) Free time

I can type correctly using the home row.
I can determine the distance between two points using Google Maps.
I can use the Internet to find information.

 4th  grade

  • Type to Learn 4
  • Work on Project

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

 5th grade

  • Research Group Presentations
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can identify and research a problem in the world today.
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Week #26

   1) Type to Learn Jr. (10 minutes)
2) Internet- Games in the Green Box, Stories OnlineRAZ-Kids
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Clickers: Care of the Computer and Icons if needed
2) Talk about—Internet Search Sites– Introduce Wikipedia, Dictionary and Ask
3) Talk about Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
4) Show Make a Story and St Patrick’s Day Games and Book websites
I can recognize an Internet Search Site.
I can talk about some advantages and disadvantages to using Technology.

 2nd Grade

  • Clicker Test on How Technology solves a problem
  • Research Sites
    1. Talk  Dictionary and Ask
    2. Introduce Fact Monster and Presidential Project
      I can get information on the Internet using informational websites.
      I recognize and use the favorite’s button.
      I can do an Internet Search.


1) Google Maps-Finish Google Maps
2) Pick Out Research Topic
3) Type to Learn 4
I can use an Internet Mapping program to determine the distance between two points.
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.
I can use kid-friendly search sites to gather information

4th  grade

  • Type to Learn 4
  • Introduce Project
  • Finish up on Google Maps Activity and Checkpoint

I can use my reading skills and the Internet to answer questions and expand my knowledge.
I can understand how to determine if an Internet Source is relevant.

5th grade

  • Checkpoint on Technology with Disabilities/Relevant Websites
  • Work on Group Project
    I can work collaboratively with others to make a story using the Internet.
    I understand technology that can be used for those who have a disability.
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Week #25

5th Graders click HERE : Gecko Goof

1) Review how Technology is a Tool
2) Internet-new games Keyseeker and Monkey Keys
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Talk about Care of the Computer
2) Talk about—Internet Search Sites–Review Google for kids and introduce Wikipedia and Dictionary
3) Review Favorites Button.
I can recognize an Internet Search Site.
I can recognize and use the Favorites Button.
I can talk about how to take care of my computer.

 2nd Grade

  • Type to Learn 3
  • Teach- How can Technology Solve problems?
  • Research Sites—Wikipedia and Dictionary
    I can get information on the Internet using informational websites.
    I understand how Technology can solve problems.


  • Type to Learn 4
  • Google Maps Activity/Checkpoint

I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.


4th  grade

  • Type to Learn 4
  • Google Maps activity including Checkpoint-Should be done
  • Review Internet Search techniques and Relevant Websites.
    I can use an Internet Mapping program to determine the distance between two points.
    I can safely navigate the Internet. 

5th grade

  • Review How Technology helps those with a Disability
  • Relevant Websites: Gecko Goof
  • Work on Group Project
    I can work collaboratively with others to make a story using the Internet.
    I understand technology that can be used for those who have a disability.
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Week #24

1) Start talking about Technology as a Tool
2) Internet- Teach new games Zoo Animals and Connect the Letters
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Pre Test Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology  & Care of the Computers
2) Talk about—Internet Search Sites—Google for kids
3) Review Favorites Button.
4) Cut and Paste Checkpoint
I can take care of my computer.
I can recognize an Internet Search Site.
I can recognize and use the Favorites Button.
I can cut and paste pictures and words in Word.

 2nd Grade

  • Pretest How can Technology Solve problems?
  • Type to Learn 3
  • Introduce Google for Kids
  • Google for Kids activity
    I can get information on the Internet using informational websites.
    I understand how Technology can solve problems.
    I can type using the correct Typing Position

 1) Post Test on Spelling/Grammar Changes
2) Type to Learn 4
3)  Pre-test Google Maps and Start Activity
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

4th  grade

  • Pretest on Relevant Websites/Proper Care and Use of Computer
  • Type to Learn 4-10 minutes
  • Webster’s Gecko Goof
  • Google Maps—Work on Activity/Checkpoint
    I can use an Internet Mapping program to determine the distance between two points.

