Marshall Elementary Technology

What's happening this week in Elementary Technology!

Week #15

1) Play Games Keyboard Zoo , Alphabet Goop, Cup Stack Typing and Alphabet Slider Puzzles
I can use a keyboard.
I can use the Internet.

 1st Grade
1) Cupstack Typing
2) Holiday Words
I can type make capitals and punctuation marks in Google Docs.
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in Google Docs.

2nd Grade
Typing Agent
Make a Christmas List 
I can change the style, size, color and look of my words in a Google Document.
I can add a picture and make a list

1) Typing Agent
2) Work on Outlines

  • I can type using the correct position.
    I can make search using Google and speak Google Language

1)  Typing Agent
2)   Outline–4th Grade

I can make an outline using Google Docs.

5th grade
1) Blogging
2) Google Sheets–Review again
I can use Google Sheets.

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