 5th grade

  • Pretest on Relevant Websites
  • Type to Learn 4
  • Discuss Technology for people with Disabilities
  • Work on Group Project
    I understand technology that can be used for those who have a disability.
    I can work collaboratively with others to make a story using the Internet.
    I can identify and research a Problem with the World today.
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Week #23

  1) Type to Learn Jr.- 10 minutes
2) Internet-Teach Leo the Lobster Review Alphabet Goop, ABC Order, ABC Watermelon, Review RAZ kids
3) Tux Paint-Teach how to change the backgrounds
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
  1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Type Sight Words
3) Cut and Paste Activity
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word. 

2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn-10 minutes
2) Cut and Paste Activity
I can use my reading and writing skills in Microsoft Word.
I can cut and paste using my mouse in Microsoft Word.

3rd  Grade
1) Type to Learn- 10 minutes
2) Finish Common Websites Activity-Weather Channel
3) Free Time
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

4th  grade

1) Pre-test on Google Maps
2)Small Group Re-teaching-Spelling/Grammar and Web endings
3) Google Maps—Introduce and Start Activity
I can use an Internet Mapping program to determine the distance between two points.

5th grade

  • Work on collaborative story in Edmodo
  • Work on Group Project—Researching Problem
    I can work collaboratively to write a story online.
    I can work with a group to identify and research a “Problem in the World Today”
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Week #22

1) Type to Learn Jr.- 10 minutes
2) Internet- Teach/Review Leo the Lobster Review Alphabet Goop, ABC Order , ABC WatermelonValentine’s Games
3) Tux Paint-Show how to get new papers
I can use a keyboard.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
 1) Type to Learn Jr.-10 minutes
2) Type Valentine Words-Assess
3) Free time on Valentine’s Games
I can use my reading skills to type Valentine words onto my Microsoft Word screen.

2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn 3- 10 minutes
2) Type a Valentine using Valentine Words
3) Free time on Valentine’s Games
I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.

3rd Grade
1) Type to Learn 4-20 minutes
2)Free time on Valentine’s Games

4th  grade
1) Type to Learn 4-15 minutes
2) Pre-test on the Internet and Google Maps
3) Free time on Valentine’s Games
I can use Microsoft Word to make an outline and change the bullets.

5th grade

  • Type to Learn 4
  • Add to Collaborative Story on Edmodo
  • Finish Excel CheckPoint
    Free time on Valentine’s Games
    I can use Google Documents.
    I can type words correctly.
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Week #21

1) Finish Internet Safety Video
2) Type to Learn Jr.- 10 minutes
3) Internet–RAZ Kids and Teach/Review ABC Watermelon, Alphabet Goop and ABC Order
4) Tux Paint- Show how to get backgrounds.
I can use a keyboard.
I can draw pictures using the tools in Tux Paint.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
1) Internet Safety Checkpoint/ File Menu Checkpoint
2) Type to Learn Jr.
3) Pick out Rhyming Words
4) RAZ Kids
I can use my reading skills to find rhyming words using Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade
1) Internet Safety Checkpoint
2) Review Spelling and Grammar Mistakes (Checkpoint)
3) Type a story using the prompt: If I were a monster
I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.
I can recognize spelling and grammar mistakes found in a word document


1) Internet Safety Checkpoint/ Technology Changes Checkpoint
2) Start Common Websites Activity—Page 2—ESPN and Advisor
I can be safe on the Internet.
I can use common websites to help me get everyday knowledge.

4th  grade

1) Internet Safety Checkpoint /webendings
2) Excel Review and Checkpoint
3)  Free Time
I can be safe on the Internet.
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum and make a graph.

 5th grade
1) Review Internet Safety (Checkpoint)/Disability Pretest
2) Community Story—Add one line
3) Finish Excel Checkpoint
I can use Google Documents to make a story with other 5th Graders.
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum, average and I am able to sort the data.

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Week #20-Internet Safety Week!


  • Router’s Birthday Surprise Video-1/2 of it
  • Internet Games: Alphabet Goup, ABC Order, or RAZ Kids
    I can be safe on the Internet.


1) Router’s Birthday Surprise Video
2) Type to Learn Jr.
I can be safe on the Internet.

2nd Grade

  • Faux Paux Video, Game Video, BrainPop Video
  • Type to Learn 3
  • I can be safe on the Internet.
    I can type correctly.

1) Start Common Websites: Fandango and Amazon
2) Quick Review of Internet Safety
3) Type to Learn 4
I can be safe on the Internet.
I can type correctly.
I can using common websites to get everyday information.

1) Review Internet Safety
2) Review Excel—Start Checkpoint
I can be safe on the Internet.
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum and make a graph.

5th grade
 1) Community Story Project using Edmodo
2) Internet Safety Videos—Gaming, Survivor Diaries, Attitude Overdrive and Beat the Tricks
3) Excel-Review Sorting etc. Next week is CHECKPOINT.
I can use Google Documents to make a story with other 5th Graders.
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum, average and I am able to sort the data.

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Week #19-MLK Jr. Week

1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Re-Introduce Tux Paint
3) RAZ Kids
4) Internet—Start Green box–Alphabet Goop and ABC Order
I can use a keyboard.
I can draw pictures using the tools in Tux Paint.
I can use website buttons to navigate the Internet.

1st Grade
            1) Review File Menu (Funky Window)
2) Type and Decorate Spelling Words
3) Tux Paint- Show how to make moving pictures (Slide-shows)
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade
1)Type a story using the prompt: If I were the teacher…. (25 minutes)
2) Free Time
I can change the style of my words and add a picture to my Word document.

1)  Review “How Technology has changed life at school and home”
2) Internet Safety Video—Nettie and Webster
I can be safe on the Internet

 4th  grade
1) Type to Learn (10 Minutes)
2)  Excel
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum and make a graph.

5th grade
1) Community Story Project using Edmodo
2) Video: Terrible Text and Miketosis
3) Work on Excel
I can use Google Documents to make a story with other 5th Graders.
I can understand how to be safe on the Internet.

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Week #18

1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) RAZ Kids—Introduce how to Log-in
3) Start Green Box—Alphabet Goop
            4) Re-Introduce Tux Paint –show how to do stamps (Review Paintbrush and Eraser)
I can use a keyboard.
I can draw pictures using the tools in Tux Paint.

1st Grade / 2nd Grade
            1) Type to Learn
2) Type sentences
3) How fast can you type (2nd Grade Only)
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can make capital letters and punctuation marks in my writing.
I can type using the correct typing position (2nd grade only)

1) Pretest on “How Tech has changed…and Internet Safety, Spelling/Grammar Mistakes, Common websites
2) Talk about “How Technology has changed life at school and home”
3) Type to Learn 4
4) Writing Prompt: “If I were president…”
I can change the fonts and add pictures into a Word Document.
I can also use the correct typing position.

4th  grade
1) Type to Learn 4
2) Excel
I can add data into an Excel spreadsheet and find the sum.
I can make a graph in Excel.

5th grade
1) Blog-5 minutes
2) Excel
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum, average and I am able to sort the data.
I can blog.

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Week #17–Hello 2016!

1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Introduce Tux Paint
I can use a keyboard.
I can draw pictures using the tools in Tux Paint.

1st Grade
 1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Word–Make a Thank You Note
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

 2nd Grade
 1) Type to Learn (10 minutes)
2) Type a Thank you note
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can add a picture to my Word document.
I can type using the correct typing position

1)  Type to Learn
2) Our Holiday Memory Activity Or Finish Outline
I can change the fonts and add pictures into a Word document using correct typing position.

 4th  grade
 1) Pretest on Excel
2) Finish Outlines
3) Holiday Memory Activity
4) Type to Learn
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet and find the sum.
I can change the fonts and add pictures into a Word document using correct typing position.

 5th grade
   1) Blog for 5 minutes
2) Pretest and Teach Microsoft Excel
I have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and can make a spreadsheet, find the sum and average.
I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.     

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Week #15

For Fun make yourself a Peanuts Character

 1) Make a Christmas tree and Print.
2) Internet: Christmas Games
I can use the Internet.

1st Grade

  1. Type to Learn Jr. –15 minutes
  2. Monthly Links
    I can type the letters that appear on my screen.

2nd Grade

1)  Type to Learn -20 minutes
2) Free Time on Monthly Links
I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.

3rd – 4th 

1) Finish Outlines
2) Type to Learn -20 minutes
3) Free Time on Monthly Links
I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.
I can make an outline using Microsoft Word.
I can change the bullets in Microsoft Word.

5th grade

1) Blog—for about 5 minutes
2) Finish Google Earth if needed
3) Free Time on Monthly Links
I can type letters that appear on my screen using the correct typing position.
I can use and iPad to find location in Google Earth.

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Week #14

1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Internet: Christmas Games
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

1st Grade /2nd Grade

1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Word–Make a Christmas Card in Word

I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can add a picture to my Word document.

1) Type to Learn 4
2) Individual Outlines—Seasons or another topic
I can type using the correct position.
I can make an outline using Microsoft Word.
I can change the bullets in Microsoft Word.

1)     Individual Outlines—4th Grade or something else
2) Type to Learn
I can add make a graph in Microsoft Excel.
I can make an outline using Microsoft Word.
I can change the bullets in Microsoft Word.

5th grade

1) Let’sBlog!
2) Google Earth with iPads
I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
I can use and iPad to find location in Google Earth.

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Week #13

1) Type to Learn Jr.-Teach Hopkins the Bunny
2) Internet: Check out  Apple Faces  and  Crayola
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet

1st Grade
a) Show File Menu
b Type “My Christmas List”- Decorated when done (Print)
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Word- Decorate Words and add picture onto “My Christmas List” or another list
2) Also talk about the File and Insert Menu
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.
I can add a picture to my Word document.

1) Pretest
2) Start Outline Microsoft Word
3) Type to Learn 4
I can use Microsoft Word.

1) Pretest on Word
2) Start Outline in Word–States
3) Type to Learn 4
I can use Microsoft Word to make an Outline.
I can use the correct position to type.

 5th grade
1) Let’s Blog!
2) Google Earth on the iPad
3) Type to Learn 4
I can log-in and use the 5th Grade blog.
I can use the iPad to access Google Earth.
I can type using the correct typing position.

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Week #11

1) Introduce Type to Learn Jr.-Review How to Log-in and the Dog and Turtle and Introduce Cassie the Bird
2) Monthly Links—Turkey Games
I can use a keyboard.

1st Grade
1)  Type to Learn Jr. or Keyboard Climber 2
2) Word-type and decorate Thanksgiving words and Learn TAB and CAPS LOCK Key
3) Free time: Raz-kids, First Grade Website, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
I can type make capitals.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Clicker Test: Type to Learn 3
2) Word-Talk about File Menu and Type and Decorate (Style and Size) Thanksgiving Words and do Sentences
3) Type to Learn 3—For 10 minutes
4) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, Monthly Links
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

1) Clicker Test: Type to Learn 4
2) PowerPoint-Work day done ASAP
3) Type to Learn 4
I can use PowerPoint to show my creativity.
I can change the bullets in PowerPoint.
I can type using the correct typing position.


1) Clicker Test: Type to Learn 4
2) PowerPoint-Work Day done ASAP
3) Type to Learn 4

I can use PowerPoint to show my creativity.
I can change the bullets in PowerPoint.
I can type using the correct typing position.

5th grade

 1) Checkpoint on “Technology Past, Present, and Future” and Type to Learn 4
2) Let’s Blog—How do I do a Blog Post
3) Pretest on Excel
I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
I can use a blog.
I can enter data into an Excel Spreadsheet.

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Week #10

1) Introduce Type to Learn Jr
2) Finish up in Paint—Assess tools and Magnifying Glass
3)—Check out Take a Trip, Shape Construction, Alphabet Match
I can use a keyboard.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Type to Learn Jr. or Keyboard Climber 2
2) Word- introduce CAPS LOCK and type Spelling Words also Review Style and Size tools, teach B, I, U
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade
1) Word-Type Spelling Words and review how to Decorate (Style and Sizes)
2) Type to Learn 3—For 15 minutes
3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, or Tux Paint.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the style, size, and look of my words in Microsoft Word.

1) PowerPoint-Work day done by next week
2) Type to Learn 4
I can use PowerPoint to show my creativity.
I can change the bullets in PowerPoint.
I can type using the correct typing position.

1) PowerPoint-Work Day done by next week
2) Type to Learn 4
I can use PowerPoint to show my creativity.
I can change the bullets in PowerPoint.
I can type using the correct typing position.

 5th Grade
1) Technology, Past, Present and Future: Televisions
2) Introduce Blogging-????
3) Technology of the Future Activity
I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
I understand what a blog is and can post onto my class blog.

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1) Review all tools in Paint—
2) Draw a picture of yourself (Keep for Conferences)
3) (Alphabet Game 🙂 –other games we know
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade
1) Type to Learn Jr.
2) Keyboard Climber
3) Word–Capitals and Halloween Sentences
4) Free Time: Raz Kids, Monthly Links, Tux Paint
I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.

2nd Grade

1) Typing Games
2) Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 5—Dictation Station
3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

1) PowerPoint—How do you do backgrounds and Bullets?
2) Type to Learn 4
I can make a background in Microsoft PowerPoint.


1) PowerPoint-“My Favorites” project and Teach how to do Slide Animations
2) Type to Learn 4
I can make put Slide Transitions into my PowerPoint 

5th grade

1) Technology Past, Present Future: Music Players
2) Finish Timelines
3) Type to Learn 4
I use PowerPoint creatively to convey information.
I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.

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Week #8

1) Draw a Halloween Picture
2) Assess Magnifying Glass in Paint as well as Tools.
            3) Halloween Games
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

 1st Grade

1) Type to Learn Jr. 10 minutes
2) Keyboard Climber 2
3) Word–Capitals, Halloween words, Decorating
4) Free Time: Raz-kids, Halloween Games, Tux Paint
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Microsoft Word.
I can change the font Style and Size in Microsoft Word

2nd Grade

1) See what you know in Word (pretest on changing font adding clip-art and writing sentences.
2) Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 5—MUST BE DONE WITH 5 Lesson
3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint, and Halloween Games.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.
I can change the font (style, color, and size) in Microsoft Word.

 3rd-5th Grade

1) Type to Learn 4 –Half the Time
2) Halloween Free Time—Other Half
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

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1) Review parts of the computers/ Finish Checkpoint
2) Paint-Review All Tools teach the magnifying glass—Sun Checkpoint
3)  Internet Explorer-Abcya —Make a Pumpkin and Fuzz Bugs

I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Paint—Finish Assessing
  • Word

I recognize and use the File Menu.
I can type words using Microsoft Word.


2nd Grade

  • Typing Games on 2nd Grade website
  • Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 4/5
  • 3) Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • PowerPoint
    1. Review changing font, adding pictures, Add Slides
    2. Changing Bullets
    3. 4th Grade Only-Animations and Transitions
  • Type to Learn 4
  • Free Time

I can add slides, change my font and add pictures in my PowerPoint presentation.

5th grade
1) Technology Past, Present and Future: Video Game Systems
2) Finish Timelines

I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
I can use autoshapes and add a real picture into my PowerPoint Timeline.

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Week #6

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint
3) Introduce Internet Explorer- House , Cake, and Pizza
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Checkpoint Log-in and shut down
  • Checkpoint on icons
  • Review File Menu in Paint
  • Draw a Halloween Picture —Finish Assessing!
  • Free Time: 1st grade website, Type to Learn Jr., Tux Paint

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Typing Games on the ABCYa
  • Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 4 (Except Gordon their on 3)
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.

3rd /4th

  • Review Proper Care of Hardware/Software Checkpoint
  •  PowerPoint Projects.
    I understand the importance of taking care of my computer.
    I can use PowerPoint to show an idea.

5th grade

  • Technology Past, Present and Future: Telephones
  • Digital Cameras—Talk about the Art involved in taking one
  • Work on Timelines—adding dates and maybe adding pictures
    I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.
    I can use PowerPoint to make a timeline.
    I can add a real picture into PowerPoint.
    I can use a Digital Picture to take a picture.
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Week #5

1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint
3) Introduce Google Chrome-Abcya–Make a Face and  Make a Pizza
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Review Log-in and shut down
  • Pretest/Talk about File Menu in Paint-Draw a picture of your favorite part of a book (ASSESS) and drawing shapes (Sun Picture)
  • Type to Learn Jr.
  • Free Time: 1st grade website, Type to Learn Jr., Tux Paint, RAZ-Kids

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can use all the paint tools.
I recognize and use the File Menu.

2nd Grade

  • Checkpoint: Home Row and review shutting down
  • –Explore this
  • Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 3
  • Free time: 2nd grade website, Raz-kids, Tux Paint

I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Checkpoint Saving Things (3rd Grade) and Input/Output Devices (3rd and 4th) Pretest on PowerPoint
  • Review/Checkpoint on Shutting down
  • Proper Care of Hardware/Software (3rd Only) Checkpoint next week.
  • Introduce/Review PowerPoint—Start Projects

I can explain the differences of an Input and Output device.
I can use PowerPoint to show my creativity.

5th Grade

1) Technology Past, Present and Future: Computers

2) Summer Timelines

3) Type to Learn 4           *Camera’s Next Week

I can use auto shapes to make a timeline in PowerPoint.
I can see how Technology has changed in the past and how it might change in the Future.

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Week #4

 1) Review parts of the computers
2) Paint
3) Free Time: PBS kids Sesame Street—Big Bird (Journey to Ernie or Letters to Big Bird),  Oscar, maybe Abby’s Sandbox
I can use the tools in paint.
I can open a computer program.

1st Grade

  • Teach Log-in and shut down-Pretest First!!!
  • Pretest—Icons and Paint tools
  • Draw a picture of you favorite scene from a book
  • Type to Learn Jr.
  • Assess: Computer Parts
  • Free Time: 1st grade website, Pbs Kids Tux Paint, RAZ Kids
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can use all the paint tools.

 2nd Grade

  • Review how to Log-in/Shut-down—Pretest First
  • Review Home Row/Proper Typing position
  • Type to Learn 3 –Lesson 2
  • Assess Computer Parts
  • Free time: 2nd grade website or Tux Paint
    I can shut-down and log-in the computer correctly.
    I can recognize the home row and use the correct posture when I type.


  • Review Input and Output Devices and How to Save things
  • Review how to shut-down/Log-in
  • Introduce Hardware/Software—after taking Pre-test—3rd Grade
  • Start Rough Draft of PowerPoint
  • Typing Speed Test

I can explain the differences of Hardware and Software device.
I can use the Internet to safely research and answer.

5th Grade

  • Pre-test—Technology: Past, Present, and Future
  • Start Summer Timelines
  • Type to Learn 4
    I can use Auto shapes in Microsoft PowerPoint to make a timeline.
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Week #3


  1. Review Parts of the Computers
  2. Introduce Paint Tools
    3) PBS Kids– Big Bird and Oscar’s Trash Collection

I can name the parts of the computer.
I can use the mouse to open up computer programs.
I can use mouse to make lines and circles in paint.


1st Grade

  1. Review Computer Parts
  2. Draw a picture of your family in Paint
  3. Review RAZ Kids
    I can name the parts of the computer.
    I can use the tools in Paint to make a picture.

2nd Grade

  1. Computer Parts
  2. Review Home-Row
  3. Type to Learn 3–Introduce and do Lesson One
  4. Review RAZ Kids
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.


  1. Review how to Save Things/ Introduce Input/Output Devices
  2. Review how to open a File
  3. Review Type to Learn 4
  4. Review Internet Resources
  5. Review RAZ kids
    I can name different ways of saving things.
    I can name the difference between input and output devices.
    I can use the Internet Safely.
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.

5th Grade

  1. Type to Learn 4
  2. Make your Avatar
  3. Make Rough Draft of Summer Timeline
  4. Finish IPad Scavenger Hunt
    I can use the proper typing position when I type.
    I can recognize and use the basic buttons and functions of an iPad.
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Week #2

All: Place students in Seating Charts, review Rules and Computer Parts, and take Picture of those who missed last week


1st Grade

* Review Computer Parts
Review Paint—Introduce the new Paint to Gordon and Hughes
Draw yourself in Paint
Free time Tux Paint
I can open and use Paint
I can name the Computer Parts.

2nd Grade

  • Quick review of the parts of the computer
  • Typing Test
  • Teach Home Row and Type to Learn 3
    I can recognize and use the home row.
    I can use proper typing position.
    I can name the Computer Parts.


  • Talk about how to Save something
  • Review/Intro Type to Learn 4
  • Free time
    I can save something to my school computer.
    I can name and recognize some ways of saving things on my computer.

5th Grade

  • Same as above
  • Introduce iPads????
  • Rough Draft of PowerPoint
    I can save something to my school computer.
    I can recognize the important parts of an iPad.
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Welcome Back!

Before you leave today, you will…

1) Say Cheese!

2) Know who “I am …and who are you?

3) I can name the computer lab rules.

4) You might just start a pre-test (if you are grades 3-5)

5th Grade

4th Grade

3rd Grade

5) Lastly I will give you a preview of the year to come!

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